
My System Is Anti-Japanese

Travel through 1931. Tang Zhenghai became a major general and division commander of the Kuomintang Army! Still a direct descendant of the bald head! Seeing the Japs invading our Dragon Kingdom, Tang Zhenghai was naturally furious and planned to lead his troops to counterattack! Chang Kaishen ordered that the troops should not act rashly. At this time, the rebellion system was activated! "Ding, it is detected that the host is facing an environment, and the following tasks are issued!" "Mission 1: Stop the attack, continue to guard Shanhaiguan, and do not have contact with the Japs!" "Reward, a turtle hat!" "Mission 2: Don't take advantage of Chang Kaishen, just send troops to beat up the little Japs!" "The reward is a full set of German infantry division equipment! Plus, one million rounds of ammunition!" "..." From then on, Tang Zhenghai embarked on a path of rebellion! Some years later... Little devil: Dad Long Guo, we were wrong, stop fighting... Yingjiang: The Dragon Kingdom has actually become a great power? Mao Xiong: I can’t sleep with such a neighbor!

Ron_Blackwood · History
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50 Chs



"Shizuo, this is..."


When Zhang Zhizhong saw a large number of tanks, armored vehicles, and all kinds of artillery on the open ground, his eyes widened suddenly.

I couldn't help but gasp.

His face was full of shock.

"Hehe, Head Zhang, calm down. "

"This is just the beginning. "

"At present, I plan to organize your regiment into a mechanized infantry regiment first, and we will have more equipment later. "


Tang Zhenghai said with a smile.

That's right, the equipment in front of him is naturally the equipment of the mechanized infantry regiment that Tang Zhenghai completed the task of the system and was rewarded by the system.

A mechanized infantry regiment, which includes in total, a tank battalion, two mechanized infantry battalions, and a fire battalion.

Among them, the tank battalion, with tanks, more than forty vehicles!

All of them are the most advanced Leopard and Tiger tanks in the Germanic Empire at the moment!

As for the two mechanized infantry battalions, there are a large number of armored vehicles for transporting troops, more than a hundred!

In the case of the fire battalion, there are more than 50 artillery pieces of various calibers!

They are the most advanced weapons and equipment in the current Germanic Empire.

It is no exaggeration to say that a fully equipped mechanized infantry regiment can completely crush an infantry wing of a little devil in terms of equipment!

After all, although there are more than 3,800 people in the infantry wing of the little devils, their equipment is fundamentally incomparable with the mechanized infantry regiment under Tang Zhenghai!


When Zhang Zhizhong heard Tang Zhenghai's words, he couldn't believe it, swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and then said: "Master, you mean that all this equipment is for us?"

"Of course!" Tang Zhenghai said with a straight face: "The purpose of giving you these equipment is to let you rush to Jinzhou and build a defense line with the fastest marching speed!"

"It's still four hours before it gets dark, so get familiar with the equipment as soon as possible, and after dark, set off as soon as possible!"

"I'm going to Jinzhou day and night, and I'm going to arrive in Jinzhou at noon tomorrow at the latest!"

"If you delay the big thing, I will only ask you!".



"Please rest assured, we are a group and guarantee to complete the task !!."


Zhang Zhizhong agreed excitedly.

Good guys!

He Zhang Zhizhong never dreamed that one day, the army under his command would be able to be armed to such an extent.

Directly has such a large number of tanks, armored vehicles, and all kinds of artillery.

At this scale, let alone guarding Jinzhou, now even if Zhang Zhizhong is asked to fight the little devil's locusts, he is willing!

Next, under Tang Zhenghai's order, Zhang Zhizhong's regiment was mobilized again and began to familiarize themselves with the equipment.

It is planned that within four hours, let them be a regiment, disguise themselves into mechanized infantry regiments, and then go to Jinzhou as fast as possible.

In fact, if it is according to normal circumstances, even if they are given equipment, Zhang Zhizhong's regiment does not have enough talents, and it is difficult to play with these tanks and armored vehicles.

But because of the system, none of this is a problem.

Because while rewarding these weapons and equipment, the system will also transfer some corresponding knowledge to the minds of these soldiers.

Therefore, four hours is completely enough for them.

Soon, after nightfall, Zhang Zhizhong's regiment was also officially reorganized into a mechanized infantry regiment, and under Tang Zhenghai's order, it rushed directly in the direction of Jinzhou, and quickly rushed away, intending to occupy Jinzhou as soon as possible and build a defensive line here.

Prevent the little devils and seize Jinzhou.

As for Tang Zhenghai, he took the rest of the 120th Division and continued to reorganize in place.

After all, it is not a simple matter to disrupt all the troops of the 120th Division and reorganize them, unlike Zhang Zhizhong's regiment, which has only about 3,000 people, and if the backbone forces are concentrated, the formation can be completed quickly.

These people, to say the least, need a whole day to organize and confirm the candidates for officers at all levels.

Then, we can continue to set off towards Jinzhou.

Of course, the reason why Tang Zhenghai did this was also because Zhang Zhizhong led the only mechanical infantry regiment under his command to Jinzhou.

It can be regarded as buying them a certain amount of time.

That's why they're here to slowly reorganize their armies.


The next day at noon.

Zhang Zhizhong led the mechanized infantry regiment under his command, day and night, without rest, and finally rushed to Jinzhou City at noon the next day.

At this time, Jinzhou, because of the comprehensive retreat of the Northeast Army, it can be said that it has become an empty city, and there are no garrisons at all.

Zhang Zhizhong immediately ordered the troops to enter the city and control the entire Jinzhou.

Then, let the troops also take a break.

After a long time of traveling, the soldiers under Zhang Zhizhong were also tired enough, so they naturally needed time to take a good rest.

However, just as Zhang Zhizhong and the others had just arrived in Jinzhou City, at about six o'clock in the afternoon, outside Jinzhou City, more than ten kilometers away, a little devil army appeared.

"Your Excellency, Captain!".

"Ahead is Jinzhou City!".

"As long as we can take Jinzhou City, in the future, the imperial army can drive straight in!"

"Not only can you firmly control the three eastern provinces, but you can also knock on the door of the Dragon Kingdom at any time, and then occupy the entire Dragon Kingdom!"


A devil captain officer pointed to the direction of Jinzhou City in the distance and said.


Akita Shaosa, after hearing the words of the officers under his command, also showed a smile on his whole face, and said: "Order the troops, speed up!"

"We want to occupy Jinzhou City as soon as possible!".

"Imperial Army, invincible!".

"After taking Jinzhou, our independent infantry brigade can make another great contribution!"

"When the time comes, Your Excellency General, you will not treat us badly!"


"Hay !!".


As soon as the words fell, the little devils, an independent infantry brigade, with a total of more than 1,000 little devils, continued to move towards Jinzhou City, advancing rapidly.

I plan to take advantage of the night to completely take down Jinzhou City!

As for whether there will be defenders in Jinzhou City?


For little devils, it doesn't matter at all!

Because they have come this way, they have not encountered any resistance at all!

This was the case in Fengtian and Shenyang before!

Jinzhou City, in their opinion, will be the same as before.

It can be occupied without blood!

The Northeast Army will not resist at all.

However, what the little devils didn't know this time was that when they just came to the vicinity of Jinzhou City, they were discovered by the reconnaissance troops of the 120th Division and the First Regiment, and the news was urgently reported!

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