
chapter 1

"luna we're late come faster otherwise I will leave you lazy rat 🙄"

" waaet eam eaten ( wait I'm eating) " luna mouth was full of bread

"what are you saying eat fast😒" hena waiting for luna outside in bicycle.

hena paddling bicycle luna sitting behind. both of them reach school building but school-gate was already closed.there was security guard,

" guard sir please let us in were are only 5 minutes late please please "🥺

" Last time you said same thing girl I'm not gonna let you in go home"😑

"hump" hena look at luna " we are late because of you" luna was checking something on wall. hena said " what are you doing😒 "

" sister so what if that fat gaurd can't let us in.

we will climb the wall "😎

"are you a monkey"😐" forget it you climb first"

"okay sis😁" luna climb the wall but suddenly her step slip and and she fall from wall but someone Catch her" ahhhhhh helmm😫" someone put hand on her mouth. luna open her eyes and saw a girl with dark Brown eyes, black hair ,pink lips looking like fairy she was jassica.

" you're so noisce 😒"

luna was too shocked to say something

" are you planning to stay like this "

"get up you're havey 😑"

luna come to sense " oh what I'm not havey and what are you doing here "


hump what a rude person luna think in mind .

hena also jump from wall

" hey let's go we're already late " when Hena saw jassica she was shocked

"miss jassica I mean senior 😦" " senior I'm really sorry she is my cousin she is new here forgive her for her mistake😖"

jassica just took her books and move towards her class .

hena hit luna " ideot in whole school you have to mess with senior she is jassica the topper of the school if she report to teacher no one will save us 😨.

luna was shocked

" s-s-she is jassica the girl i admir and she is my idol"

" what she was thinking about me I want to give a good impression but it's messed up "😫

hena drag her to class " come on we're late "

" you're her fan girl since 5th class but still you don't know what she look like 🤦🏻‍♀️"

luna was in her own world thinking about jassica " she has pink lips😳" " her skin was smooth 😳" ahhh I'm going crazy I should focus on class