
My Sunshine “…”

DaJeoung was living in a world full of sorrow everyday was like hell for her. living with a abusive husband with her child. Just when she was about to give up she got a rebirth and vowed to free herself from her woes. This story is fictional.

Blackkoreakid · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 7 {Review 7}

Joon woo watched her sleep. "he couldn't help but noticed DaJeoung unintentionally. he has never seen her look so sad and broken. She was always smiling and glowing like a sun.

Joon Woo has gone through the pain of losing a family close to him heart before.

he knew the amount of pain DaJeoung was going through .

Joon Woo carefully gathered DaJeoung in his hands and took her to the school infirmary .

Getting there Joon Woo told the nurse that she passed out and put her on one of the beds. The nurse examined her and said she will wake up that she just need sleep. Joon Woo nodded and decided to wait for her to wakes up.

DaJeoung woke up after sometime. See that she was in a bed she quickly got up. Feeling a little sluggish she heard a voice " you are awake".

Stunned DaJeoung took note of her environment. She was in the school infirmary . Memory of what happened at the swimming pool flooded in mind.

Seeing Joon Woo sitting by the bed she flushed with embarrassment

"Hey you are here"

Joon woo felt awkward there was a long silence between them before he decided to say a comfort to DaJeoung.

"Everything will be okay. Just try be strong "

Joon woo wanted to say more but he couldn't that was all he couldn't come up with.

DaJeoung was stunned she didn't expect him to comfort her. She felt a little better after he said those word. She smiled and said

"Thank you" she went silent not knowing what to say. which was already very rare for DaJeoung.

Joon Woo stood while saying "I will be on my way. Your bag and phone is over there" Before he left he paused at the door and said you should take a leave".

DaJeoung looked at the door for sometime she chuckled "That was awkward " the ringing of phone sounded in the room.

Picking up DaJeoung saw her dad was calling she answered.

Cautiously she spoke "dad "

Baek hyeon replied"How are you DaJeoung?. Am at the school parking lot . I already asked for a leave on your behalf. You can just come meet me. your cousin is with me already".

DaJeoung had a bad premonition about everything she got up fast and gather her stuff and left.

After getting home Baek hyeon told the kids to sit down for a discussion.

DaJeoung and Dong nervously looked at him.

Baek hyeon looked at the kids and told them the small bad news first "well Dong your dad is no where to be found. The police as searched . We think he is already out of the country you stay with your cousin here okay".

Dong was quiet he was scared. He knew that more bad news where coming. grabbing DaJeoung hands for support. DaJeoung gave his hand a squeeze to comfort him.

Baek hyeon closed his eyes and sigh heavily turning his face away he voiced out the most painful news

"Your aunt Chae Won she didn't make it."

DaJeoung froze she already heard what the doctor said yesterday but had a little hope that a miracle would happen but now she whispered "she gone"

She looks at her cousin and then looked at her dad her minded racing with different thought " do you mean she left me and Dong all alone?.what are we going to do?. She promised to be there for me, She promised be my mum in this lifetime"

DaJeoung forced down her tears and hugged Dong trying to comforting him softly "it okay everything will be alright" she didn't know if this words were to convince Dong or herself.

Joon Woo stood inside his car waiting for someone. Unconsciously he has been shaking his leg impatiently.

The car door open and Seo-jun entered " hey I got the information you asked for." Pausing half why bring out a paper from his school bag

"This DaJeoung girl you talked. wasn't in school because she lost a family. And I also got her address too if you interested"

Joon Woo face didn't change but his mind was chaotic he has been worried ever since the last time he saw DaJeoung he hasn't seen her for a week now.

Joon Woo asked his friend to ask her friends without being too obvious. He stretches out his arm and asked "okay I want the address and her number. I owe you this one thank you"

Seo-jun was surprised his friend never says thank you. He wondered what relationship his friend could possibly have with that girl.

After a moment of shock Seo-jun grinned " okay dude I hold you to your word. I will get going now. you sure you don't want to go club house today?.

Joon Woo shook his head saying no and said "okay hurry up and go "

Seo-jun scoffed while complaining "that rude" he got down before he could say anything more the car drove off.

Joon woo stood in front of DaJeoung house. he has been here for some time now. he was nervous and didn't know what talk about when he sees her.

DaJeoung was lying in her room. This was the only place she could let go and cry so she was always in her room .

A knock came for the door she asked "who there"

But got no response. Sighing she already knew who was at the door.

DaJeoung opens the door and it was Dam-bi standing there.

DaJeoung wasn't surprised she already guess that she was the one. Not know why her step mum always looks at her like she the problem in her life.

Dam-bi told her "you have a visitor" she nodded and left the room once downstairs she saw Joon Woo she paused movement surprised to see him here.

DaJeoung asked " how are come you are here am I dreaming."

Joon Woo tried to smile he greeted "hey I heard what happened so I wanted to check if you are okay"

They both looked at each other before DaJeoung smiled weakly " okay am coming I will go get my jacket and let take a walk outside"

She went back upstairs.

While Walking on the street DaJeoung and Joon Woo where quiet but it wasn't awkward at all. Breaking the silence Joon Woo asked "how are you doing now. You look fine to me. Yes , but am asking how you really are feeling right now."

DaJeoung was stunned she paused for something before she answered "well to be honest am not fine. But I have to be I don't want my dad to worry and if I really breakdown who going to give support to my cousin. He the one who lost his mother"

Joon Woo nodded "you are right, and you are a strong girl. But don't be too hard on yourself"

Joon talked a lot today if his friends were here their eye would have widened in shock.

They got to park and sat down. they talked about a lot of things.

DaJeoung was really happy that he visited. her friends all called to give their condolences but she was happy he took extra care and they weren't even friends

Joon Woo and DaJeoung exchange contact and parted way contended

This was a beginning of a new bond