
My Sunshine “…”

DaJeoung was living in a world full of sorrow everyday was like hell for her. living with a abusive husband with her child. Just when she was about to give up she got a rebirth and vowed to free herself from her woes. This story is fictional.

Blackkoreakid · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

chapter 5{review 5}

Ring ring the alarm Rang DaJeoung woke up did her morning routine got dressed and went downstairs. She smell a sweet aroma she walked quickly to the kitchen. Seeing her aunt making breakfast she hugged her and giggled while saying "aunt Chae-Won I missed you".

Chae-won laughed and turned she smiled at DaJeoung "I missed you too. How was school yesterday "

DaJeoung smiled "it was fine aunt" walking to the dining table and sat she asked "where is my brother? He not awake yet?."

Chae-won shook her head "he should be in his room. He should be downstairs anytime from now. Okay enough of the chitchatting take eat your food so you can go to school". Chae-won put the food on the table and sat down.

DaJeoung remember what she saw yesterday and asked "auntie why where you not home yesterday?. and".

Before she could finish Chae-won cut her off. "DaJeoung my baby girl. I had some work so I left early okay. Just eat and go to school" she start to eating signaling the end discussion.

DaJeoung shrugged and started eating half way through their breakfast Dong came downstairs. DaJeoung teased " my lovely brother Dong are you pregnant why are you just come down?".

Dong rolled eyes his not bothering to answer DaJeoung he greeted "mum good morning." He sat down took a bowl of rice while asking where dad"

Chae-won paused a little and said " your dad already left for work. Dong eat up"

DaJeoung finished eating and Stood up " aunt Chae-won am done am going to school. See later" she wink at Dong she got an eye roll in return. DaJeoung laughed and left for school.

Dong said in annoyance "mum you alway let DaJeoung tease me"

Chae-won laughed and said "okay if you are done eating go to school" Dong picked his bag and peck his mom before going. Chae-won smiled looking at her son as he was going she mumbled "I will try harder just for the kids".

Getting to school DaJeoung went to the school garden and found a spot and sat down. She took out her romance novel she just got from her favorite bookstore on her way to school. And started reading she became engrossed in the book. Hearing the school bell ringing signaling that class was about to start. she stood picked up her bag rushed back to class.

On getting to class DaJeoung was walking to her sit while reading her novel. she bump into a class mate. She apologized and before she could pick up her book the student already did. Rising her head up her book that was given back her. She smiled

Her classmates asked "you like the author of this book too?, me and my friends likes it too. Before DaJeoung could reply the teacher got in the class they both smiled at each other and left for their sit.

After the third period the school bell rang for break. And DaJeoung got ready to go the cafeteria packing up her books and putting it inside her locker under table. She raised her head after noticing a shadow. She was a little surprised the class mate she bump into was smiling happily at her she asked " this class mate what can I do for you".

Ae-cha had a big smile on her face she introduced herself " my name is Ae-cha I just want to ask if you like to go to the cafeteria together with me." DaJeoung nodded and they both left for the cafeteria.

While after placing their order Ae-cha sat the conversation first "DaJeoung I know your name. Let me rephrase everyone in class knows you name. That book you where holding this morning I like that novel and the author, So I wanted to ask if would you like to join our book club?."

DaJeoung happily agreed they collected their order. Ae-cha didn't ask why she bought so much food because she already notice DaJeoung food the other day and wasn't surprised. She pointed at a sit in the middle of the cafeteria and said "let go sit there I will introduce you to my friends am sure you will get along fine"

DaJeoung didn't mind making new friends so she agreed they both walked to the table and took a sit. Ae-cha introduced the other two girls sitting she introduced the girl with short fringe "Her name is Ari she is in the same class with us" turning to the girl with longer hair she introduced "And her name is Boram she a class 3. This two are also in the book club." Ae-cha told Ari and Boram about the book and they all were having a very happy conversation.

DaJeoung suggested "let exchange contact. I get the feeling that we become good friends."They all agreed.

Ae-cha suggested "I have many collections of romance novel and different type of novel. How about we get together sometime and show our collections" they were talking and laughing while eating.

Joon Woo was going to order his food he notice DaJeoung talking and laughing with some girls he paused for some time and continued walking.

DaJeoung who was oblivious of been noticed was laughing at a joke Ae-cha was telling when she noticed Joon Woo walking towards the canters and whispered to Boram "Are you in the same with Joon Woo."

Boram face glowed at the mention of gossip she started giving information " ha I know him. He the most intelligent boy in our class. Rumors has it that he should be in senior high by now I don't even know if that true but that what people say." Pausing a she remembered another rumor and spoke out again "I also heard that he is a little" she point at head while spinning her fingers and saying "he a little mental but I don't know if its true because he doesn't really interact with anyone in class. He only seen sometimes with those hot seniors" put on dreaming look so started talking about how hot the seniors where and how she wished to be with one of the seniors going off the topic she became a chatterbox.

DaJeoung just listened with a little interest and they just talk about different topics on till the break was over they went back to class.

DaJeoung life in school was going well. She got popular with girls and boys alike. She is good at everything and was friendly to everyone. Joon Woo couldn't help but notice her she was everywhere everytime. But he never approached her again. Time flies and it was the first exam. DaJeoung join group study and goes home at night not know a storm have been brewing at home.

Coming home that evening DaJeoung heard voices and rushed in only to see Dong standing in sitting room in panic. she asked " what going on Dong why is aunt crying "

Dong cried and said " dad and mum are going to get a divorce. I heard dad saying he has another family that he want a divorce " Dong forgot his cold image cried while hugging DaJeoung.

DaJeoung was stunned she comforted " don't worry. That's obviously not true, it won't happen okay. Your mum and dad love each other okay." Dong nodded and calmed down a little.

Hearing the crash down of things in her aunt room. DaJeoung left Dong while saying "go out for bit. I will just upstairs and check what happening " she rushed upstairs without to confirm if Dong left.

Before she got to her aunt room the it as gone silent. The door opened her uncle came out with his suitcase while cursing. He ignored DaJeoung and left.

DaJeoung stood frozen for some time before moving to go comfort her aunt. Once opening the room she froze seeing her aunt on the floor in her own pool of blood.

DaJeoung didn't know what to do she got back to sense and scream while running over to her aunt crying she called out "aunt Chae-Won , Chae-Won wake-up, wake-up please." She kept calling out but got no response.

Turning her head to look around she noticed Dong by the door she screaming at him " why are standing There call the ambulance quick."

Dong snap out of his shock and ran down and used the home phone to call the ambulance. He ran back up and cried why calling out to his mum

DaJeoung and Dong stood at the front door while watching their mum been taken by the ambulance DaJeoung suddenly remember she called her dad and told him everything.

Baek hyeon arrived half an hour later took both DaJeoung and Dong to hospital he told them on there way going "don't worry your aunt Dam-bi will meet us at the gate of the hospital. you will both follow her home I will take care of everything at the hospital. just go home eat and rest".

DaJeoung and Dong wanted to protest but Baek hyeon turned stern "listen to me okay. This not a time to throw tantrum. You follow your aunt home that it." He then focused on driving.

Author has something to say : welcome everyone to the new week. I will be posting 3 times every week for now on. Don't forget to like, comment, vote and send gift 💋💋😉