
My Three Loving Alphas

CeeCeePlayz_427 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A New Beginning

WARNINGS: Abuse, Panic attacks, flashbacks, hallucinations, Patton getting hurt

Story Type: Fluff and Angst!

The three alphas, Logan, Roman, and Patton were coming back from the movie theatre when they heard crying and screaming. They looked into the alleyway where the noise was coming from. They were shocked as they saw another Alpha slapping a small omega.

The omega was pale with freckles sprinkled on his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, he had soft chubby thighs, his face was just as soft and chubby. He was very short and his hair was soft and slightly curly. His bangs covered one of his purple eyes. His purple eyes glittered in the sunlight and made him look cuter. He wore a black hoodie with purple patches, covering his chubby cute stomach. He wore skinny grey ripped jeans, which showed how chubby and adorable his thighs actually were. Finally, his hair,ears, and tail were black, fading to a very dark gray.

The alpha left and then the Omega slid down the wall and on to the ground. Patton ran to the Omega and sat on his knees in front of him, "H-Hey, are you-" he reached out and put a hand on the Omega's shoulder, but the small Omega freaked out and screamed. He waved his hands around like crazy. Logan and Roman ran over and Patton grabbed the Omega's wrist, he had a gentle but right hold.

The Omega's eyeshadow was ruined and running down his cheeks. The boy whimpered and he started shaking as the wind picked up. Logan and the others realized how much clothing the Omega was lacking. Logan looked down and asked, "Would you like to come with us?"

The Omega looked up at Logan and started over thinking, "I do but I don't! What if you're just gonna use me but what if you do care for me!" He started rambling while tears started building up in his eyes.

Patton put a finger on his lips and gently shushed him, "Hey, calm down. If you don't like it then we can bring you back here…"

The Omega's eyes widened and he gripped Patton's arms tightly, "NO! PLEASE DON'T LET ME STAY HERE!" The three were shocked. Patton got the small boy to let go of his arms. Yet, the omega was still shaking violently. Patton picked him up gently, bridal style and held him close to his chest.

He looked over to Logan and Roman,"Let's hurry and get him home. He needs a hot bath, fresh food, and some warm clothes…" the other two nodded. Roman took off his flannel hoodie and draped it over the small, frail omega. They started walking home.

When they got home, Logan quickly went to find Virgil some clothes and start a bath for him. Roman took him from Patton and laid him on the living room couch, keeping the hoodie over him. Patton got started on making the Omega some soup and hot tea. Roman sat beside the omega. The emo boy sat up and sniffed Roman, testing his scent. The emo loved his scent, Roman smelled like chocolate and fresh roses. He purred and eventually placed himself in Roman's lap. He curled up, waiting for Patton and Logan.

Logan came into the living room with a pair of Patton's old pajamas. He was surprised at the Omega curled up in his boyfriend's lap. He sat beside Roman. The emo's ears perked up and he looked over at Logan and sniffed him, a rumble in his throat. He loved Logan's scent too, he smelled like fresh books and coffee. He soon sat in Logan's lap and rested his head on the nerd's chest. Logan had a light blush on his cheeks but wrapped one arm around the emo's waist. Roman snuggled into Logan's side and rested his head on his shoulder. Logan smiled and laid his head on Roman's head.

Patton came in with soup and hot tea. He cooed at the three of them, "Logie!" Logan looked up at him and smiled.

"Yes dear?" He then noticed the soup and tea. He nodded and tried to pull the omega off but the boy was clung to Logan tightly. Roman snickered but stood up and grabbed the emo's hips, then started pulling but he was still clung to him. After Patton mentioned food, the small boy let go and sat on the floor, looking up at Patton with pleading eyes.

Patton was shocked, "Uh, you can stand up. You don't have to do that…" The omega whimpered, but stayed silent. Patton was confused, "You can tell us anything little guy…"

The emo smiled weakly and opened his mouth and actually spoke, "I-I'm su-pposed t-to be-be-eg f-or f-oo-food…" he said weakly. The three were shocked at the statement. Virgil pawed at Patton's leg, looking at him with pleading eyes.

Patton frowned and sat on the couch with the tray of food and the omega followed him, walking on all fours. He pawed at Patton's leg again. Patton looked down at him, "Little guy, please don't do that…'' As soon as Patton said it, the emo quickly stopped. Patton moved the tray and placed it on Roman's lap. He patted his thigh, "Come up here please…" the small boy nodded and gently crawled onto his lap. Patton smiled, "What's your name?"