
My reincarnation: A parents wish

Hello readers....umm i would say this is my first work so it is not going to be that good but i gave a try maybe you can too. its about a young man given a second chance at life after suffering in his first one in a bed. he gets to decide what kind of world he will transmigrate into. for now he is just a boy trying to learn more about his fantasies but who knows what is in store for him in his fate. lets follow him and uncover his mysteries along with him as he journey through the new world.

Anupam_Singh_7408 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

chapter 9

It was yet again a new morning and he had to start this new day. He laid for a while, after all the grogginess went away he came out.

Starting his day with meditation, he took his bath and ate his breakfast which was also an organ from yesterday's bear.

After having his breakfast he started absorbing the crystal through his hand to not fall to the urges. Taking his time he to smoothly absorb it.

After absorbing it he went on ahead with his training, but just as he was about to start his train Alice said [you should now learn how to utilise your mana now.]

"And how do I do it?" [First let me tell you how to utilise mana, any being if having adequate amount of mana can utilise it in two ways.]

[The first is to infuse it in your muscles temporarily making them sturdier and faster, every attack utilising this technique is many times more powerful and destructive than its normal version, this is called by many names, body strengthening, body augmentation, etc. but we can stick with infusion.]

[Next is spell casting of which you may have an idea what it is, in it we utilise mana and our imagination more than it is used in infusion, together to mould it in different kinds of spells which can affect our immediate surroundings.]

[Spell can be of short-range, mid-range and long-range, there are spells which affect one's body like healing spells, curses, or buffs. There are some spells which can work on a larger scale like affecting the weather and all, but they require high amount of mana.]

[This one is complicated, and cannot be learned here you have to learn it from others when you finally decide to start living among your kind.]

It was kind of bummer that he could not learn spells but he shrugged it off and asked "so I have to infuse mana in my muscles and try to maintain it for as long as I can?"

[In small amount, infusing mana can be very painful sometimes if you are not careful with it, so first start with a miniscule amount then slowly increase it to the amount you are most comfortable with.]

[When you find that amount try maintaining it and when you are able to maintain it for an hour try increasing the amount little by little.]

[And well the amount of mana your body will be comfortable with would be higher than normal humans because of the bloodline.]

He tried to do what she said, at first it was difficult to imagine the muscles being infused with mana but as he went on trying, slowly but surely he was able to infuse a drop of it in his muscles but it dispersed after a few moments of infusion.

He continued this for two hours and then went on to his normal training. For the next week he followed the same schedule.

Today as he was training with the spear he was getting frustrated, this was because no matter what he tried he was not making any progress with his spear, putting it aside he sat down and asked Alice what more he could do.

[Well there is a thing I forgot to tell you to utilise your mana you can also infuse it in your weapons making them stronger and sharper. But to do it you have to be on somewhat good level of infusion, but I have an idea.]

[Every once in a week you can visit the middle part of the forest, and fight some beasts there, gaining experience and developing a fighting style for yourself.]

"Hum… I also got an idea from what you said, if I do as you said for two months will you be able to tell if I am ready to stay there permanently or not?"


"Ok" saying he continued his training, but for now he stopped the spear training. In a week he was ready to go on his first experience gathering.

He got up on time did his meditation and mana infusion, after two weeks he just could follow his mana flow for 1 and a half hours, and in mana infusion he could maintain it for twenty mins.

After doing these two activities he packed his this things and went towards his destination for first time he decided to target the goblins as he met them first.

Entering the middle part it did not take him much time to come across a group of four goblins. They tried to attack him systematically but he was faster stronger and smarter than them so they stood no chance in just a minute they were all dead.

As he was moving in he remembered he had some abilities of a wolf and a wolf can track someone with its smell, he took a step back and sniffed one of them.

"Chough cough." And as expected it was bad, but he could now track them and were there will be the strongest smell there will be a large number of them.

He sniffed the air went towards the nearest source of smell, find a few more of them and finishing them quickly.

He was sniffing around and finishing goblins left and right after few hours of doing it he caught whiff of very strong smell of goblins following it he came across a cave around which many goblins were roaming about.

Finishing them too, he went in with confidence, as he was going deeper and deeper he encountered more and more goblins which he had no problem in clearing.

After a while he came across an open area which was filled with goblins and hobgoblins, he readied his spear and jumped between them, seeing him the goblins quickly scattered to get their weapons.

He waited for them and when they were ready he brandished his spear and waited for them to attack, they were observing him and after a few moment one of them came charging at him and quickly got its head separated from his body.

This was the trigger and they started pouring from at him, not minding it he just effectively dodged them and finished them simultaneously.

He was attacked from the left dodging he pierced its heart, another one came got its throat sliced as they came he effectively finished them without taking any injury, hobgoblins were also did not stand a chance against him and got massacred.

This went till every single one of them was dead, after killing them all he decided to rest for a while. Half an hour later he got up and tried to find something useful, after another half an hour he was only able to find less rusted sword.

Storing it he decided to go back. On his way back he thought that it was not that much challenging, in a few hours he was once again at the place he had been staying for 8 months and 1 week.

First he washed himself off all the filth, and took out another part of the bear to eat. While it was cooking he thought that now the body training is useless and decided to not continue it.

Eating his dinner he went to sleep, till now he still didn't had any idea how to set it properly. Next morning he did his usual meditation, mana infusion practice which he did till noon as he has paused on spear training.

The afternoon was free and hunting with the bow was now like a pastime, so he switched it with hunt with his claws and super senses.

He followed this schedule for a week and it was time again to venture into the deeper parts of the forest, he meditated and did his infusion practice in four hours then went off towards his destination.

This time he was going to face the boar, going a bit deeper than yesterday he searched for his target and this too took no time as he was gazing at one busily eating something not quite visible.

Throwing a stone at it he got into position, and being thrown something at it was definitely not pleasing for it, which caused it to charge him.

He evaded its charge easily and gave it a gruesome gash to its side whining it tried to attack him once more but this time before it was able to reach him, Dale pierced its head with his spear.

Disappointed by the meagre strength it showed, he just moved on after sniffing it, after getting their smell he didn't have any trouble finding many more but just like before they were also week.

So he just enjoyed by playing with them, and time went on it was time to return back to his adobe. This time was also disappointing.

Getting back he bathe and took his dinner followed by going to sleep. Next morning when he was training Alice said [You are free in the afternoon so why not try channelling your mana in your weapon, I think you are proficient enough in infusion to start it]

Agreeing he added it in schedule. When the time for it came he took out his spear and tried channelling his mana in it and in just an hour he could do it for a few seconds as he already had experience in passing barriers restricting his mana.

So when the blockage came in moving it out of his body he was able to overcome it in a very less time. Now just had to improve on it.

As he was about to move on to next section of his training Alice said [Try channelling your mana in the spear again and imagine a double headed axe.]

Confused he did as she said and closed his eyes for better focus, imagining a double axe he channelled his mana in his spear. After a few moments he opened his eyes and in his hand now was a double axe with long spear like handle.

He was confused for a while but soon remembered his request of what kind of weapon he wanted. He broke out in laughter at himself for forgetting it.

Continuing with his evening pastime he ate his dinner and went to sleep

i was going to upload today's chapter yesterday night but i dont know how all off which i had written vanished and i had to rewrite it.

Anupam_Singh_7408creators' thoughts