
My travels in multiverse

Welp! i never thought a guy like me would br given a second chamce... though its more of a job simce i am just doing an errand for a God who is too lazy to do it himself WARNING WARNING VERY BAD GRAMMAR AND SENSE OF WRITING

Contractor_101 · TV
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47 Chs


I did not think I would enjoy the company that was provided by other vampires, only because I don't with them over blood,

I am part of the southern coven that is known as the Mexican coven, took some time but a fight with Jasper and a show of telekinesis is what gave way.

I was very welcomed very well by the vampires, I mean me and jasper are the only ones with powers here. The guy seemed really attached to me which made me think he was homo but later I found out that I was the only none bloodthirsty vampire around and someone that projected some soothing emotions which made him calm, we would go into the battlefield with glee, challenging each other to whoever killed more vampires.

I overstayed my time in the coven but damn did I learn how to fight vampires.

I can kill three vampires at once with ease. though nobody knew except Jasper and Maria.

Finally, I was tired of the continuous and decided it was time for me to go, it had been well over the world war I.

I left the coven in 1933 with a promise to Jasper, he and I had a special way to communicate, he was happy for me, he himself was tired of the bloodied life but he had a promise to fulfill.

Just for summits and giggles, I flew in front of Jasper and that caused him some real shock haha.

I have not been in my human form for so long that I forget how it felt. I there was jot much change in my human form though, but my mind was sharper than it had ever been, I had the combined mind of three races along with Survival king, that had counted for something.

I led myself back to great America and looked for a human lifestyle, unfortunately, I had not been able to see any more changes in my wolf form since the last time.

I had taken some time off some years ago to get myself some stokes in America so that I can have an easy life but unfortunately half if-then became useless, seeing that everyone was in despair due to the so-called great depression I decided to open a bar once again as well as a hair salon, I also took this chance and patented the right to scotch tape, frozen food preservation(that a thing idk), and some other small things but the money would come piling in.

For the next thirty years, I lived life as a human and made some changes to my self and transferred all my money into the safest bank I could find at the time and later at the end of my stay transferred it over to my other identity as well as all my patents before I sold my bar to a friend I made, the guy was a great friend.

it was 1960(left coven at 1933) when I decided to move locations, the reason why I changed my identity was that I had become quite young looking, the opposite of aging in my human race.

I had enough money to live easily but there was nothing to do anymore and my mission was not being given to me ever since I came here. I think I have to wait for the canon to start.

I decided a change of scenery would be nice so I decided that I would go and visit my friend Jasper, he was getting married to Alice the love of his life and he had found the coven that would be the main cast in the canon

I flew high into the air and took off.

my destination was Alaska, I did not know much about it, the only thing that made me interested in this place was that my sister liked it and that it had vampires that had superhuman powers and nothing else.

I also shared the same view as that of Jasper and the Cullens, just cause you are a vampire you dont need to drink human blood,atleast not those of good people, in my years of blood-drinking I had only drunk from people that were worst of the worst and nobody else.

As I was flying to Alaska, a certain scream could not help but make me stop, it was the scream of a teenager, how I knew that live my life and you will have your answer.

I decided a little break would not be bad so I came down, it was a small town, and form what my senses told me there were at least three hundred humans here, kinda very little for a town,

The name was maple town, I had come across this town once before but did not notice anything strange here.

as soon as I Set foot into the place I felt it...it was like small pull, calling for me to come forward..but the thing was I was not going forward into the town..but right outside it was a small cottage that had a wilted build as if it was never taken care of.

I felt really weird as I went close to it, clearing my mind I decided I should change into my vampire race just in case, soon enough my golden eyes were presented to the world and the weird pull had increased by another degree.

'Did I just get another upgrade to my vampire self, and god thought the WOLF was more amazing, though it would be cool if my final form was the moon eater.'

I entered inside the room and was greeted with the sight of a sleeping kid in his 17, he seemed to be having a bad dream.

I walked forward and woke him up, totally forgetting the fact that I was trespassing into someone else territory... someone's home.

The kid jerked awake as he yelled in hysteria and. started jumping and running inside the room.

I pulled the boy's wrists and made him still and look him in the eyes,

"What happened, why you acting like someone killed your mother?"

"Hih! who are you get away I dont have anything on me " ohh right I forgot I am in someone's house unannounced.

After a bit of pushing around the kid became calm and started eating the sandwiches I gave him with great interest, it looks like he had never tasted a sandwich.

"Thanks, Mister! I was really starving, I will pay you back once I get some work....wait do you have some work, normally no one ever comes to unless they need me for something," he said with pitiful eyes

"Not really. I just heard you scream it scared the hell out of me(and pulled me towards you for some reason)so I came here to check"

"Ah! sorry it happens every time, I keep having these weird nightmares, sometimes it feels like I will never wake up, I just want it to stop"

The kid kept saying some stuff but everything started to tune out as that feeling became stronger to degree that it felt unbearable to me and that's when I found out what my ability was, I came to the conclusion that my ability was like a tracker for potential vampire newborn.

"I have some work for you," I said causing the boy to stop explaining about how horrid or bad his dreams would be

"I can give you salvation from your dreams, provide you whatever clothing you need, a nice place to stay a healthy lifestyle...I can give you immortality...but in return, you will have to forget the taste of food forever, you will never be able to taste food again" I said as I waited for him to agree.

I think I was direct enough

he asked me with a bit of concern when he looked directly into my golden eyes.

"What do you mean, how can you stop me from having nightmares and what do you mean I will have to forget the taste of food. I have only eaten porridge and garbage my whole life.

"Let me ask you have you ever heard of Vampires," I asked him as I showed him my fangs as I held him in place with telekinesis.


The boys POV:-

Oh fuuck

oh ma Gawd

oh maa fockin gaaawdd

look at those big ass teeth

heh still not as scary as my nightmares

"My maa used to tell me stories of a creature of the nights before she passed away and my brother ran away from home leaving a to fend for myself," I told the mister that came to meet me

Okay, not gonna lie those golden eyes have started to scare me, I feel as if I can't feel my body moving anymore,

"Exactly I am a Vampire and I believe you are a special child, someone that has a boon that activated once they become vampires or faced with life-threatening situations," He said to me

Me ! a special child, yeah if you count the fact that I get tortured every day in my sleep then yeah I guess I am special in away.

"I want to make you a part of my coven, my clan, my family, I have never felt this kind of tug from someone else and I believe I am making the right choice," said the man as he was towering above me

"What if I say no to that" I am just kidding why would I say no to something like taht, maybe my life will go easier than now, all I have as a human are bad dreams, starvation, and poverty as my identity, I think it would be nice to be known as a predator for once and the man has already offered me things I could never dream of having.

As soon as I gave the man my consent, he told me 'there is no rose without thorns and everything has its flaws' before he bit me at the speed I never knew was possible.

and I passed out

'Hah! the town people always called me a freak for some reason now I guess I really will become a freak'


As soon as the boy passed out the tingling sensation was gone and i decuded to look for some possible bad man in this town to give to the boy for his first feed


Ability , skill and race ranking :-





