
My Three Loving Alphas

CeeCeePlayz_427 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Back From Town

They set the bags on the kitchen counter, Virgil yawning. Patton smiled, "You tired Virgil?" Getting a nod in response.

Roman smiled, "Virgil and I will go take a nap. When we wake up, we'll work on finding Virgil some space in the drawers and the closet. The two Alphas nodded, Virgil and Roman heading upstairs. Roman and Virgil took their shoes off and they laid down and cuddled close. Virgil looked up at Roman with pleading eyes. Roman was confused, "Yes Virgil?"

"I-I wanted my-y stuffy…" he said before whimpering. Roman smiled warmly before kissing his forehead and leaving downstairs, he came back with a lion stuffed animal. Virgil smiled in excitement and took it, muttering a small 'Thank You'.

Roman rubbed his back, "You're welcome, Puppy…" When Virgil heard the new nickname, his cheeks turned bright red. Roman realized what he said, "I-I so sorry!" He spoke quickly as his own face turned a bright red.

Virgil smiled, "Y-you C-Can call me Puppy if you want…" he said, looking down and mindlessly playing with his stuffed animal.

The Alpha smiled and kissed his forehead, "Okay, sleep well Puppy…" he said soothingly. Virgil purred and cuddled close to Roman before falling asleep.

Roman woke up a couple hours later, he looked down at Virgil and noticed that the small Omega's face was paler than usual. Roman felt his forehead and was shocked as Virgil was extremely hot. He pulled the blanket over the Omega and made sure he had his stuffed animal. He got up and went downstairs to his boyfriends, "Logie, Pat?" Logan looked up, Patton in his lap.

"Yes Roman? Are you two ready to put the clothes up?" Logan asked. Roman shook his head, confusing the other two Alphas. Roman led them upstairs to the bedroom and pointed at Virgil. Logan looked at his fanciful boyfriend still confused, Patton sharing the same expression, "Yes, that's Virgil? What about him?" The nerdy Alpha asked.

"Feel his forehead." Roman said, Logan and Patton moving over to the bed. They felt the Omega's forehead and were shocked. Logan got up and went to get Virgil some medicine, Patton sat beside him and pulled the Omega into his lap. He had a little struggle as Virgil's body was working against the Alpha. Patton finally got Virgil in lap and then held Virgil's stuffed animal.

The oldest Alpha returned with medicine. Roman and Logan sat beside Patton and Logan scooped out a spoonful of medicine. Patton gently shook the Omega awake. Virgil slowly opened his eyes and first realized that he was missing his stuffed animal. He whimpered, W-whe-re's my s-stuffy!?" His voice sounded hoarse and the Alphas could tell he had a stuffy nose. Patton smiled and kissed his forehead, handing him his stuffed animal. Virgil purred as he held it close to his chest.

Logan nudged Virgil gently, causing the emo to look at him. Logan smiled, "Can you open your mouth for me Virgil?" Virgil nodded and slowly opened his mouth. The nerdy Alpha gently pushed the spoon in Virgil's mouth. The small Omega actually drank the liquid out of curiosity but after swallowing, he made a face of disgust.

"Ew! It tastes like burnt cherries!" He said, his voice sounding worse. Roman and Patton let out small giggles. Logan letting out a tiny snicker.

Patton kissed the top of Virgil's head, "What's your stuffed animal's name?" The dad-like Alpha asked, poking the lion stuffed animal. Virgil giggled before answering.

"I named him Roman! RoRo for short!" He said happily holding him up for Patton to see. Roman's cheeks lit up in a bright red. Patton awed at him, kissing his forehead. Logan set the medicine on the nightstand.

"That's an amazing name Virgie!" Patton chirped as Virgil licked his cheek. Patton asked, "What did you name your other stuffed animals?" The Alpha nuzzled the Omega's cheek.

Virgil smiled happily, "I-I got a cat stuffy and named him Logan. Logie for short. Then I picked out a dog stuffy naming it Patton, Pat for short!" He said with a wide smile. The other two Alpha's faces flared up in blush. Virgil sniffled then went into a coughing fit, bringing the Alphas back to the real world.

Logan rubbed his back as he soon came down from his fit, "Are you feeling alright Virgil?" He asked softly. Virgil shook his head weakly, he was extremely pale and his ears flattened against his head. His tail hit the bed with a soft thump. The three frowned and laid him on the bed. Virgil whimpered, holding the lion plushy close to his chest. Logan rubbed Virgil's shoulder, "Do you require anything Virgil?" He asked in a soothing voice.

Virgil sniffled and asked, "Ugh…" he moaned in pain. He coughed and asked, "C-Ca-n I h-ave my stuffys…" his voice was weak and hoarse.

Patton nodded and got up, leaving the room. Logan and Roman laid on both sides of the Omega. Logan kissed his cheek, "Get some rest Virgil."

Virgil whined, "C-Can't slweep w-i-wi-th out stuffys…" he buried his head in Logan's chest, whimpering. The two Alphas wrapped their arms around him.

Patton came back and smiled at the three of them cuddled together. He sat in front of Virgil, "Virgie, here you go. I got your dog and cat stuffed animals." Virgil sat up quickly and thanked him as he took the stuffed animals. Patton nuzzled the crook of Virgil's neck. Virgil pulled Patton with him as he laid down. Patton blushed as his head laid on the Omega's stomach.