
My reincarnation: A parents wish

Hello readers....umm i would say this is my first work so it is not going to be that good but i gave a try maybe you can too. its about a young man given a second chance at life after suffering in his first one in a bed. he gets to decide what kind of world he will transmigrate into. for now he is just a boy trying to learn more about his fantasies but who knows what is in store for him in his fate. lets follow him and uncover his mysteries along with him as he journey through the new world.

Anupam_Singh_7408 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

chapter 7

"He…he..he he he" this was dale giggling like child in his sleep probably having a very good dream about him using his mana to do the wonders he always wanted to do.

Seeing the condition of hid partner for thus life the A.I. sighed, and sent a small electric shot to his brain to wake him up. "Uh!" Dale woke up in pain. "What was that?" [That was me waking you up as you were giggling like giggling like a small girl on Christmas]. "But I was just about to reach the good part." Complained Dale.

"So you teach me how to use mana?" [First get fresh.]. He got up to get fresh while grumbling a bit. Taking his bath, he sat near the pond and asked the A.I. to start [So to use ma… "Wait!!" [What?] "It is inconvenient to call you A.I. all the time, so let me name you for convenience. Male or female which type of name do you want?"

[Let it be female.] "Hum… How's Alice?" [Better than any funny names you could think, now let's continue, where did we left it?] "I asked how to use mana." [Yes to use mana you have to sense it inside your body first. After you are able to sense it you have to check were in your body do you store your mana naturally and interact with it to manipulate your mana.]

[As for how you do it, you just have to follow the mana flow in your body to locate were all the flows converge, that will be the place where your mana reserve is. Usually the heart is the place where the mana reserves are present in any being but sometimes there are exception, and there are high chances of you being one because of the way you came into this world.]

"Thank you Alice, but how do I start sensing mana?" [Sorry I forgot to tell the best way for now is a few hours meditation while sensing any new sensation in your body which was not there before. You mana flow should have fully formed after eating so many mana rich beasts. And you're welcome.]

"I should wake up more early now to adjust my training." He also informed Alice to wake him up earlier for meditation.

For today he did his normal training. Next day he woke up 3 hours before sunrise to meditate. Sitting cross legged near the pond with his back straight and eyes closed he tried to find something new which was not there before for first two hours he was not able to find a thing.

As he was just about to give up, he sensed something. But with the arrival of excitement of sensing something the sensation went away. Leaving him in an awkward position. "Well I'll try again tomorrow." What more could he say on his own stupidity.

Continuing with his normal training he waited eagerly for his next meditation session. Next morning he woke up early again and started his meditation session and just like yesterday, at the end of 2nd hour he sensed it again, this time he made sure everything was alright.

But the feeling went as fast it came, leaving him confused and thinking what he did wrong. After some time he was not able to think of anything that he did wrong, he just concluded his senses needed time to adapt to sense mana.

One week later

Today you could say that Dale made some progress albite so small that it will be a shame to call it a progress, he was able to sense mana for 5 milliseconds.

Giving up he asked Alice what he was doing wrong.

[You were doing it correctly, for person to develop his senses alone without any help from a family member or teacher, it takes a couple of years for him to finally sense it and then decades to be able to properly manipulate it without harming himself in the process.]

[You could try sensing the huge amount of mana in the mana crystals you collected all this time.]

Till now he had collected 30 crystals from goblins, as they rarely have it most of the time he had a pretty big amount of them.

One from that wolf, and 20 from the birds he ate. "Yes!! The crystals how could I forget that thing." Exclaimed Dale with a huge amount of excitement.

[What did you forgot?] Asked Alice seeing him so much excited for the first time.

"The reason I asked for so many top grade health excilers." Now Alice was getting curious, she always thought what they were for, and today she was going to know her answers.

The fact she is able to think let it be between you, me and Alice. We can tell Dale some day in future, promise?

He took out a crystal from goblin crystals and one vail of the many excilers he had. Throwing the crystals in his mouth he swallowed it and tried to sense a lump of mana in his stomach.

Which he was quickly able to locate following the feeling of mana he started sensing his own.

After 10 mins he was successful. Slowly he tried to nudge it towards the core after trying for few hours he asked Alice. [Try imagining it following your will] said Alice curiously.

Trying her method he was able to move it, guiding it towards that lump of mana. Reaching there he tried to make it enter it.

There was barrier of sort present in between it and his mana so he failed. He tried to penetrate the barrier, after one to many tries he succeeded and entered the cluster of mana. His senses were overwhelmed for a small time by the large amount of mana present in it

He tried to imagine his mana taking a shape of a hand and grabbing a thread of mana in it from the crystal. Backtracking the strand of his mana he tried to take a strand of crystals mana with him while that strand was still connected with the crystals mana.

He slipped many times but was able to backtrack and take to his mana reserve. His too was at his heart. He tried to make it enter the heart.

But it was being rejected no matter how he tried, Alice said [Do this just focus on keeping a hold on the mana strand from crystal, and let your mana flow through your body.]

Following her advice he did as she said, and sure enough this time it entered the heart. And just after a moment the mana left in the crystal all came rushing in circling the body once and entered the heart.

His organs started failing, he was bleeding from all his holes. He was in so much pain that you could say it was incomparable to a women giving birth to 10 children together.

Just before losing his consciousness he drank a portion of exciler from the vail. And was in top condition once again. This went for half an hour.

Without waiting he ate one more crystal and repeated the process once again, and then again, then again. He finished all mana crystals from goblins, this forced him to use 5 excilers.

As he was checking any changes in his body he had a sudden urge to loot pillage and rape. Which he struggled to supress. But was able to control it, focusing on his memories of his parent.

After calming down a bit he started the same with the crystal from those birds he ate. This time he had the urge to eat insects, rodents and fly off high towards the sky.

But as they were not negative urges he easily overcame it.

Now it was afternoon. He decided he will also swallow the crystal from the wolf too, but it bigger than the size he could swallow so he asked Alice if it was ok to break it in to.

[Yes there will be no problem in it.] He took his spear and broke the crystal in two pieces, and he swallowed the two pieces one after another. This time the mana came like a flood and his body started to change rapidly, he had to use the excilers more frequently than ever.

His outer appearance was also changing to that of a bipedal wolf or you could say a werewolf, but every time it was the time for head to change his transformation got reverted to his human time.

The pain was a thing he thought he had come in friendly terms with but the pain he was feeling now said otherwise.

His sensory organs were going through a big change this time along with his perception. These changes went for many hours and the outer cycle of transformations also went along with it.

After absorbing all the mana. He got ready for the urges which also came stronger. He had to take the caskets out to view his parents through its glass to fully control the urges.

Now on the verge of losing his consciousness he somehow went inside his tent and passed out exhausted from all the mana absorbing.