
My System Is Anti-Japanese

Travel through 1931. Tang Zhenghai became a major general and division commander of the Kuomintang Army! Still a direct descendant of the bald head! Seeing the Japs invading our Dragon Kingdom, Tang Zhenghai was naturally furious and planned to lead his troops to counterattack! Chang Kaishen ordered that the troops should not act rashly. At this time, the rebellion system was activated! "Ding, it is detected that the host is facing an environment, and the following tasks are issued!" "Mission 1: Stop the attack, continue to guard Shanhaiguan, and do not have contact with the Japs!" "Reward, a turtle hat!" "Mission 2: Don't take advantage of Chang Kaishen, just send troops to beat up the little Japs!" "The reward is a full set of German infantry division equipment! Plus, one million rounds of ammunition!" "..." From then on, Tang Zhenghai embarked on a path of rebellion! Some years later... Little devil: Dad Long Guo, we were wrong, stop fighting... Yingjiang: The Dragon Kingdom has actually become a great power? Mao Xiong: I can’t sleep with such a neighbor!

Ron_Blackwood · History
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50 Chs


Jinzhou City.

A regiment was temporarily stationed.


"What did you say?".

"Found a little devil troop outside the city?".

"There is probably an infantry brigade or so, more than a thousand people!".


At this moment, Zhang Zhizhong was sitting at the headquarters of the regiment headquarters, and after hearing the report of his officers, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

At the same time, I also admired their master, Tang Zhenghai.

Fortunately, they traveled day and night, and finally took over Jinzhou City before the little devils.

Otherwise, if they were six hours late, they were afraid that Jinzhou City would fall into the hands of the little devils.

"Gather your troops now!".

"Prepare to eat this little devil infantry brigade!".

"Also, report the situation here to the division right away!"

"Request instructions!".


Zhang Zhizhong only hesitated slightly, and then directly gave the order.

You know, the military situation is like fire!

According to the scout's report, this little devil is only a dozen kilometers away from them, even if they are on foot, they can reach Jinzhou City soon, so they naturally need to prepare as soon as possible.

In addition, that is, Zhang Zhizhong is also burning with fighting spirit!

I also have enough confidence in the group of soldiers under my command, and I want to eat this little devil infantry brigade in one go!

Although it is said that the little devils in this period are very strong in combat.

However, the other side only had an infantry brigade, about a thousand people.

Zhang Zhizhong's regiment is now a standard mechanized infantry regiment, with a strength of not only 3,000 people, but also a large number of tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery.

In terms of equipment, it is completely superior to the little devils.

Therefore, when Zhang Zhizhong heard that the little devil was approaching, he was also holding back his strength and wanted to fight with the little devil!

After all, wouldn't it be a waste if such good equipment wasn't used to fight little devils?

As for the last step, it is naturally because they are a group, Tang Zhenghai's subordinates, and when they encounter important military information, they naturally need to report it.

At the sound of an order, Zhang Zhizhong's regiment immediately began to prepare for battle.


120 Division.

Temporary Command.

Since Zhang Zhizhong's mechanized regiment set off, especially at noon today, Zhang Zhizhong sent them a telegram saying that their regiment had arrived in Jinzhou City, and Tang Zhenghai was also relieved.

As long as Jinzhou City is controlled in your own hands.

Next, after their 120th division arrived in Jinzhou, the little devil would stop thinking about crossing Jinzhou easily.


"An urgent call from a group!".


At this moment, a communications officer suddenly walked in quickly.


"A cloud of electricity?".

"Could it be that the little devil is coming!".


Hearing that it was a cloud of emergency electricity, Tang Zhenghai quickly had a guess in his heart.

After all, according to the urine nature of the little devils, they will definitely not let Jinzhou go, and at this time, the other party should have also sent troops to seize it.

Sure enough, next, after Tang Zhenghai read the content on the telegram, he found that it was indeed Zhang Zhizhong who reported to him that there were traces of little devils outside Jinzhou City.

But fortunately, there were not many little devils in the first wave, only one infantry brigade, the scale of more than 1,000 people.

With Zhang Zhizhong's mechanized infantry regiment and more than 3,000 troops, it is not difficult to eat the other side.


"The little devil has detected an attempt to invade Jinzhou City, and the following mission has been issued!".

"Task 1: Order Zhang Zhizhong and others, give up resistance, withdraw from Jinzhou City, and resolutely implement Chang Kaishen's order, reward, a titanium alloy dog chain!".

"Task 2: Order Zhang Zhizhong and others to completely annihilate the independent infantry brigade of the little devils, reward, various types of ammunition, fifty tons!".

"One field hospital, one hundred medical personnel, about five tons of various types of medicines!"

"Anti-aircraft artillery battalion equipment, X1".


"Huh?" Hearing the sudden system prompt sound in his head, Tang Zhenghai was slightly stunned at first, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

It's a Tongzi!

It's just in time!

Moreover, the rewards given by the system are what Tang Zhenghai needs the most at present.

First of all, there are various types of ammunition, fifty tons.

Next, don't think about Tang Zhenghai's 120th Division, it must be a bloody battle with the little devils, although there has been a tenfold wartime ration systematically distributed before, but the ammunition is naturally the better.

No one is too much.

The worst thing is that Tang Zhenghai can also take it out and let the soldiers under his command use it to practice marksmanship or something, isn't it?

As for field hospitals, that's even less to say.

Once the war began, Tang Zhenghai's 120th Division would definitely have wounded and sick people, and with field hospitals, logistical medical personnel, and a large amount of medicines, it would be possible to ensure that the wounded of their 120th Division could be treated in time and save their lives.

This is a very important part.

And one last bonus, anti-aircraft battalion equipment!

That's not to mention!

At present, on the side of the Dragon Kingdom, there is basically no air supremacy at all.

On the side of the national government, although there are also fighters, compared with the little devils, the gap is simply not too big.

What's more, the fighters of the national government are not from their 120th Division, so they will not fight the little devils for them.

Therefore, for the 120th Division, if it has an air defense battalion, it will be able to impose certain restrictions on the aviation units of the little devils in the future!

At the very least, the little devil's fighter plane, above their heads, did not dare to drop bombs unscrupulously!

In this way, it will be possible to reduce the casualties of their 120th division!

You must know that in the past battles, the little devils relied on their air supremacy to carry out all kinds of wanton and indiscriminate bombardment of the Dragon Army.

In many cases, the battle has not officially started, and the aviation unit of the little devil has completely lost its combat effectiveness on the side of the Dragon Army.

This is why the War of Resistance was fought so hard.

In addition to the high quality of the soldiers in the early stage of the little devils and the strong ability of individual combat, the equipment of the little devils is superior to ours, which is also a very important reason.

Therefore, at this moment, Tang Zhenghai did not hesitate to choose task two.

Get all these rewards.

As for task one?

Titanium dog chain?

Good guys!

What do you want this thing for?

Continue to be a dog for Chang Kaishen?

Don't even think about it!

Soon, with Tang Zhenghai's order, Zhang Zhizhong of Jinzhou City immediately led the mechanized infantry regiment under his command to take action after receiving the reply from the total annihilation of the Little Devil Infantry Brigade.

And the little devil doesn't know anything about it.

After several hours of marching, this group of little devils also came to the outside of Jinzhou City. '


"Jinzhou City is our cherry blossom empire!"


Akita Shaozo, looking at Jinzhou City in the distance, said with a smug smile.

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