

3rd POV (Age 4):

"YOU LITTLE SHIT" Izuku's father threw him against the wall. Izuku cried out in pain. "HOW HARD IS IT TO HAVE A FUCKING QUIRK!? HUH!?" He had just found out about Izuku being quirkless. All his father ever wanted was to have a kid with a strong quirk. YOU'RE A FUCKING DISGRACE!!" Izuku was crying and whimpering from the physical and emotional pain. "W-wh-what d-did I do w-wrong?" he asked in between sniffles. His dad walked up to him and grabbed him by his hair, brought Izuku close to his face and shouted. "WHAT DID YOU DO WRONG!? WHAT DID YOU DO WRONG!? YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING QUIRK THAT'S WHAT YOU DID WRONG!" He dropped Izuku to the floor and started beating him up until he was unconscious. He left to go to the bar.

30 minutes later

Inko got back after getting groceries and saw Izuku unconscious. She dropped the groceries in horror. She knew that he was abusive. She had been dealing with his violent tendencies since they were dating but she never expected him to take it out on him. She picked up his body and took him to the bathroom. She woke him up so that she could teach him how to take care of his injuries properly. Once that was done she went back grabbed her groceries and put them away.

Age 10 Izuku's POV:

I was walking home from school since it wasn't that far. I have noticed that Mom seems really sad lately. It's probably because Dad keeps hurting us. I always cover it up with make-up though so no one notices. Dad left a note on the door 'Hey useless piece of shit I went out to drink. Don't you dare do anything while I'm gone and your mother is working. I'll be back tomorrow. I sighed in relief. "At least he won't beat me up today." I walked in and screamed. My mother who was the light of my life was in a pool of her own blood. I fumbled to grab my phone and called 911. "9-1-1 what's your emergency?" I was shaking and scared I couldn't say anything. "M-m-my m-m-mom is i-in a p-p-p-pool o-of b-b-blood..." It was at that time my body decided to throw up. "Are you alright?" She asked. "I'm okay physically. But my mother is dying please send help!" I took deep breaths. "Okay, we have an ambulance and police on their way. Please leave the house and go somewhere safe. Until we know that this is not a murder we need you to evacuate the building. We will call you back when everything is okay and cleared." "Okay." I walked out the door. I didn't know where to go. "I guess Kacchan's house will have to do." I started walking and thoughts started to invade my mind 'This is your fault.' 'You were too weak to protect her' 'The only person who cared about you is dead and it's your fault.' 'You don't deserve to live.' I tried to shake the thoughts away but one remained. 'It's your fault.' That's when I arrived at Kacchan's I rang the doorbell as the thought sank in.

Katsuki's POV:

I heard the doorbell ring. "Oi brat, get the door!" "Fine. Lazy old hag." "HEY, I HEARD THAT" "SHUT IT OLD HAG!!!" I opened the door to see a very shaken up Izuku Midoriya.

"Hey, Mom. Get over here NOW." I called knowing something's wrong "Something's wrong if you call me Mom." She was on her way and just saw Izuku when he latched onto me and started sobbing. "OI. LET GO!" The old hag just stood there shocked. "I'm taking him upstairs to see if he'll tell me what's wrong." She nodded. I dragged the still sobbing nerd upstairs. (Reminder they are only 10) When we got to my room. He sat down on my bed and held his head in his hands and cried and cried and cried. He was starting to panic and was hyperventilating. 'Another anxiety/panic attack.' They were common for him. I searched for an inhaler. We usually have one in case he's ever here since he's needed one for a few years now. I finally found one and saw that he was breathing faster than before. 'Shit!' I knelt in front of him. "Hey, Izuku. Look at me. Hey, look at me." He refused to. So I tried the next best thing. I hugged him. Those always calmed him down. Slowly, his breathing went back to normal. He started hiccuping between sobs. "Will you tell me what happened?" He nodded. Just as he was about to speak the old hag came rushing in and she hugged him. "Oh my god, Izuku I'm so sorry!" She just held him as he latched to her as they both cried. When they were both calmed again I asked what happened. "Do you want to tell him?" She asked Izuku. He shook his head violently. The old hag dragged me outside my room. "OI, DON'T PULL MY EAR OFF!" When we were outside she explained. "Inko committed suicide..."