
My Ruthless Girlfriend

Amara Brown found out she has roots in the Mafia world, abandoning the family she does not feel connected with, she joins the Mafia and through hardwork becomes their gang leader, Amara Russo. Kidnapping, Murdering, Making people disappear, smuggling were the only things she knew. Her life turns topsy turvy when a new member joins their gang. He looks poor, pitiful and arrogant, but has good combat skills. Was he really like how he looks like or there is more to it? This was the question that kept bothering Amara since she met him ... "What happened? Why are you worried?" Joshua asked Amara. "That guy keeps staring at me, as if he knows who I am" "Maybe you are overthinking?" "No, his glance followed me wherever I went. I think our identities are compromised" "No, they won't be" "How?" "I am sorry Amara, just act along for five minutes." "Wha..." Amara couldn't complete her question as he sealed her lips with his. ... When Amara realizes one of her loyal people is hell bent on killing her to gain her position, she has to break the promise she made. What will she do? Disclaimer: The cover photo does not belong to me and if the creator has an issue with it please let me know, I'll remove it. Also, this story is a pure work of fiction

Mystical_night · Urban
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238 Chs

Threatened by his Presence

"But Jim one point made by Carl is definitely right, we don't know what he went through and what kind of circumstances he might have faced in life so it would be wrong if we judge him based on his current scenario, we should at least give him a benefit of doubt" Vic calmly expressed his opinion.

"Guys I am telling you, something is wrong with that guy, I think we should ensure he fails all the tests Dan plans for him tomorrow, we can't let him join our gang." Jim shared his thoughts with his two old friends.

They have been together for so long that they don't need to hide stuff from each other or worry of what one might think of the other, they can be frank and honest with each other and they knew no matter what they had each other's back. 

These three always had their share of arguments and difference in opinions, they even fought with each other but at the end they always clear their differences and never let it affect their long friendship.

"Jim I honestly feel you are scared of him" Carl frankly shared his thoughts with him.

"What the fuck" Jim cursed at Carl

"Seconded Carl, I too think you are threatened by his presence" Vic supported Carl.

"Are you guys nuts? Why would I be threatened by a guy like him?"

"Because he is better than both of us combined?" Carl answered him.

"Carl, it is not about that, I sense something is fishy about him, he is not what he looks like"

"Jim it is your jealousy doing all the talking" Vic taunted him.

"Fine, don't believe me but one day I'll prove it to the both of you that there is more to what meets our eyes when it comes to Joshua"

"Sure, do that" Carl had no more energy to argue with Jim and Vic too didn't say anything, they know how stubborn Jim is so they decided to let him be.

"Should we call boss or Dan to check on them?" Jim was worried about those two.

"I am sure they can handle themselves very well Jim" Vic was getting annoyed with Jim.

"Let's ask him to stop at the side and I'll travel with them in their car, what do you think?" Jim curiously looked at them but they ignored him.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?"

"We are fine Jim, something is wrong with you, I think you need to make peace with the fact that he would be joining us soon, Dan giving him a chance to come along with us is almost a confirmation that he is in and he just want him to meet James, our soldier before taking him in as an associate." Vic tried to put some sense into his stubborn friend's mind.

Jim finally decided to shut his mouth, what Vic and Carl said made sense, so he decided to just go with the flow and to be quiet for the time being, 'I will definitely never let my guard down and would keep an eye on that Joshua, I'll prove one day that I am right.' He promised himself.


As I couldn't release chapters frequently, I decided to give you all a mass release instead, hopefully I'll give you all another mass release of five chapters soon (maybe tomorrow, fingers crossed). Please cheer this author with your power stones, comments and reviews.

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