
My Three Loving Alphas

CeeCeePlayz_427 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A New Beginning Part 2

WARNINGS: Abuse, Panic attacks, flashbacks, hallucinations, Patton getting hurt. (Tell me if there are more)

Story Type: Fluff and Angst!

The emo was hesitant and had to check Patton's scent, the three watched as the Omega relaxed at Patton's scent. The dad-like Alpha smelled like candy and cake batter. The Omega smiled softly, "M-My name is V-V-ir-Virge-Virgil…"

Logan and Roman smiled. Patton nuzzled Virgil's cheek, "Welcome to our home Virgil, I'm Patton." He pointed at Logan, "That's Logan." He finally pointed at Roman, "This is Roman." Virgil nuzzled Patton's cheek, a purr rumbling in his throat.

"C-Can I please have so-some food now…?" Virgil asked, looking at his lap. The three smiled and nodded, they helped feed him. Virgil smiled at the delicious soup and the sweet orange tea. When they finished, Virgil realized he was still shaking, "I'm c-cold…" he whined.

Logan smiled, stood up, and picked Virgil up, "Let's get you in the bath…" he took Virgil to the bathroom and gave him the extra clothes. "If you need something, just shout for us…" he said before leaving, shutting the door behind himself. Virgil nodded and set the extra clothes on the counter. He got undressed and got on all fours. He crawled over to the tub and checked it's scent, it smelled sorta like Roman. It smelled like fresh roses. He slowly climbed in and when he was completely in, he quickly relaxed in the hot water.

After a few minutes of sitting in the water, he yelped. He looked at his arm and realized he had gotten soap on one of his recent cuts. Virgil heard a few knocks on the door, hearing Patton's voice afterwards, "Virgil, are you okay in there?" Virgil didn't answer for a few minutes.

He then heard Logan's voice, "Virgil, do you require assistance?" Virgil whimpered as the hot water burned his cuts. The three alphas heard the whimpers, feeling bad for the Omega. Roman realized the door was unlocked so he opened it. They were glad that Virgil was under water so they couldn't see anything. The three men walked over and sat next to the tub.

"What's wrong Virgil?" Patton asked, rubbing Virgil's still dry ear. Virgil was hesitant but after checking Patton's scent again, he showed the three Alphas the large cut on his arm that he had gotten soap into. The three were shocked, Patton grabbed a hand towel and wiped the soap off, "Does that feel better Virgil?" The Omega smiled and nodded, licking Patton's hand. Patton and Roman cooed at him, Logan giving a faint smile. The three Alphas worked on bathing the small Omega, steering clear of the Omega's privates.

When they were done, they closed their eyes and Roman felt around for a towel. After a few minutes, he got it and handed it to Virgil. Virgil stood up and wrapped the towel around himself, "Y-ou-you can open your eyes now…" When they opened their eyes, they each had a light blush. The small Omega was so adorable like that. They focused again and helped Virgil out of the tub. Roman took the plug out and drained the water.

Logan looked at Virgil, "Do you wish for one of us to brush your hair?" Virgil thought about it and nodded with a smile. The others smiled as Roman grabbed a brush and gently ran it through the Omega's hair.

When Roman hit a tangle, Virgil started to growl, "Sorry, there's just a lot of tangles in your hair Virgil." Virgil couldn't relax, he had a very sensitive scalp and every time Roman hit a tangle, he would growl. The Alphas were patient though and didn't mind the growling. Roman was finally done and grabbed another towel. He started gently drying his hair, Virgil giving off purrs. He finished and tied the hair in the back into a small ponytail. Virgil smiled at the new look.

"C-Can I hav-ve some privacy please?" The emo asked. The three nodded and left. He started getting dressed into the pajamas that were way too big for him. He finished and left the bathroom, the three looked at him in surprise, blushing once again. Virgil was wearing light blue pajama bottoms that hid his feet. He wore a light blue, button up pajama shirt. Yet the sleeves were way too long.

Patton cleared his throat and said, "You look great Virgil, tomorrow we can go and get you clothes of your own!" He finished with a smile. Virgil purred and walked over to them, he gently crawled onto the couch and curled up in Patton's lap. Patton awed, "You are the definition of adorable Virgil!" He said with a smile.

Roman nodded, "Agreed!" He said with excitement as he started petting the Omega's ears, Virgil pushing his head into Roman's hand.

Logan smiled, "I can't argue, he is more than adequate in looks." He said, flipping the page in his book. Virgil looked at the book and read the title. It read More About Omegas. Virgil licked Logan's hand to gain his attention. Logan looked down at him "Yes? Virgil put a hand on the book. Logan smiled, "We've never had to take care of Omegas before so, I'm learning more about them so we can be prepared." Virgil nodded and curled back up in Patton's lap.

They finished up the night with a movie and some pizza. Virgil had never had pizza before, which surprised the three. He didn't like it at first but after Patton cut it into little squares he really liked it. Patton put ranch on a piece of his pizza and Virgil loved it. His tail wagged side to side quickly. Patton and the others were surprised and soon Patton was petting his tail. Virgil felt it and soon melted into another world. Logan noticed and said, "Patton. Please don't do that, Omegas tails are highly more sensitive than an Alpha's tail."

Patton frowned but stopped, after a few moments Virgil went back to normal. He licked his lips to make sure he had no ranch dressing on his lips. Virgil yawned, curling up in Patton's lap. Patton smiled and they took him to their bed. Roman left and got changed, coming back into the room with his pajamas on, Logan and Patton soon doing the same. They laid on the bed, cuddling the small Omega. Virgil purred, "Night-Night Alphas…" he mumbled before slipping into sleep. The three blushed but smiled, letting sleep take them.

It was 2AM when the three Alphas were awakened by a scream. They all sat up and saw Virgil curled up at the end of the bed, shaking and hyperventilating while tears streamed down his cheeks. Patton reached over and tried to pick Virgil up but he freaked out and scratched Patton's arm, growling. The Alpha quickly retreated and tears built up in his eyes. Logan called Virgil's name and the emo's ears perked up and he looked around a bit. He first noticed Patton and his cut. He cried, "Pl-pl-ease! DON'T HURT ME! I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" He sobbed, curling up in a ball. Roman got up and left the room, coming back with a cotton ball, peroxide, and a bandage roll. He focused on Patton while Logan crawled over to Virgil.

He picked the small Omega and shushed him, "Shh, Virgil. Your reaction was accurate. You were having hallucinations and now you're starting to have a panic attack." He rubbed Virgil's back as he cried.

When Virgil was calm and Patton was bandaged, the Omega crawled over to Patton and sat in his lap. He looked up at the dad-like Alpha with watery eyes. Patton smiled warmly, "Don't apologize Virgil, you didn't mean it. I know you could've never hurt me on purpose…" Virgil's lip quivered before he bursted into tears. The three Alphas hugged the Omega.

It took 10 minutes for Virgil to stop crying, Patton kissed the top of his head. Virgil snuggled closer to Patton as they all laid down. They covered themselves with the blanket again. They talk to each other, Virgil apologizing over and over again while licking Patton's bandaged arm. They kept telling him that he was okay and they knew he didn't mean any harm. They soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

The three Alphas woke up and noticed that Virgil was sleeping on the floor, shivering. Patton quickly got up and set Virgil on the bed, "Logie, could you stay with Virgil to make sure he doesn't start sleeping on the floor again…"

Logan nodded, "Of course Patton, you two get breakfast started please." Patton nodded as Logan gave both his boyfriends a peck on the lips. The two smiled and left. Virgil laid on his side and played with the Omega's ears, smiling as Virgil purred in his sleep and his ears twitched occasionally. Logan grabbed the blanket and covered Virgil up before going back and playing with his ears.

Virgil soon woke up and looked at Logan with fear, "I-I can't sleep here! Alpha will be mad! I hurt him, he's gonna yell at me!" He said, starting to get up.

Logan got up and pulled Virgil close to him, "No, he's not gonna hurt you. Virgil, you're not there anymore." Virgil whimpered and squirmed around a bit before relaxing against Logan's chest.

Patton and Roman came back after about half an hour. They cooed at the Omega and their Boyfriend. Patton sat on the bed, "Virgil? Are you still scared of me?" Virgil looked over at him and shook his head, when he saw the breakfast his tail started wagging like crazy. Patton and Roman giggled and helped feed him, Virgil occasionally taking the spoon with him.

They finished breakfast and got changed. The Alphas soon realized Virgil had no extra clothes. Roman asked the small male, "What do you prefer wearing Virgil?"

Virgil thought for a moment before saying, "I like sweaters and hoodies with ripped jeans and boots!" Roman smiled weakly and nodded while he looked through the closet. Patton smiled and hugged the Omega from behind while swaying side to side. Virgil purred, resting his head against Patton's chest. Logan came back, dressed in his normal black button-up shirt, jeans, dark blue tie, and dress shoes. Virgil smiled at him, his cheeks turning a light pink, Logan soon returned the smile after adjusting his tie.

Roman came out of the closet and handed Virgil Logan's Nasa hoodie, Patton's white sweatshirt that had a paw print on the center, and finally handed him his own gray jeans, "Here you go Virgil, we don't have any ripped jeans. The jeans may be too big but, I think I can tighten them before we leave." Virgil nodded and took them, heading for the bathroom. He came back a few minutes later with the new clothing on. Virgil had to hold the pants up as he waddled over to the Alphas.

Roman and Patton let out giggles, Logan letting out a sigh, a small smile following after it. He walked over to Virgil and started tightening the waistband of the pants. Virgil smiled and licked Logan's nose in appreciation. Logan looked like he had stopped working as his face went bright red. Virgil was confused and pawed at Logan's face for a minute before the older male blinked and coughed, "My deepest apologies Virgil. Let's get you some socks and try and find you a pair of boots." Virgil smiled and the three Alphas started on their hunt for some boots.

After some time, they found Virgil some fuzzy red socks and some light blue converses. Virgil's eyes lit up and he quickly out them on. Patton smiled and took Virgil's hand, "You ready to go into town?" Virgil nodded quickly. The four of them started on their way through town.

They entered a store and Virgil's eyes lit up and he ran past the three Alphas. He loved chew toys and stuffed animals. He sat in front of an aisle and playing with each of the toys. The three had to search for the emo.

An employee found Virgil and giggled at him. She kneeled beside him, "You like all of them don't you?" Virgil's ears perked up as she talked and looked over at her, nodding. She let out another giggle, "Which are your three favorites?" Virgil looked at the toys on the floor and scooped them all up and looked back up at her. She smiled, "I don't know if your Alpha would be able to get them all for you…" she said.

Another voice perked up, "We certainly can not get them all." Virgil's ears perked up and he looked over, smiling when he realized it was Roman. The fanciful Alpha thanked the employee before she left. He sat beside Virgil and helped him pick out 5 chew toys and 5 stuffed animals. They put the rest back, much to Virgil's dislike. The Omega and Alpha stood up and went to find Logan and Patton.

When they found the other two Alphas, Patton ran to them and hugged Virgil tightly, "We were so worried about you Virgil! Please try not to run off like that again…" he said, out of breath.

Logan looked at the toys, "Oh! Is that were you so excited about?" He asked. Virgil nodded and showed Patton the chew toys and stuffed animals. Patton awed but looked at Logan with a confused look. Logan let out a snicker, "Omegas really enjoy chewable toys as those toys can help improve their abilities that are about their canines."

Patton smiled, "That's so cute!" He nuzzled Virgil's cheek. Patton then said, "Let's go check out so we can go to the clothes store." Virgil smiled brightly and ran to the front counter, meeting the same lady from earlier. The other Alphas ran after Virgil and soon caught up to him. The lady put the toys on the counter and scanned each of them. Virgil smiled, his tail wagging excitedly. Roman paid and they grabbed the plastic bag containing the toys. Virgil whined as he wasn't able to play with his toys.

The group left to the Mall and search each clothing store, getting a few outfits from each. They soon stopped for lunch and even got Virgil a large sugar cookie. They then continued shopping and finally went home.