
My Sunshine “…”

DaJeoung was living in a world full of sorrow everyday was like hell for her. living with a abusive husband with her child. Just when she was about to give up she got a rebirth and vowed to free herself from her woes. This story is fictional.

Blackkoreakid · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

chapter 4{review 4}

Chapter 4{review 4}

The bell rang for break DaJeoung packed her stuff in her bag and walked to the class entrance . Coming out she saw Joon Woo standing there waiting for her. She smiled at him and said quickly before he start walking away again "hey can we go to the cafeteria first? I need food I haven't had anything for breakfast am starving."

Joon Woo who was about to say " let go " pause and nodded "okay "

DaJeoung was relieved she thought "thank God he agree I thought I was going to suffer from hunger " she was pulled out of her thoughts when Joon Woo asked "are you sure you are starving "

Walking to the cafeteria DaJeoung tried to bring up conversation many times but failed she mumbled " he so uptight"

Joon Woo ignored her and stopped when they got to the cafeteria. He turned and said meet me by 15 minutes here please. So I can show you around the school please don't late " then he left before DaJeoung could say anything.

DaJeoung shrugged and walked inside and order her food she was given surprised stares because of how large her food quantity was. But DaJeoung didn't mind because she was used to it and she was sure everyone will get use to it soon.

Rushing out after eating in hurry she breath a sigh of relief seeing it was already 15 minutes and Joon Woo was standing there. DaJeoung smiled and rushed toward him and said "okay let go am full of energy now"

Joon Woo just glanced at her and started walking forward. Joon Woo was not much of a talker but he did well while showing DaJeoung around he explained directions and uses of each building in detail. And it can be seen that he will be a good business man in future.

DaJeoung was in awe of her new school it was beautiful and standard she loved studying and she wants to become a famous doctor in future. That why she always chooses the best school and she makes sure she Ace in all her subjects.

DaJeoung listened attentively to Joon Woo till they finish the tour. Once they where done she decided to be friends with Joon Woo and started a conversation " like you already know my name is DaJeoung and "as you can see am smart and beautiful girl "

Joon Woo paused and ask in surprise "you are a girl"

DaJeoung nodded and answered "it so obvious. what with the surprised expression. Am so beautiful can a boy be this beautiful? Don't get me wrong is not like boys can't be beautiful but look at my chest there is something there. That shows am a girl. "

Joon Woo eyes moved to her chest seeing it a little big his ears turned red but this wasn't noticed he thought " what kind of girl is so casual with word " out of embarrassment Joon Woo spoke rudely " you think you are beautiful? "scoffed "your dreams are quite big " watching her eyes widened and her face turning red from anger he felt guilt but before he could apologize

DaJeoung exploded "what you think am not beautiful?. See look here Joongdunk, Joon woo or whatever you are called you can ignore me but you can't step on my self esteem. I won't take it".

After speaking DaJeoung walked away angrily Joon Woo tried to stop her but before he could she already turned her back and walked away. Joon Woo was shocked he was surprised that DaJeoung could get angry because she as been smiling ever since they meet.

Joon Woo thoughts "looks like I really made her angry. I should apologize later" sigh he turned and went back to his class

Walking angrily DaJeoung was mumbling to herself " how dare he " she paused after sometimes and said to her self "I was a little to harsh just now he didn't do anything wrong after all we just meet " feel irritated she grumbled "oh my goodness I don't know why little things gets me angry there goes my plan of get my first friend. Well I hope he doesn't take it seriously."

She got to her class and went back to her sit.

Ringing Ringing the bell rang for the end of the school day and DaJeoung picked up her book stuffed them in her bag and walked out of class she was hungry and stressed. Wanting just get home have a hot bath and eat something. Walking down to the school gate she saw Joon Woo standing there and paused he was talking to some senior high school student. He looks a little malnourished and like a nerd while Putting on glass . She walked forward and wanted to approach but on a second thought they where not familiar with each other is better to just avoid him. Making up her mind DaJeoung walked pass them and left for home.

Joon Woo who as been waiting didn't notice her on till she passed by him and his friends. Watching her go he decided that it wasn't really necessary to apologize after all they weren't friends he snapped back when his friend Seo-jun touched his shoulder he gave him a disgusted look and said "I told you don't touch, speak with your mouth"

Seo-jun raised his hand in surrender " ok but you where looking at that dude so seriously I thought you where planning on how to murder someone "

Joon Woo frowned and said " she is girl not a dude okay." I will get going my driver is here see you tomorrow"

Seo-jun shouted " hey why are you angry? I get it she a girl. I thought you agreed to hangout with us "

Joon Woo said " changed my mind see you tomorrow "

Seo-jun and the other guys "…."

Back to DaJeoung on getting home DaJeoung called out to her aunt and her cousin but got no reply from her aunt. Seeing her cousin coming downstairs while frowning DaJeoung teased "hey did someone break your heart "

Dong rolled his eyes and said " I came back from our grandparents place this afternoon. Haven't seen mom did you see her before going to school?".

DaJeoung shook her head " no I didn't. But that shouldn't be problem maybe she and your dad went out. They will come this evening am sure ".she walked upstairs to shower.

Getting to her room DaJeoung arrange her clothes back on the wardrobe her room was clean because a cleaning aunty come twice a week to clean up. She just tied up her wardrobe and when for hot bath.

Coming down stairs she went for dinner she took out instant noodles and made for her and Dong take her own she ate and went up not bothering to call Dong knowing that guy was going to come down when her is door closed.

After get inside her room she stood by door like she predicted 2 minutes later Dong walked passed her room to go downstairs she snicker and mumbled " He a little coward, he so afraid that I will tease him". Laughing to herself she went to do her assignments and slept.

12:00am DaJeoung got up to drink water while going to the kitchen she hear harsh but low voice walked to the sitting room and saw her aunt chae-won and her husband arguing . She paused by the door and greet they both stop talking and answered. DaJeoung said to them " am going to get water and I will go back to my room after that ." she turned and left got the water and went back to bed.

Author has something to say " well here is another update hope you enjoyed it?. Am posting today because I will busy tomorrow so please don't forget to like 👍 comment, vote 🗳 and don't forget the gift 🎁.💋💋