
My travels in multiverse

Welp! i never thought a guy like me would br given a second chamce... though its more of a job simce i am just doing an errand for a God who is too lazy to do it himself WARNING WARNING VERY BAD GRAMMAR AND SENSE OF WRITING

Contractor_101 · TV
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47 Chs


As soon as I woke up I was assaulted with my new identity and memories coming into my brain as well as how to transform into my forms and how much effect they had on my human form as well as the fact that since I have become a vampire I have also gotten a special ability, the ability that I have gotten is telekinesis.

As for who I am, my name is Argos, Argos Velentine, son of deceased Velentine, who was a human and had lost her son to the cold stormy weather of North(Norths col right).

I was later found by a wandering vampire named Thelonius, I was apparently his only member as this was the first time he turned someone later on I found out I look like his dead son. I lived with him for hundred or so years as I trained my powers of telekinesis now and then before we both were hunted down by some children of the moon, I somehow escaped while my maker died in my memory. So now that makes me the head member right.

with torn up clothes and the freezing temperature that was not freezing for me even though I was in human form, I went to look around for some civilization before I remembered that I have some powers that I can use.

I took to the sky with my ability that Chuchu gave me and started scouting the frozen land for any signs of civilization and seeing that I was starting to get affected by the cold I decided I might as well try and use my vampire form and with but a single thought I knew what changes took place.

My hair that was originally Black in this world...stayed black but had some strands of blonde. at the front kinda like the pervert Azazel from DXD.

My body was coursing with strength so much that I wanted to punch something really hard. I could feel that I was many many times more powerful, and the fact that I was glowing like a bulb because my skin was that of a vampire

And just like that my thoughts of finding some civilization were forgotten and I started to test out the limits of my abilities, I tried to see how long I could fly for, how high I could go, how fast I could go, my flight did not depend on any factor from what I could find or maybe I just have too much of what my flight depends on. I also tried looking for What else my Survival king physique could do other than what it already did but I dont think I can find anything of notice.

I also went into my Wolf form, it was a deep black color from what I could see...in a water body, I had green eyes in my wolf form, my claws were really sharp as well as my wolf fangs I really liked it. I also tried my telekinesis powers and was amazed at the fact that I could move things with my mind.

Going by the bullshit scenarios, if I have telekinesis, I should also have or develop other mental capabilities but I dont think that's going to happen.

Anyways I have a bit over two hundred years before the Canon starts, as much as I would like to wait for it to start, I rather complete my mission and be done with it....was what I thought but there was no mission given yet so I was free.

I decided I would try to find out what changes had happened or will happen to me due to the survival king.


Time skip 55 years later:-

I think my human self has gained some real nice perks from my other races, kinda how like a bad person rubs some of his habits onto a good person. if I had stats I would say that my human side has become twice capable of what it was before.

Since the being said that I might experience something new with my vampire side due to survival king I tried to find if something new had happened to me and only after 55 years did I start to notice it that my vampire side did not require e blood and that my glow in the sun had started to get dimmer. part of the reason it took so long was that I did not stay in vampire form in civilization and since I was in civil areas most of the time so there you have it. if I had to count then out of 55 years I might have only stayed as a vampire for 20 years. My human race had also gained a bit of a high lifespan from my vampire race cause I have not aged ever since I became twenty-six years old.

I have stayed as a wolf far less and the only things that have changed are the fact that I have some white stripes on my here and there, almost like I am changing color and my strength has become twice what it was before as a wolf race.

My transformations are like I have an Omnitrix on me that has the ability to constantly put my races under an upgrade or evolution.

The only that has not changed yet is my flight.

I also made many things after a single time study of various subjects, it almost feels like my comprehension jas and is going under qualitative changes as well.

I have also gone ahead and visited some other places that I wanted to visit in my previous life, like the higher mountain in the world or the biggest dessert and the grand canyon and stuff like that. I also have this strong feeling of growing my own coven and the fact that I can infect someone else with my wolf bite proves that at least my wolf race is not of this world.

Since only the children of the moon can infect someone or whatever, I am really happy that my sister made me watch this movie, believe it or not, this movie was the turning point of my life cause right after this the first anime that I had watched was death note.and then I was completely submerged in the world of anime.

I still remember running with my sister in the ninja style.thise were some good days. as I was remembering the good old days, some rowdy people entered my bar, yes my bar, I am a blacksmith, a tailor, a traveler, an artist, a singer, a dancer, an astrologer, an archeologist, and many more

It's been nearly two years since I have settled in here, where this place is you might ask....its a place called the plum town and I dont know where the heck I am, I was never the one to care about those things, and honestly once you start flying in the sky you just stop the count of where you have been.though the least I can tell you I am somewhere in Europe.

The rowdy men came up to me and ordered some booze, me being the completely nice guy gave it to them but it seemed that these guys really did not deserve such high-quality beverages because they did not have the money, it ended in them grabbing me by my collar and threatening me, it was just another day, I just beat them up to an inch of their life before they left yelling things like,' just you wait, you will hear from us'

Not like they will live past tonight anyway, I had already gathered some info on these guys, they had no one that would miss them people would be happier with these guys gone from here.

Although I never drank any blood for 55 years, I think I want to experiment if I come upon any changes by drinking some blood, some good old human blood.


55 plus twenty years later:-

It's been twenty years since I have started drinking human blood and boy has it caused some changes.

For starters my strength has become the same as newborn vampires, I achieved this strength after drinking blood for ten years but now it's not increasing beyond that while my telekinesis has seen a qualitative leap. I can take my kinesis as far as a radius of 200 meters and lift a weight of 3 tonnes.

I did not neglect my Wolf race either, it has become twice the size of a horse now and my eyes seem to have a sort of intimidation or stun effect on others as a wolf race. other wolves seem to follow me around as well and I can literally talk to the wolves telepathically.

I spent most of my time in wolf form which caused it took to increase its size and had these effects on other animals

Now its finally the year 1875 and I have finally come into contact with a group of vampires, I am in my vampire form right now so I don't think I will have any problem, although my strength is that of a newborn, a group of the vampire is still threatening and I can feel it on an instinctual level.

"Well well, what do we have here, A fellow vampire...." the guy speaking was wearing a robe as were his companions.

"The name is Argos, Argos velentine," I said as I made a friendly gesture

tye figure took off his hood and I was greeted with a deathly pale face which was similar to every other vampire.

"And I am Cronal, this is my mate Artis, " he said as he slowly raised his hands and pointed at another figure that had a feminine figure to her.

"So what brings you to these lands, last I checked I did not come across any coven staying here nor any spooky stories from the humans" is said as the others raised their heads to take a look at me

"Well...we just came here, we were...driven out of our place and are in need of a new place that has enough livestock for us to...sustain ourselves," said Cronal as he gave me a knowing smirk

I don't know why but every Vampire that I have met till now has this superiority complex and talking of humans as if they are eatable makes them happy.

Though this is the first time I have met a vampire by myself, although my previous self has also come across vampires before.

"Indeed this place is a gem in the rough as you call it...but I am afraid this place is not for the taking, I already have claimed it, and not even the Volturi can make me move over," I said with complete confidence

This caused the others to laugh their hearts out, it is likely that someone gave them information about me or else they would not be so haughty, its common etiquette to ask for permission before coming over to someone else territory.

Knowing that this won't be solved with a simple talk I prepared myself for a fight.

There were a total of six vampires at my front and I would usually look like a prey.....but telekinesis for the win.

I immediately pulled three of them into the air, surprising the other, I rushed forward without wasting a single moment and grappled the man in front of me into a headlock and took off his head and crushed it with my newborn level strength, this caused everyone to become wide-eyed.

I motion for the others to come forward,

"You bastard, kill him" Cronal rushed forward with a grabbing gesture but I quickly gave him a sidekick causing him to slid back and directly put my heart through the next one....which caused him to slash at my arm causing me to fall back

'Fuck....I forgot that these fuckers...we dont de easy..alright decapitate them yes you got it.'

I stood up quickly and again reached the other one intending to pull his head off but Cronal and his mate began pulling at each of my arms as I tried to pull his head off.

This was a new experience for me....being pushed back after so long...it almost felt disgusting...but that told me there was room for progress.

I quickly grabbed Cronal from the head and threw him afar as I kicked his mate to the side once again, the guy that was in front of me had pleading eyes as I tore his head off and crushed it

I knew that giving the couple any time to get their sense of self,

I entered in cat and dog fight with the two of them as the other two were still hoisted up in the air.

The fight quickly came to an end when I found each of their heads in my hands

before I was about to kill them for the good they said

"Wait! I have something that you will like"

"You dont kill us and we will give it to you"

"What are you guys goblins, what do you think a vampire would want, we are literally timeless unlesss killed " I gave a snort as I squeezed hard at their necks creating some popping sounds

"Land, money, whatever you want, you can have it all, just let the two of us go alright we will never bother you again," said the vampires

I gave it a thought before I said, "Nah I can do that on my own bye-bye" and their head rolled on the ground

The last two vampires were still in the air, I just crushed them with a single fist bump using telekinesis.

From what I remember the world war I will start in 1914, I just need to join the army and rank up and earn money and land, also to invest in some great companies and earn shares.

Or I can just make new stuff and start my own company.

but before that I will go to the southern parts, I know from my own memories as well as my new memories that it's under constant war. Jasper was also part of the Mexican(Maria) coven, todays battle told me that i dont have much experience in fighting things that can only be defeated after decapitation.

The survival king basically is whatever he needs to survive is what he will get. So he has higher comprehension, high adaptability, growth potential, Power raised constantly at times and variably at other times according to how the skill sees fit.As seen in The hundred the Mc has begun to show that his stamina had become greater and greater since he had no public transport so yeah.

But now that he is a vampire and Wolf, and a human how will his skill decide what's better for which of his race

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