
My Three Loving Alphas

CeeCeePlayz_427 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Things Start Heating Up



It took about a week for Virgil to get better, he did have to be left alone for most of that week as the three Alphas had to work. Virgil didn't like that but, he couldn't argue with them as they needed money and he was way too anxious to start an argument.

The three Alphas came home and were surprised as there was a fresh and hot meal waiting for them at the table. The dishes were done and Virgil was sweeping the kitchen floor. They walked up behind Virgil and Patton hugged him, causing the Omega to let out a squeak in surprise. Patton giggled, "Did we catch you off guard, Puppy?" He asked.

Virgil nodded, "A little… I forgot what time you were coming home." He said softly. He set the broom to the side, "Now eat up! Y-ou-you don't want your food to get cold!" He said happily. Virgil always had a slight stutter, they couldn't really fix it either. So they just learned to adjust to it. The three Alphas sat down and tasted the food, it tasted great. They had never known Virgil was so great at cooking.

After eating, the Alphas were sitting on the couch. In a few minutes, Virgil crawled onto the couch and soon climbed into Logan's lap. He buried his head in the nerd's chest. Logan lifted Virgil's head up by his chin, "Virgil? Roman, Patton, and I have been talking and we think. We want you to be our permanent Omega. We wish for you to be in our romantic relationship…" he said, unusually nervous and his face was a bright red. Virgil looked up at Logan for a moment in shock. He then turned to Patton and Roman who had wide smiles.

Tears filled the Omega's eyes. Patton cooed at him, "Oh Puppy, please don't cry. We promise to take care of you. We'll love you…" Virgil felt the tears slip down his cheeks as he reached out for Patton. The dad-like Alpha caught him and held him as the Omega cried. The other two kissed both sides of Virgil's neck. Virgil looked up at Patton with a watery smile before reaching out and kissing him. The youngest Alpha kissed back, the Alpha being more of an expert than the Omega as Virgil had never kissed anyone before. But, he didn't mind.

The three Alphas got their turns to kiss the Omega, sometimes the kisses would get very heated, causing the Omega to let out a cute whine against their lips. After Logan finished kissing the Omega, they all cuddled up on the couch watching 'Snow White'. Afterwards, they each headed to bed and got changed into their pajamas. Virgil curled up between the Alphas, holding his stuffed animals. The three older males held him close. They fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, Virgil had a wave of heat rush over him.

Logan and the other two Alpha's woke up to something humping Logan's leg and grinding against Patton's. They were half awake when a strong and sweet smell hit their nose, waking them up the rest of the way. They looked down, seeing Virgil whimpering while attached to Logan's leg, humping it. His ass grinding against Patton's leg everytime he moved backwards. Logan put a hand in Virgil's hair, "Puppy? What are you doing to me?" He asked. Virgil stopped dead and slowly looked up at Logan.

"I-I'm so-sor-ry. I-I think I'm in heat. I forgot my heat pills were with my old Alpha…" he whimpered, his eyes filling with tears.

Logan kissed him, "Shh baby, it's okay. We're not mad." He said running his hand through the Omega's hair. Patton and Roman looked at the two of their boyfriends with a confused expression. Logan smiled at the other two Alpha's while Virgil continued humping his leg. "Omegas have a thing called heat. A short explanation for it is where they're horny for three to five days. They can occasionally deal with it themselves. Yet, most need Alphas to help fill their holes with an Alpha's knot."

Patton smiled, "Aww, Virgie. We can help you Puppy…" he said with a smile, rubbing Virgil's back, Virgil letting out loud whimpers while trying to continue humping Logan's leg.

Logan smiled and sat up, putting Virgil on his lap. That was a bad idea as Virgil started grinding against his crotch, "Virgil, you need to make your nest first." Virgil whined but nodded, getting up and grabbing Logan, Patton, and Roman's used clothes.

"What's a nest for and why does he need our old clothes?" Roman asked, still confused as heck.

The nerdy Alpha snickered, "Omegas need nests filled with their Alpha's used clothes so it helps with their hormones and helps get them off faster." He said as Virgil made a small nest on the bed. Roman and Patton smiled watching the Omega scurry around for clothes to help make his nest.

When Virgil finished setting up his nest, he whined as he took his pajama shorts off. Patton and Roman blushed heavily and even Logan had a light blush on his cheeks. Virgil whimpered, his ears flattening against his head. He took his boxers off, slick leaking out of his hole. Patton looked at the liquid and asked, "What's that clear liquid leaking out of him Logie?"

Logan smiled, "It's called slick. Omega's create their own lubricant while in heat." The three Alphas waited, keeping an eye on the omega. Their cocks twitched in their pajama bottoms as they watched Virgil finger himself open, whimpering and whining at the feeling.

Virgil finished opening himself up and the three Alphas were undressed. Virgil whined, "Alphas… Need you~ Pl-Please s-so much~" Logan went behind him and slowly pushed in, letting out a groan and Virgil letting out a loud moan.

"You think you can take all of us Puppy?" Roman asked seductively, kissing Omega. Virgil nodded quickly, whining as he adjusted to Logan's size. Roman purred, "Good, cause we're all gonna take you." He said with a smirk.

Patton laid underneath the Omega. Logan and Roman lowered Virgil on to Patton's member, Virgil crying out in pain. Patton let out a soft moan. They let him adjust before starting to gently fuck into him. After the three of them found a good rhythm, Roman sat on Patton's chest, opened Virgil's mouth and gently pushed his member into him while letting out a soft moan.

After some time, Virgil had came 3 times, his legs shaking. Patton's hips stuttered as he filled the Omega up, his knot expanding seconds later. Roman groaned at all the vibrations on his member, being sent over the edge and cumming down the Omega's throat. Virgil happily drank it all up, Roman's knot expanded but he pulled out and watched happily.

Logan came last, filling Virgil up and his knot expanded, locking him, Virgil, and Patton together. He stopped and the three of them laid on the bed, holding each other together. Logan pulled Roman into the bed with them and they cuddled close, falling asleep soon after.

They continued this cycle until the last day, they had just finished and we're cuddling Roman and Logan locked together with Virgil. Patton had just jerked himself off to the sight of his beautiful boyfriends. They laid down and cuddled before Virgil spoke up, "C-Can y-ou-you mark me Alphas…?" He asked tiredly.

The three were surprised at the question and they all talked for half an hour before they all agreed, each Alpha taking their turn to make their mark on the Omega's neck. They smiled while continuing to cuddle, smothering Virgil in kisses.

Virgil's heat was finally gone after that day, they spent the day staying close together and cuddling. Roman even styled Virgil's hair in a few different styles.