
My System Is Anti-Japanese

Travel through 1931. Tang Zhenghai became a major general and division commander of the Kuomintang Army! Still a direct descendant of the bald head! Seeing the Japs invading our Dragon Kingdom, Tang Zhenghai was naturally furious and planned to lead his troops to counterattack! Chang Kaishen ordered that the troops should not act rashly. At this time, the rebellion system was activated! "Ding, it is detected that the host is facing an environment, and the following tasks are issued!" "Mission 1: Stop the attack, continue to guard Shanhaiguan, and do not have contact with the Japs!" "Reward, a turtle hat!" "Mission 2: Don't take advantage of Chang Kaishen, just send troops to beat up the little Japs!" "The reward is a full set of German infantry division equipment! Plus, one million rounds of ammunition!" "..." From then on, Tang Zhenghai embarked on a path of rebellion! Some years later... Little devil: Dad Long Guo, we were wrong, stop fighting... Yingjiang: The Dragon Kingdom has actually become a great power? Mao Xiong: I can’t sleep with such a neighbor!

Ron_Blackwood · History
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120 Division, temporary station.

At this moment, the commander of the 76th Brigade, Chen Danian, and other officers of the 120th Division stood in place one by one, waiting for news with an anxious face.

"You say, nothing will happen to the master, right?"

"Yes, this time the division has only brought Wei Hu and the strength of a guard battalion, what should we do if the other side suddenly moves and seizes the division?"

"Brigade commander, do you need us to bring troops over and surround this garrison brigade now?"


A group of officers of the 120th Division talked about it.

No way, this time Tang Zhenghai is too risky, it can be said that he went to the tiger's den alone.

What if something happens to someone else?

"Be quiet!".

"What a noise!".

Chen Danian was distraught by a group of people arguing and shouted: "Shizuo does this, naturally there is a reason for him!".

"We'll just wait!".

"Besides, if this garrison brigade really dares to take action against the division, how can our 120th Division easily let them go?"

"Don't make any noise now, be quiet, and wait for news from the division!"


After Chen Danian's lesson, a group of officers of the 120th Division suddenly quieted down.

"The division is back!".

In the next second, suddenly, a guard officer walked in quickly and shouted with a look of surprise: "The division seat is back!".

"Moreover, the garrison brigade was also brought!".



"What did you say?".

"The division is back, and you still have a garrison brigade?".

"Let's go, go out and see !!



A group of officers of the 120th Division, after hearing the news, were surprised at the same time, but also puzzled, as if they didn't expect that Tang Zhenghai would come back and forget it, and even brought the garrison brigade over.

Soon, Chen Danian came outside with a group of people and began to greet Tang Zhenghai.

"The division seat !!".

"You're back!!



After everyone saw Tang Zhenghai come back, they were all relieved.

"Come, I'll introduce you to all of them!".

"This is General Zhang Zhizhong!".

"At the same time, starting today, General Zhang Zhizhong, as well as the garrison brigade under his command, will also officially join us and go out with us to fight devils!"


At this moment, Tang Zhenghai pulled out General Zhang Zhizhong behind him and introduced it to everyone.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhang Zhizhong!".

Zhang Zhizhong stood up and saluted everyone.

"General Zhang is so !!


When the rest of the people saw this, they were surprised, but they didn't expect that Tang Zhenghai went out and even persuaded the garrison brigade, and they all admired it.

At the same time, he also greeted Zhang Zhizhong very warmly.

"Hehe, okay, from now on, we are all family!".

"You're welcome!".


Tang Zhenghai smiled, seeing this scene, he was also in a good mood.

After all, this time not only accepted such an excellent general as Zhang Zhizhong, but also dug up another garrison brigade from the state government.

The number of troops under his command has also reached more than 17,000 people.

It can be regarded as a lot of strength.

"Brigade Commander Zhang, because you have joined our 120th Division with your garrison brigade, I plan to adjust our current troop establishment!"

"According to the model of the German-style infantry division, the distribution is carried out!".

Tang Zhenghai said slowly at this moment.

You must know that although the 120th Division was all equipped with the weapons and equipment of the German-style infantry division, because of personnel problems, Tang Zhenghai did not adjust the troop establishment, and still followed the previous model of two brigades and four regiments.

But now, with Zhang Zhizhong leading more than 5,000 guards to join, the strength of their 120th division has directly reached more than 17,000 people!

The strength of the troops is sufficient, and it can be distributed according to the establishment of the German-style infantry division.

After all, the current internal establishment of the national government army is generally more disadvantageous than that of the little devils.

After all, the little devil has a full division regiment, and the personnel can be as high as about 28,000 people, and the combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

If the government wants to confront the little devil with a division, at least two corps, that is, about seventy or eighty thousand troops, can compete with the other side.

In the case of not having an advantage in troops, basically, no army can be the opponent of the little devils.

It's not a good sound, but for now, it's true.

And this is also the main reason why Tang Zhenghai wants to distribute the troops under his command according to the establishment of German-style infantry divisions.

Only in this way can the combat effectiveness of the troops be enhanced.


When Zhang Zhizhong heard this, he naturally had no opinion at all.

Immediately agreed.

His loyalty to Tang Zhenghai now is 100 percent, and he naturally executes his orders unconditionally.


"Then let's get moving!"

Seeing this, Tang Zhenghai also nodded.

Now that time is pressing, there is simply no time to waste.

The little devils may occupy Jinzhou at any time.

If they lose the Jinzhou defense line, then they will be passive next.

Therefore, Tang Zhenghai did not hesitate to reorganize the troops under his command immediately.

In full accordance with the establishment of a German-style infantry division, the troops under its command were reorganized.

First of all, Zhang Zhizhong's garrison brigade, which originally had more than 5,000 people, but soon, more than 1,000 people were divided to supplement the other troops of the 120th Division, and Zhang Zhizhong's garrison brigade finally left more than 3,000 people.

It was reorganized into a German-style infantry regiment.

"Commander Zhang, I have a task for you. "

"It's your regiment, you must go to Jinzhou as soon as possible and build a defensive front in this area!"

"To prevent the little devils from seizing Jinzhou, we must hold on until our large army arrives!".


Tang Zhenghai said to Zhang Zhizhong at this moment.


"Please rest assured, we are a group and promise to complete the task!"


Zhang Zhizhong snapped upright, saluted Tang Zhenghai, and said confidently.

Although he has now changed from a brigade commander to a regiment commander, which can be regarded as a demotion, he is happier than he was before as a brigade commander.

Because, all the soldiers under his command have been reequipped with German-style equipment, and their combat effectiveness is simply soaring!

After hearing Tang Zhenghai's order at this moment, he directly agreed without hesitation.


"Don't worry. "

"Captain Zhang, I have given you a group and prepared other gifts. "

"Come, follow me!".


At this moment, Tang Zhenghai smiled, directly pulled Zhang Zhizhong, came to an open space near the camp, and looked at it.

In front of you, dozens of tanks, hundreds of armored vehicles, and all kinds of artillery!

ps: Yesterday there was something, delayed a bit, starting today, resume the update, thank you for your understanding.

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