
My Ruthless Girlfriend

Amara Brown found out she has roots in the Mafia world, abandoning the family she does not feel connected with, she joins the Mafia and through hardwork becomes their gang leader, Amara Russo. Kidnapping, Murdering, Making people disappear, smuggling were the only things she knew. Her life turns topsy turvy when a new member joins their gang. He looks poor, pitiful and arrogant, but has good combat skills. Was he really like how he looks like or there is more to it? This was the question that kept bothering Amara since she met him ... "What happened? Why are you worried?" Joshua asked Amara. "That guy keeps staring at me, as if he knows who I am" "Maybe you are overthinking?" "No, his glance followed me wherever I went. I think our identities are compromised" "No, they won't be" "How?" "I am sorry Amara, just act along for five minutes." "Wha..." Amara couldn't complete her question as he sealed her lips with his. ... When Amara realizes one of her loyal people is hell bent on killing her to gain her position, she has to break the promise she made. What will she do? Disclaimer: The cover photo does not belong to me and if the creator has an issue with it please let me know, I'll remove it. Also, this story is a pure work of fiction

Mystical_night · Urban
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238 Chs

Run Away

In the other car, the three other men were wide awake, they were following Amara's car closely, Joshua was someone new and he insisted driving with Amara and Dan, Jim had a bad feeling about it but since Dan allowed it, he couldn't oppose him but that doesn't mean he trusts Joshua so he insisted he will stay awake although Vic is the one driving.

"Jim you look tired, why don't you please sleep" Vic suggested.

"No, I can't, I have to keep an eye on that Joshua" Jim insisted.

"Jim, I don't think he has any bad intentions" Carl shared his opinion with Jim as he knew him long enough to understand what he must be thinking.

"I am not sure, where the hell did he suddenly come from, how did he manage to get hold of those diamonds and if he actually had them with him then why did he give it to us instead of running away with it. Did you see his house?" Jim questioned Carl.

"Yes Jim, didn't we all see it" Carl was annoyed as he knew where this conversation was heading towards.

"His house is not even basic enough to be called a house, it was like a garbage room stuffed with all the things collected from a garbage bin, the way he is living is so disgusting that he should have been tempted to run away with those diamonds as soon as he saw them and it was also obvious he knew that owner had those diamonds way before then we came, why the hell did he wait for us to come and then hand it over to our gang, he could have just run away with them and lead a blissful life full of happiness, to be honest it would have been impossible for us to trace him if he decided to run, isn't all of this fishy, I can't believe he doesn't have any bad intentions, I actually think he has more cruel intentions which we are not able to see now." Jim explained his theory in detail.

Vic and Carl couldn't refute it as the points made by Jim were very strong, it really made them think deeper.

After some time, Carl spoke up, "I agree you have made some strong points but who knows what exactly he might have gone through in life, maybe he is ethical and doesn't want to do something risky, he is good at martial arts is a fact, he is better than you and me Jim, he could have made a good life out of his skills alone, maybe he really wants to join a mafia gang and be a part of it and earn respectfully" Carl tried to be less judgmental about Joshua and tried to understand his actions as neutrally as he can.

"Seriously? Earn respectfully by being in mafia? Yours words doesn't even make sense bro" Jim disapproved his theory without any hesitation.


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