
My travels in multiverse

Welp! i never thought a guy like me would br given a second chamce... though its more of a job simce i am just doing an errand for a God who is too lazy to do it himself WARNING WARNING VERY BAD GRAMMAR AND SENSE OF WRITING

Contractor_101 · TV
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47 Chs


I make my way across the mountain towards The zoo, in the best case, the big Gorilla will be at that place still eating the dear it took down in the video and in the worst case, I might meet her on the way which will cause ruptures in my plan.

I was very careful of my surroundings and was trying not to do anything that creates too much sound. I wanna be the one that lays the ambush and not the other way around.

From what I know, if I put even a good blow to the head, a gorilla can be knocked out since the nerve system is similar in all mammals and a normal Gorilla is supposedly more than 7time stronger than a normal human, in this case, a gorilla that has survived the apocalypse would be minimally three types stronger than it's predecessor and since I am also an enhanced human with a survival king physique, I think I will do pretty well.

It usually takes about seven to ten normal humans to take down a Gorilla 🦍.

With constant thoughts moving around in my head I reached the location safely and decided to find a hiding place.id Ont really remember but a gorilla should also have a sense of smell...fortunately that is where the great survival king comes in hand, I am obviously shocked at whatever this skill has thrown at me. Enhanced senses, Great learning capability going by the fact that I have already been able to somewhat learn the grounder's native language from when I met them last talking to each other while I was stalking them. the skill for not give a real detail to put it in any category but it really is suitable for everything, from what I remember it said something like....as long as you need it to survive. .you got it.

So I have no odor to be smelt. I noticed that sometime after I started to take baths out of habit and one day realized while hunting that I dont gove out any odor.

One only needs to have patience, and they will succeed in life, truly a good line.

And that was proven correct once the Gorilla showed up after two hours of me constantly sitting on a rock near the zoo.

With very calm steps I went forward pressing my feet firmly on the ground, this was not a human but a gorilla who would have better senses than the humans that I have killed before.

Once I was at an appropriate distance I took out my sniper and took aim, keeping my breath steady I waited for it to stop moving it's big ass butt for once so that I could take a clean shot.

finally, after having some bites out of some gorged up meat the ape finally decided to lay down and have a rest

'Sweet dreams bro' *Gunshots*

Yup clean kill lets take the head as a trophy.i was really happy ever since I found out that I had completed my mission and I got to complete other missions as well finally I can go away for good...and start living in another world.

with happy steps and a gorilla head under my arms, I made my way back home...back at Mt weather

Right as I reached the entrance (there are atleast two entrance from what I know but let's just stay at one) I froze at the sight of well over many many people aiming the guns at me and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when I saw some own I once met in the space

Seeing me raise my hands, they put down their guns, I took off the mask that I made by cloth, and some people who knew me but I did not know them, called out my name.

"Oh! it's nice to see you again Argos" said The guy who had appeared before me when I came here the first time.

"Wha-how how did you guys come down here anyway?" I asked in a but of curiousness. I did not even know these guys were coming ..seems like a lot of things we're not told to me..whatever

"We wonder that ourselves sometimes, after what Diana had done we had lost hope but we somehow pulled through," said The blonde or brown..whatever hair colored women as she arrived right before Kane.

Seeing my absentmindedness they raised their eyebrows, thankfully Clarke the savior arrived shortly after and saved me from the investigation

Everyone came inside the shelter one by one as they were led by Clarke and me who told them about whatever happened after our contact with the Ark was cut off and what had happened frightened them. It seems like there were even some prisoners(grounder held captive) Clarke being the cute and kind person left them all to go one by one right after they asked her to hand over the heads of the previous leaders of the mount weather and promise of peace and stuff though I don't think peace is that easy to achieve. when these guys find out we have killed more than a hundred of their men mercilessly my kills excluded.

I think it's about time I get rewarded for my services alright.

Just like that, the day ended with everyone sleeping on comfy as f beds and eating meals that were a myth on Ark.

I also went to sleep with a peaceful mind and was greeted with some kind of sleep paralyzes as I could not move I knew I was lying down, I started to have trouble breathing before I came to the most likely conclusion


Soon enough was back in that black and dreadful place and a rattling sound came along with a big ass shadow and I was greeted with the shadow of a humanoid figure

"So you have completed your mission, interesting!" said the voice that was all too familiar

"You deserve to know my name I guess," the voice said, I would have said something but I could not speak and I did not even know if I had a body so to say.

"Be proud that I was a greater being am blessing you with my divine name, it is I The Omni God, the one that is above all laws, the one that is above time, fate, death and anything in between I am Chuchu"


"You dont seem to be thankful if what I have given you it seems, anyways your(my)new assignments are here, its two at once actually so I think you have the right to pick, one of them is a universe that you have no idea of and the other one is a favorite of your sister from your previous life"

The big shadow that had a ridiculous name for its grand figure and power waved its hand and a great wind was brought straight at me...so I can feel the wind that means I am in possession of a body.

The basic info of the world was written on plain air in front of me in literal air.

I am not gonna lie my sister really like the Twilight movie series, I really hated it for a while until she made me look at it with her forcibly, whatever monster I had become I could not help but give in to whatever demands my cute little sister made, and honestly I had started to enjoy it a little.

I instantly chose the vampire world not giving a care about the second world that I was presented with.

"Alright now that you have chosen the world let's get on with your rewards the shadow that was big as a mountain snapped its fingers and I could not help but utter 'Thanos' in my mind but this guy was so scary looking in my imagination that I was already imagining myself turning to dust.

" I dont have much time as I have to attend another stupid hearing so let's see, for the first Optional mission you will get a race to unlock, and as for what kind of race... let's make it the vampire race from the twilight, it's good enough and you have a chance of unlocking a new ability or making your other abilities much stronger. as for the reward of killing that stinky gorilla that I did not like you will be getting another race to unlock... I will give you either the face unlock of The WOLF or the MONKEY KING both will start as normal but with time everything is possible. also since you have the survival king in you...you might get surprised by your vampire side hehe, who does not like surprises."

I thought hard for a while about accepting wolf or Monkey king it took me a while before I decided to go with Wolf, wolfs are cool as well as vampires...no offense to the monkey people.

"So its decided WOLF has been chosen, I can't merge both races as that will give you more than what you deserve so I will make it so that you can decide to go into both races at a time almost in seconds so yeah that's it and as for the grade green ability you will have to leave that on your luck like last time... now turn this wheel and let fate decide your outcome.

A big ass wheel started appearing in front of me and I realized I could move again I walked towards it and gave it a fast as f spin and hoped for the best

soon the wheel stopped and I got...Flight.

" I hope you succeed cause your mission hardness went from 3 to 9 really fast..though with survival king it won't be long before you outgrow yourself, That skill is a manifestation of yourself, your suffering, your needs, your struggles, your constant fears, and hope"

I was quiet as I listened to Chuchu speak

"Also you will now be able to see your inner mind just by being in a meditative state.I will deal with the other world myself since it wont be long before the ither one explodes in on itself."

Yeah i dont care just send me away bro

as soon as i thought that i was hurled away as if i was hit with a bat...the shadowy being was holding a bat in stroking position as he laghed heartily and I crossed through what looked like different dimensions and finally fainted