
My Sunshine “…”

DaJeoung was living in a world full of sorrow everyday was like hell for her. living with a abusive husband with her child. Just when she was about to give up she got a rebirth and vowed to free herself from her woes. This story is fictional.

Blackkoreakid · Urban
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13 Chs

chapter 8 {Review 8}

Joon woo walked into school. today was the last day of exams. he has decided to take the exams to skip class and follow his friends to write entrance exams.

he went straight to the swimming area. getting there he saw a slender girl standing there. she was wearing a baggy jeans,big shirt and a the same hair cut like his. but she is still very beautiful.

she smiled and waved as she caught sight of him. picking up his speed he walked up to her smiling unknowingly.

Dajeoung and him got closer after that day he visited. they talked on phone after school actually Dajeoung do all the talking and they spend most of their time together in school.

He was a person who doesn't like a lot of people around him and Dajeoung was one of the few person he likes. they were already best of friends.

Dajeoung teased "hey handsome you are smiling so happily looks like today is a good day today"

Joon woo nodded "you are right"

Dajeoung scoffed while saying "three sentences. you are not going to tell me anything"

 Dajeoung laughed she likes teasing him like this. she knew Joon woo wasn't much of a talker and from what she heard he doesn't say more than two words to anyone not close to him. But he a sweet soul and just a shy one.

  If Joon woo friends heard Dajeoung saying he was a sweet soul there face will turn green but she doesn't know was that he was only sweet to her and cold to others

They both sat down by the pool and Dajeoung rest her head on his shoulder and complaining in spoiled tone Joon woo.

"I just want to run away from home. that woman is just trying hard to get on my nerves everyday. she looks at me with the same expression written all over her face everyday. like she is asking me why are you here?. my Goodness that my dad's house." Dajeoung sigh in relief after being able to complain.

she didn't care Joon woo didn't say anything she was used to this.

 He will always let her do all the talking and he listens sometime he add a few point but that all.

Turning back to him. Dajeoung asked "Tell me what the good thing that happened to you"

Joon woo laugh a little and said "you. Nothing happened I was feeling good today that all" he ruffles Dajeoung hair and got a hit from her this was there normal routine.

Dajeoung arrange her hair and while talking "Joon woo my birthday will be coming after our exams so I will like for you to come?. I will be turning 13"

Joon woo agreed readily "I will be there , I" before he could say anything the bell rang and they had to go back to class. he had wanted to tell Dajeoung about his decision to skip grade but well they will talk about later.

After the days exams Dajeoung walked to the school gate with her friends they were discussing what there were going to do this summer break and how they were going to be senior on the next semester.

Dajeoung spotted Joon woo standing alone. she knew he was waiting for her " Ae-cha, Ari,Boram I will get going. my buddy is waiting. you know we both go home together. I will call for the meet up this weekend okay bye" she winked at them as they left.

Ae-cha shook her head and said "they are quiet close" Ari and Boram nodded agreeing to her statement.

Joon woo and Dajeoung got into the taxi. Dajeoung asked him "what are going to do this summer "

Joon woo replied to her half-heartedly "well may be go to grandpa place"

Dajeoung nodded "ok. but you will visit right I mean. we won't be able to see each other at school so I hope you visit."

Joon woo agreed "Don't worry I will visit" they arrived at Dajeoung home she got down and went home.

 Joon woo told the driver his address and he headed home.

Dajeoung Summer was spend at home. on her birthday all her friends came for dinner at her house.

she took her cousin along with her to all her activities she planned with her friends.

Today she is going to the amusement park with Joon woo she begged him to come along because she bought three tickets. Right now she and Joon woo was sitting on a bench watching Dong smiling happily while playing a game.

Dajeoung sigh "you know my aunt always take us both to have fun here. Dong always put up a cold face. but I know he likes it here" she chuckle and said "I miss her a lot"

Joon woo pat her back and comforted "This is normal after all she your mother"

Dajeoung nodded "you are right. let not talk about unhappy things. school will be resume next week you are going to senior high building can we hang out like before"

Joon woo nodded while saying "yes we can hang out actually I want to tell you I wrote the exams to skip grade I will be in grade 12 when we resume."

Dajeoung was stunned for some seconds "wow Joon woo you are so smart I really admire you well congrats to you senior. okay to celebrate let go have fun"

They all had fun at the end of the day Dajeoung and Joon woo was walking at the park near Dajeoung house. This was a normal routine between them Joon woo and her will talk at the park before they go there separate ways.

Joon woo talked more than usual today it was obvious he was in good mood he asked "Dajeoung what your plans for the future"

Dajeoung didn't even think about it she gave an answer straight away "I want to be a doctor. that had always been my dream but after what happened to my aunt I added one more dream that is I want to live my best Life, and I won't leave a life where I have to pretend to happy when am not. what do you think?."

Joon woo looked at Dajeoung. when she was talking about her dreams the way I eyes glowed was beautiful. he realizes that what he felt for her wasn't just friendship but there was more to it. he just can't understand it yet. he answered her Firmly

 "Am sure you can do that"