
My reincarnation: A parents wish

Hello readers....umm i would say this is my first work so it is not going to be that good but i gave a try maybe you can too. its about a young man given a second chance at life after suffering in his first one in a bed. he gets to decide what kind of world he will transmigrate into. for now he is just a boy trying to learn more about his fantasies but who knows what is in store for him in his fate. lets follow him and uncover his mysteries along with him as he journey through the new world.

Anupam_Singh_7408 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

chapter 6

"Huff…huff...huff.haah!!" panted Dale, to catch his breath he laid down on the grass for a while. After calming down, he took out the wolf to skin it and remove its innards. After a few hours only a big piece of meat was left of the once mighty wolf.

Setting a part of it to cook and the rest in his inventory, he went near the pond to check his injuries, all his wounds were closed due the potions but the one on his chest was still pulsing with pain despite no bleeding.

He asked the A.I. that if it could check his internal injuries. [Your inner organs are all in right condition, any potion first deals with internal injuries, and the wound on your chest was done by the wolf infusing his mana at the tip of its claw, that's why it is still there.]

"So how do I expel it? That wolfs mana." [Just eat and go to sleep there was not too much mana, it will be ok till the time you wake up].

Following the advice he went on to set the tent and cook his dinner. It was almost night time, after eating he went in the tent and checked his status before sleeping.


NAME: Dale Huston

AGE: 15

RACE: Human

STR: 15

AGL: 16

DEF: 17


MANA: 24



Seeing just an increase of 3 he was a bit disappointed, but he just slept it off. Next morning Dale checked his wound as soon as he woke up and sure enough it was now just a scar like all other ones.

Washing himself he ate his breakfast, and continued his training. With all the meat he would need today. After training for one more week he started hunting small beasts with his bow.

As he was searching for signs of his prey, the A.I. said [you should climb up a tree and travel from tree to tree while jumping from one to another.]

He tried it and the first time he jumped he slipped and fell although uninjured, [he…he], and he could swear that the A.I. giggled like a girl.

He asked what it was but it just denied any such accuses placed on it. He climbed a tree again fell a few more times but soon got the hang of it. Hopping here and there he finally encountered a feathered rabbit about 40 meters apart from him.

He knocked an arrow and stabilised his aim, and moments later released the string. But it missed the target by a few inches. The rabbit got startled and ran away.

Coming down from the tree he collected his arrow and rested in that area for a bit eating dried wolf jerky. Resting for a while he went on to climb another tree and started hoping around in search of a new prey, half an later he saw a lone horned rabbit.

This time he steadied his breath first, nocked his arrow took aim and released the string. This time he hit his mark. He collected his arrow and left the poor thing there. Feeling a little giddy from first successful hunt.

After a few successful and failed hunts, he returned to his place, had dinner and went on to sleep. Next one and a half months he followed the same schedule and his bow skills were now finally on a level to hunt in the middle forests.

The wolf was also finally all eaten. Just the crystal left of it, and some bones.


NAME: Dale Huston

AGE: 15

RACE: Human

STR: 20

AGL: 22

DEF: 21


MANA: 24



Dale was surprised by the huge increase in his constitution. [This is because the wolf had a mana crystal which you collected, and it was able to utilise its mana on body circulation/infusing level.]

After the initial surprise, he got over it and started his preparations. For the hunt he took several strong stones and carved them into arrow heads fastening it one the arrow heads to make the arrows more effective.

Finishing all his preparation he went ahead towards the middle part of the forest. Remembering last time he decided to start his journey a bit later.

Just before entering the forest he took out his bow and continued on foot for a while, not climbing any trees in the fear of the attacks of venomous beasts that may be present on the trees. You could also say he wanted to lay low.

As he was going one his way he heard the A.I. saying something along the lines of [You have unlocked perception stat] which he ignored for now.

Searching for his prey he came across many goblins which he chose to avoid this time. Not being able to find a thing he started paying attention on the trees and was easily able to spot a few birds perching on them.

Searching one of a suitable size he knocked the arrow, took aim and released the string. And it was a success, taking down a few more of them at least enough for a month, he decided to rest for a while.

As it was getting late he decided it was time to back to his place. As he was going back he got an idea to check the place he fought the wolf, after so much time it should be safe, right?

Well now you see him running for his life just after he approached that area you could say wolfs love their loved ones a bit too much and one month's time was not much.

He was able to escape with his life this time. But next time will be difficult to escape, as wolfs always hunt in packs. While returning he thought of a way to counter wolfs. But only the double axe came to his mind.

He made up his mind to learn to channel mana as soon as possible. Speeding up his pace he arrived at the pound. There he made his food supply and asked the A.I. about what it was that it mentioned in the forest as he was hunting.

[I was talking about the perception stat which stores numeric value of how much you use your other senses except eyes to perceive your surroundings, it is very much beneficial if it is high enough to assist you in hunting because it is better than your eyes when in a forest.]

"Ok, let's check our perception."


NAME: Dale Huston

AGE: 15

RACE: Human

STR: 20

AGL: 22

DEF: 21


PER: 12

MANA: 24



"So how do I increase it?" [It just increases while hunting and fighting there is no other way and it's also sometimes racially high in some people, so just continue your life as it will increase on its own.]

Hearing A.I.'s advice he chose to ignore it and decided to focus on his training, eating and training, just this was left on his mind for a whole month. In this month there were times when he had to stop his training to let himself to adjust to his strength.

A month later-

Dale was going to have his dinner when the A.I. asked him to call his status. To which he obliged.


NAME: Dale Huston

AGE: 15

RACE: Human

STR: 20

AGL: 22

DEF: 21


PER: 13

MANA: 24



At first he just checked it for formality but checking the constitution stat he was overcome excitement, it was written there, 26, in big glowing letters.

He could finally learn about mana he was so dying to learn about. [Today I will just tell you what is mana, how to handle it will be told tomorrow morning when you will be having a fresh mind]

Calming himself he got ready to learn, he oh so wanted to. [It is a natural source of spiritual energy (usually colored blue) that mages draw upon to fuel the casting of puissant spells. The more powerful a spell, the more Mana it costs. But normal people also have mana which they use in different ways some imbued it in themselves and some imbued it in their weapons sometimes they do both.]

[There are also beings which completely live their life mana not eating any food for sustenance usually they are strong and always they will be an intelligent species]

[Now go to sleep]

He followed the words of A.I. and went to sleep to keep his mind calm for tomorrow's lessons. He already ate his food while listening to it.