
Chapter 2: Katsuki?

Izuku's POV:

"That might not be so bad after all..." I said to myself. I wrote a note for my Mom and a note for Kacchan. I left them on my desk and started walking to the roof.

Katsuki's POV:

As I walked out of school gates I realized I left my phone. "Damnit." I turned around to go get it. "I left my damn phone in the classroom give me 10 minutes," I called as I started running. "Okay." They called back. It had been five minutes and I finally got to the classroom passing Deku on the way. "Tch. Damn nerd." I saw my phone on my desk and grabbed it. I was about to walk out when I noticed papers on Deku's desk. They were folded up. One labeled 'For Mom' the other labeled 'For Kacchan' "What does that damn nerd want to say to me?" I opened the letter and read it my eyes widening.

Dear Kacchan,

Guess what? Finally, years and years and years of this torment and I'm taking a piece of your advice. I'm going to "Take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a quirk in the next life" as you said it. I just wanted you to know before I go that no matter what you did to me. I couldn't ever seem to push you away or get your words out of my head. The way I see those words is on the back of the letter if you dare take a look. I just can't take any more of this. My mind was going to break sooner or later. I knew that. But, I guess today is the day. Well, I hope that I see you in the next life and that in the next life you're a kinder person. Goodbye Katsuki Bakugo.

Sincerely, Deku. (You can see the thoughts in the picture above)

I flipped the card over to be surprised. 'Did I really do that?' That thought flashed through my mind. Before I realized. "Shit. Gotta go get him." I rushed through the roof to save the damn nerd because otherwise what sort of a hero or a friend would I be.

Izuku's POV:

I started walking towards the roof passing Katsuki on the way. "Tch. Damn nerd." I put my head down and kept walking. Soon, I wouldn't have to deal with it. I decided to sit down and enjoy the sunset one last time while I listened to my favorite song. 'Boy In The Bubble' By Alec Benjamin. It pretty much summed up his life. The sun had gone down and it was time.

3rd POV:

Izuku had just gotten on the edge to jump. When Katsuki barged through the door. "I take it you saw my letter?" Izuku asked. "Yeah...I came to try to convince you otherwise." Bakuugo replied softly. Laughter could be heard from the small green-headed boy. "So NOW you want to play the hero. I can just see it. 'The most popular boy in school saves fellow classmate from himself' That WOULD be a perfect headline for you huh? I get it. You're doing this because you want to be heroic. BUT WHAT THE HELL PREVENTED YOU FROM THAT BEFORE!? WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ACTING THIS WAY NOW? THIS ALL COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED IF YOU COULD SEE PAST YOUR OWN NOSE!! BUT NO! YOU TRAMPLED MY PRIDE, YOU BROKE MY SELF-CONFIDENCE, YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME! you took all that I had left..." He was crying at this point. "Izuku, maybe your right. I couldn't see what I was doing to you. I couldn't see what was going on. But, I had made a promise to you that we'd always be there to protect each other when we were kids yeah? I realize that the hurt I inflicted upon you broke that promise. But, let me make a new one. To protect you from me and from yourself. Besides what would Inko say? What will she think?" Katsuki asked. "She won't say or think anything Katsuki. You want to know why? She's dead! She killed herself years ago. I guess you forgot... But, none of that matters. It's funny, isn't it? That I and my mother would meet that same end. I guess it's true. The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree. Goodbye Bakugo." Izuku spat his name before he stepped backward and fell.

"IZUKU NO!!!" Bakugo shouted when he heard the farewell. He started to run forward-thinking that it was too late. He jumped and reached and by some miracle caught Izuku's hand. Izuku looked up at his 'savior' "Katsuki?" He asked "Let me go." he stated firmly. "NO! Izuku. Auntie would not want you to meet your end like this. So, I am taking her role and doing what she would've done. Auntie would want you to live. So LIVE Izuku. If not for yourself then live for her! Live for fuck's sake." Izuku hung from Katsuki's hand for a moment before he reached up and held on to his arm. Katsuki took that as a sign to pull him up.

When both were safe they talked for a while and headed home together. Bakugo made sure Izuku got home safe. Before returning to his own where he got a strong scolding from his mother.

Izuku walked into his home to the sight of his father passed out drunk on the couch. He breathed a sigh of relief and went to bed wondering if this all was a dream.