
My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

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  • 361 Chs
  • 3.4
    379 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Read ‘My Special Ability is Perfect Replication’ Online for Free, written by the author Panda Reunion, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: After transmigrating to this world where spiritual energy is revived, I realized that it’s a world rampaged by Direbeast...


After transmigrating to this world where spiritual energy is revived, I realized that it’s a world rampaged by Direbeasts. But what is most exciting is that humans with special abilities do exist! It’s awesome to witness control of thunder and fire, titan’s transformation, limb regeneration, teleportation, telepathy, precognition and many more. And guess what? I have them all.

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Well initially i liked this novel a lot but........................... So i read its mtl and u guys don't know how racist it becomes after 200 or so chaps. This novel is on the level of the mythological genes novel in terms of racism. So here it goes- Around 300 chaps or so the ancient gods of all pantheon returns and wreck havoc bcz all people became atheist and guess what the chinese gods are missing. Then later the many humans betray and side with gods. Of course Chinese are exceptions. Then after the mc kills all gods and later he kills all humans who believe in gods no questions asked. He destroys all temples and of course he kills almost all Japanese bcz they were trying to reestablish there country after the destruction. I don't understand how the hell qidian dares to show such novels in front of the international community and how the hell it became trending...............So plz don't vote for this shitty novel. You guys gonna regret it............


totally bland read 200 ch in mtl this sucks also the novel on hiatus for half a year so don't waste your time in reading this , also later on this novel has some racist shit so don't spend ur coins on this


These kinds of wish fulfillment type novels where the protagonist has a ‘copy’ ability usually all suck. But 5 stars anyways, I’m willing to give this a chance.


My opinion is only based on 1st chapter. I'm just too blown away. "Even nuclear weapons ... were unable to have the desired effect." "Some could control fire and lightning, some could transform into giants, some could instantly teleport, while some could move at the speed of light." 🤔 Why was it put into Fantasy? With such use of laws of physics, this novel ought to be Realistic genre. ✅ MC fasther is in millions of debt ✅ Goddess-ultra-booty sister ✅ Wish-fullfilment incoming 💩 Nice novel


Yet another trashy Chinese sci-fi novel that quickly abandons all science and decided that advanced civilizations that span galaxies have decided that Chinese culture best culture, Chinese women best women and despite having access to advanced weaponry and FTL, Five Element Dao and Yin-Yang Dao best stuff ever to exist. Do yourself a favor and don't read this novel. Maybe that way Webnovel will decide to stop translation junk and do some decent novels instead


You guys do realize that this novel is in hiatus/dropped. Plus the fact that it's going to have plenty of nationalism right? Don't support a novel that's in hiatus


On hiatus. Webnovel really knows how to pick novels to translate. They really like novels that are easy to drop. They gonna milk the shit out of this novel just to make some money then drop it unfinished. Of course, will they listen? No. Pretty standard chinese way of doing things.


Why are people voting for this one? It could not be more bland or generic if it tried. The author doesn't know how to write an intelligent MC, and what's worse is it talks about how it's a sci-fi world, but like most other Chinese sci-fi it's just more fantasy in space.


It’s a fun, light story. I like much better than supuer gene Optimization fluid. You can see the shadow of a few great novels in the story. Looking forward to reading it completely.


I gave it 5. But after reading up to chapter 40. I realized something the MC is dumb and the novel is bad. Like not purposely dumb, author tries to make a smart MC and this results and it backfires terribly


The plot is meant to be focused on the perfect replication that he can use every two months. It has been like what? A year? and he only has four abilities and you only see him ever using his earth ability. It isn't even shown when he gained his fourth one just that he magically gained it one chapter... The story is kinda a joke it has so many plot holes it's not even funny. If the story was more fleshed out, had more thought to it etc it would have been WAY more interesting.


I was thinking it's gonna be a good one...in a long while..but it's more like the author copy pasted ((no got inspired))😉.. not much substance ..if you don't have anything to read and someone asked you to bored them to death, than suggest this webnobel.😉👍


It's not the worst thing ever... it's just extremely meh. People who want to write interesting novels, but don't bother to think things through. Things like the cheat being poorly used, the MC trying to be smart and failing hard always destroy my enjoyment. Also fantasy disguised as sci-fi. And apparently it's dropped by the author?


The novel is dropped at chap 363.......don't vote this novel


Novel in Hiatus/DroppedNovel in Hiatus/DroppedNovel in Hiatus/DroppedNovel in Hiatus/DroppedNovel in Hiatus/DroppedNovel in Hiatus/DroppedNovel in Hiatus/DroppedNovel in Hiatus/Dropped


the novel is highly influenced by mha (my hero a academia) like no 1 hero emperor might who has super strength no 2 hero vulcan power of flames the mc is too bland some situations are not explained clearly enough . it feels like a cheaper repeat version of mha tbh not for me


The plot of the story is extremely similar to swallowed star. Just different cheats. [img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]


Copy word really deserve this Novel I mean many thing is copy but this Novel is quite good. I am giving it a chance. by the way I suggest this novel (strongly) to new reader.


Ugh, this novel, I suppose the author dropped it for a reason. It starts off seeming decent, but the MC is dumb, the setting is poor, later it becomes quite racist... try again maybe mr author.


I don't understand why Chinese authors are so bad at writing science fiction. If you want to write wuxia or xuanxian just write wuxia or xuanxian. MC's dumb, world building sucks, and it's dropped.


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Adsila_Panther8, EndlessFantasy Translation TranslatorAMS2000, SeraphicaEditor