
My Ruthless Girlfriend

Amara Brown found out she has roots in the Mafia world, abandoning the family she does not feel connected with, she joins the Mafia and through hardwork becomes their gang leader, Amara Russo. Kidnapping, Murdering, Making people disappear, smuggling were the only things she knew. Her life turns topsy turvy when a new member joins their gang. He looks poor, pitiful and arrogant, but has good combat skills. Was he really like how he looks like or there is more to it? This was the question that kept bothering Amara since she met him ... "What happened? Why are you worried?" Joshua asked Amara. "That guy keeps staring at me, as if he knows who I am" "Maybe you are overthinking?" "No, his glance followed me wherever I went. I think our identities are compromised" "No, they won't be" "How?" "I am sorry Amara, just act along for five minutes." "Wha..." Amara couldn't complete her question as he sealed her lips with his. ... When Amara realizes one of her loyal people is hell bent on killing her to gain her position, she has to break the promise she made. What will she do? Disclaimer: The cover photo does not belong to me and if the creator has an issue with it please let me know, I'll remove it. Also, this story is a pure work of fiction

Mystical_night · Urban
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238 Chs

I am Sorry

"Well, then I have nothing to be worried about as I am not hiding anything, neither intentionally nor unintentionally" he confidently replied back to her earlier statement.

"Let's see" she was still not convinced, her intuition told her he is not as simple as he looks like.

"Ms. Russo, If I…"

"It's Ms. Brown" Amara still didn't become a Russo yet and this was already stabbing her heart and she was not ready to accept herself as a Russo till Michael does, so she won't pretend to be one and will continue to be a Brown till she is proven deserving enough to be a Russo.

"Ms. Brown, If I may, there is something that is bothering me."


"You have been staring at me for a long time, are you sure it is because you have doubts about me or maybe you are attracted to me and couldn't take your eyes off this handsome beauty." He wanted to joke so as to divert her attention.

As soon as he finished his question, he could feel something cold and metallic pressed against his temple, he didn't have to turn around to see what it is, he knew it was a gun, he understood this time he really pissed her off, even though she was pointing a gun at him he was not scared as he knew she won't kill him, it was just her way to scare him and prove it that he doesn't mean anything to her.

"Are you sure you want to kill the person who is driving you to your place right now?" he coolly asked.

"I don't care, the next time you talk such nonsense again, you would not find the gun pressed against your temple but will find the bullet pass through your brain."

"I am sorry I was just kidding" he didn't want to agitate her anymore so he decided to apologize and finish off this matter.

Amara was surprised as she didn't expect him to back down so easily, the guy she saw earlier at that restaurant would never apologize so quickly, she was now even more confused as to who exactly he is.

She closed her eyes and recollected everything that happened since the moment she entered that small restaurant for the mission, she tried to think where could Joshua be hiding, he was definitely not there when they went in the place, they ensured and double checked everything, she wondered where did he suddenly come from and how the hell did, he get those diamonds, she went through that moment all over again in her mind to figure out something that she might have missed.

Joshua saw her closing her eyes but he knew she was not sleeping but was deeply thinking about something and he decided to let her be.


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