
chapter 2

luna was in class room she was still thinking about jassica. she cannot forget about that moment

" what the hell why i`m thinking about it . i`m just a ugly potato she will forget about me right "

luna was distract teacher notice it and shout " miss luna come to the blackboard and solve this problem " at this moment every child no matter in which grade he is in he well regret whole life.

luna said " y-y-yes sir "

every one was starring at her and the question was " x4-3x+6 divided by 2-x2 " ( note :- this is author`s homework comment the answer)

luna was nervous and embarrassed because she cannot solve it everyone start laughing at her. her eyes get tear. teacher tell her to take seat. #studentlifeproblem

someone was watching all this . " she can`t solve this problem @_@"

luna was sad because of this . after class teacher call her in office and said " miss luna your performance is too poor. and our principal has decided that senior will take some extra classes and help junior in study ". luna in mind " what the hell extra classes i hate study but i want to open my own orphanage "

'miss luna .... MISS LUNA !!!!"

" eh yes teacher *~*' " teacher write her name in register and said " there is 5 student in every batch you are in batch A and jassica will take your session.

' w-w-what @<>@"

" you have any problem"

"n-n-no teacher" luna was so happy that she can meet jassica but suddenly remember what happened this morning .

"what kind of luck i have"" how the hell i`m gonna face her" @////@

teacher in mind "why is she blushing these kids now-a-days i don`t know why a student like jessica will insist to add such a kid in his batch"

"is some kind of drama is going on *0* I should tell this to my friends @0@"

"i should bring popcorn with me ". @0@

" what should i name it readers comment what we should we call a drama in which rich person and poor person is in love"