
Chapter 1: A Single Moment


Izuku's POV:

"Okay, class settle down, settle down. So, I'm supposed to talk with you about your future careers. But we all know that you all are going to be...HEROS!!!" The teacher stated as everyone started showing off their quirks. "OI teach! Don't put me on the same level as these losers. I'm the real deal, but they'll be lucky to even be sidekicks to some schmuck of a D-Lister." Kacchan said. The class was outraged at this. Kacchan just taunted everyone.

I just put my head down not wanting to draw attention to myself. But, of course, the world had to screw me over. Kacchan went into a spiel about how UA was the only school worthy of him when the teacher interrupted. "Hey, Midoriya didn't you want to go to UA too?" Everyone started laughing. 'Great more mental scars for me.' I thought. I just sat there with my head down as the class made fun of me when Kacchan launched an explosion that sent me flying to the back of the room. "Listen here you fucking Deku! You're worse than the damn rejects you wannabe fanboy! Do you really think that they'd take you when they could have me?" He started yelling concededly. I started backing up in fear that he was gonna hit me like my dad did when I hit the wall. I got a flashback from when I was four. (The part in the prologue. I'm too lazy to write it out :/) I put my arms up in defense expecting a hit but it never came. It was then I started feeling like I needed to throw up. "That's right run, that's all you'll ever be able to do because you're poor quirkless, defenseless, Izuku. I heard Kacchan taunt from behind.

I ran out of the classroom and into the bathroom with tears in my eyes as I threw up. Once I was done the voices started to come back. 'You'll never be a hero!' 'You'll always be a quirkless Deku' 'No one wants you' 'Your mom killed herself because of you don't you remember' "Stop..." I muttered. Tears were falling at this point. They only got louder and louder as they repeated over and over until I couldn't take it anymore. I took out my razor and started cutting. One for each thought and then another just because. The pain was my relief. I watched the blood spill for a minute. Then, I set my razor down to clean my arm when Kacchan walked in.

Katusiki's POV:

I was about to hit stupid Deku when I saw pure terror in his eyes. I waited to see what would happen. All of a sudden he ran out holding his mouth as if he was going to puke."That's right run! That's all you'll ever be able to do because you're poor quirkless, defenseless Izuku." I taunted behind him. "Alright Bakugo, I think you've done enough damage for the day. Do me a favor and go get him in like 5 minutes. That should be enough time for him to cool down. Thank you." I waited 5 minutes then left. I walked slowly since I wasn't in such a big hurry to see Deku. "Stupid teacher...making me go get stupid Deku with his stupid face, and his stupidly soft hair," I mumbled. I finally made it to the bathroom. 'That took 5 minutes? Teach'll be wondering where we are I thought.

I walked in only to see Deku washing blood off his arms. My eyes went wide. His eyes filled again with pure terror as he ran into one of the stalls as I heard him retching. Not too long after he was crying. 'Is this my fault? NO ITS NOT DAMNIT STUPID DEKU IS MAKING ME THINK THAT!!' I thought angrily. I looked at the stall and saw it wasn't locked. I opened it and saw him practically pulling out his hair as he was crying and hyperventilating. He was in full panic mode. I walked out to see if anybody was nearby. I crouched down. "OI Nerd look at me. Whatever's going on with you I won't pry. I wouldn't care anyway. But, I need you to calm down. I promise you I won't tell anyone about this." I noticed his breathing slow and his grip on his hair relaxed. "Okay, once you're done bawling we need to get back to class. The teach will be wondering where we are by now." He nodded wiped his eyes and started walking. I went back to my normal self. I only acted like that because he was fucking panicking.

We walked back into class and went to our separate seats. I put my feet against the chair in front of me as the teacher droned on and on.

Izuku's POV:

It was after class when I was looking at the recent news. I had taken out my notebook when Kacchan took it from me. "I don't know what you think you're doing but we're not done with you." He said as his goons walked behind him. This sent another flashback through my mind.


I was six and my Dad was beating me up again. He walked away and I thought he was done so I got up and started walking to the bathroom to treat my wounds. "I don't know where you think you're going but I ain't done with you yet."


Fear showed in my eyes as I reached for my notebook. One of the only things that made me happy. "What you got there Bakugo? His diary?" One of his goons asked. The other one took a look at the title and said "Oh my god please don't tell me you're taking notes on how to be a hero. That's so freaking pathetic!" (The title is Hero Analysis for the Future if you don't remember and it's No. 13) "Yeah yeah laugh it up now give it back please," I said out of character. Surprise flashed through Kacchan's eyes for a moment. Then he used his quirk on it and exploded it. Then he proceeded to throw it out the window and into the pond below. "Most first-string heros show potential early. People take one good look at them and just know that they're destined for greatness. When I make it out of this hell hole and into UA they'll all be talking about me like that. They'll realize that I'm the real deal, the next big thing. And that's not the ego talking I just know I'm good." He put his hand on my shoulder and started to burn it. But, I didn't feel any pain. Instead, my heart started racing. "Here's a bit of advice nerd. Don't even think of applying." I stood there shaking in anger at myself, at him, at my father and at the world as they walked away. "If you want to be a hero that badly why don't you jump off the roof and pray that you'll get a quirk in the next life?" They walked away laughing. "That might not be so bad after all," I said to myself.