
chapter 3

after school in luna was waiting for jassica in classroom. she was early because she don't want to be late. in batch A there was 5 students luna, lily , jack, joy , yun.

jaissica entered the class . in classroom they were alone . jassica Stand in front of window. wind was blowing through window. jaissica hair come in front of her face . sunlight was kissing jassica face and her cold expression make it stunning beauty. luna was unconsciously put jaissica hair back side of ear. luna said " beautiful "

jassica :- " what "

luna come to sense " eh- ah - sorry jassi- I mean senior 😖"

jassica stay silent for sometime and said " why did you climb wall are you trying to bunk school ?"

luna got panicked " n-n-no I was late and school gates were closed that's why I climbed the wall I have no intention to bunk School I swear "

"well what were you doing there you should be in class right "

jassica in mind " oh fist monkey and now fox I want to know what else she have in her sleeves"

" i was reading books and I already complete my syllabus so I don't attend class" " I was enjoying my free time and a monkey ruined it"

luna:- " oh there was a monkey too"😃

jassica in mind " does she has any mental problem"

soon other students entered the class they started they class.

jassica start teaching luna was starring at her all the time. jaissica noticed it " is there any problem luna "

luna come to earth

" eh- no "

"then why are you starring I think you're sleepy go wash your face "

luna got embarrassed and run towards washroom

" what he'll I'm doing why I was starring at her" but her hair was so soft and smooth and that pleasent fragrance "¢////¢

"what the hell I'm thinking "

"come on! luna she is your senior and girl you admire "

" I will follow her become like her "

luna return to class ...