
My reincarnation: A parents wish

Hello readers....umm i would say this is my first work so it is not going to be that good but i gave a try maybe you can too. its about a young man given a second chance at life after suffering in his first one in a bed. he gets to decide what kind of world he will transmigrate into. for now he is just a boy trying to learn more about his fantasies but who knows what is in store for him in his fate. lets follow him and uncover his mysteries along with him as he journey through the new world.

Anupam_Singh_7408 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

chapter 10

With the arrival dawn, Dale also woke up and did his meditation for 2 hours.

Taking a bath he thought from where the water in the pond came as every time he saw it its water was clean even though he used it for past 8 months, 2 weeks.

Shaking away this thought of which he will never be able to get answer of, he readied his breakfast. This time the last organ left, liver.

After having his fill he began his training starting with the usual mana infusion practice. He followed it with weapon mana channelling, he did his simple exercises with the double axe while trying to maintain the channelling of mana in it.

And then his pastime and dinner after which went off to sleep. This week also passed like this, and it was time for him to go deeper again.

He was targeting wolfs this time, as for the birds he could only fight them with bows which was useless. Remembering that he also smelled like them, he sniffed himself and searched for that sent in the air

Arriving at the area he met the first he sniffed again but was not able to catch any whiff, after a good time he gave up and decided to rest for some time.

Just as he was about to sit several growls echoed surrounding him. He now noticed that he was surrounded by multiple wolfs, taking out his spear he got in stance.

Seeing their prey was ready to fight back they got a bit alert. For a moment no one attacked and they just eyed each other, few moments later one of the wolf pounced at him head first, he easily dodged it and removed its head from the rest of his body in one swift swing and a bit of extra strength.

Seeing their friend getting so easily killed they got more aggressive and attacked him in groups of two to three, he was able to evade them getting few cuts here and there in the process.

Every time a group pounced at him he would effectively switch between spear and double axe to heavily injure them.

Slowly but surely wolfs were getting exhausted and in this period of time two more of them died. Sensing it, wolfs decided to retreat, Dale was also getting tired so he didn't gave a chase and sat down to rest.

Catching his breath he asked Alice why he was not able to find them with the scent, [You just smell a bit like wolf like you have spent too much time with them, and are mostly still human. How did you even thought that you could smell them with reference to your smell?]

Embarrassed he kept quiet and smelled the dead wolf for future reference. Resting a bit more he went back, washed himself had his dinner and went to sleep again.

Next morning he woke up and went on with his daily schedule. For rest of the month he followed what he planned and made himself ready to face the beasts which roam at night and are more dangerous than any beast he could have met till now.

Getting fresh and all he got ready to hunt, moving towards the middle parts of the forest he went ahead and started sniffing for anything challenging, so he could train himself properly.

This time he made a decision to find the wolf den, recalling the smell he sniffed the air while walking in the area he encountered them last time.

It took some time to catch it but he was able to do it, following it he walked a few hours in search of their place. 2 hours later he was observing a cave being guarded by two wolfs and in the open area outside it some of them laid completely defenceless.

As he was monitoring them one of them got up, sniffed the air for a few moments and growled in his direction, alerting all others who were present there too.

Coming out from his place he taunted them to attack him. And it worked, they rushed at him readying there claws and jaws, seeing them coming he got excited.

Taking his stance he waited for them to arrive, just as one got in his range he slashed it across his neck, next moment it was dead.

Swinging his spear he stepped ahead impaling next one through its head, he just continued to move ahead making the beasts come in range as he quickly finished them.

A slash there, piercing to the left, and head rolling in air in the right. This was the seen till every single one of them was dead. Leaving it at that he went back having had his fun.

Before completely leaving that part of the jungle, he asked Alice if was ready to stay there permanently. To which she said yes. As he already had his things, he turned around entering the deeper area once more.

First he found a suitable tree and climbed it to rest till the night came. Waiting he saw many creatures roaming here and there, goblins, birds, rodents, insects, etc. just like that he passed his time waiting for the darkness to fall upon them.

It fell in a couple of hours. He first observed what kind of beasts are there, normally this could be risky but the tree he was on was taller than rest of the trees in the area.

And he was closer to the top hidden among many leaves. He didn't had to wait for the beasts to show them, he could spot a panther like beast, and one like a tiger but more muscular and robust, then there were giant bears which he encountered but these were bigger nearly 15 ft., foxes, deer which had very dangerous looking antlers, etc.

All these had ferocious faces and larger more powerful body, totally different from their versions on earth. After observing them for a while he could also conclude that they were smarter too.

Waiting for the situation to calm down a bit, he took out his bow to pass his time attacking smaller ones. Seeing got a bit quitter he checked his immediate surroundings and climbed down.

As his feet touched the ground he alertly went in the direct of a beast he saw which he could take on as it will also pose him a challenge, it was dark, really dark usually no human could navigate in this darkness.

But his bloodline came to use as it also gave him night vision, he went ahead carefully to not alert his target after a while he was able to spot it a panther like beast it was eating his latest catch.

As it was eating it suddenly stopped and sniffed the air, sniffing for a moment he turned towards him growled loudly. Taking his claws out he also got ready to fight.

They stared at each other for a moment and both ran towards each other meeting together they were locked in an awkward position as both of their strength was similar they stayed like that for a while there claws locked in each other's.

They both retreated back and started circling each other, Dale was not a patient one charge at it, and it also jumped at him. Sliding below it he swiped it underside badly.

Face to face again Dale was all good but the panther like beast was bleeding heavily from two places, it staggered a bit and fell on the grass dyeing it red with its blood.

Taking its smell before storing it he went ahead in search of one with stronger smell. Half an hour later he caught a whiff of it, and this was definitely stronger than the previous one.

Running in its direction he was able to find it in 10 mins resting while licking its blood filled claws, it had just ate its dinner.

He made a loud noise to attract its attention and it quickly got up spotting him, he without any delay charged at it but just as he got in its range he was hit in its chest with one of its paws.

Staggering a few steps he got in a stable state. And retreated back a bit, seeing its attack did little damage it got serious and charged at him.

He evaded and counter attacked but in all this his shoulder got a few cuts, they clashed again and again and again. Each time both were injured and bled but Dale had advantage of having potions with which he stopped his bleeding every time it got serious.

After a few hours the beast was exhausted and fell on the ground bleeding all over. He went ahead and slashed its throat ending its life.

Storing it he thought it was enough for today, and went to find a suitable tree to sleep on it. Soon he found one, climbed it and took some cooked food and ate it before going to sleep.