
My reincarnation: A parents wish

Hello readers....umm i would say this is my first work so it is not going to be that good but i gave a try maybe you can too. its about a young man given a second chance at life after suffering in his first one in a bed. he gets to decide what kind of world he will transmigrate into. for now he is just a boy trying to learn more about his fantasies but who knows what is in store for him in his fate. lets follow him and uncover his mysteries along with him as he journey through the new world.

Anupam_Singh_7408 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

chapter 5

It was finally morning and the time for Dale to to start his day. In the middle section of a forest, in the cave at which Dale chose to stay, there were already some activities going on.

"YAWN...." it was a sound which clears the doubt if one slept well or not, in this case we can say no, Dale wasn't able to sleep at night.

"huff.....those noises were really something" he was talking about the real rulers of any forest which only appear at night to hunt and are the strongest.

"I definatly am not strong enough to stay in this part of forest permanently." He was lucky that no beast came to this cave.

After thinking for while he decided he will just come here for food once, twice or thrice a month till he becomes strong enough to survive here. Packing his things he went ahead towards the outer area.

Along the way he saw different types of big beast skeletons with still somes meat hanging on to them being eaten by vulture like birds, It was a gruesome sight.

Carefully avoiding all that he went ahead on his way, after a few hours he was once again on the pond.

After resting for while, he went ahead and washed himself, took one more part to eat from the boar cooked it and ate his breakfast.

After filling his stomach he went on started his traning.

As he was training he thought if he learned to use a bow he will be able injure his targets first effectivly weakning them first making his job easier. Just like that he went to search peice of wood to make his bow.

Few hours later he was able to get a flexible and long peice of wood. For the srting he used tendons from the boar and for the arrows he took a thick peice of log divided it into many peices longitudinaly and carved them in to straight arrows for tip he just sharpened one end of each arrow. There were 20 arrows in total.

Doing it with the rusted knife of the goblin took him huge amount of time, he had to skip his lunch and by the time he was done it was already a few hours before evening approached and due to exhaustion he was hungry too.

He stored the bow and arrows in his inventory, after setting up a fire he placed on it another peice of meat to cook while he rested till his meat was ready.

After eating he took out his newly made bow and started practicing with it. 5 mins later his food was ready, stopping and cleaning himself a bit he ate his fill and went again to train with a bow.

This went on till the time at which he normaly ate his dinner. After taking a bath to cool himself off he changed his clothes and washed the old ones.

Setting up the fire he placed his wet clothes near it to get them dry he placed a peice of boar meat on it. While it was cooking, he began to think and decided it was time for him to set up a schedule for his training.

he thought of different programs and for extra insurance he asked the A.I. to rate each idea which came out of his mouth.

But no matter how much he treid to use his brain he was unable to come up with a effective program that would be able to be aproved by the A.I., accepting his loss he asked the A.I. to suggest him a trainning program.

[Morning till lunch at around 11 according to clock on earth, spear trainning. After lunch till evening body training. And after evening snacks bow trainning till dinner because at that time many small beasts will be active for you to target practice which I suggest you start after 1 and a half week of simple shooting. For this traning store small-small portions of meat to eat in between the trainning for sustanance.]

"Ok, that is definitely better than anything I said." Said Dale. The food was ready by now, as excited as he was, he ate his food slowly and went to sleep.

Next morning he woke up early to best utilise his time, washed up wore something light and started his spear practice which went on till lunch.

"Swoosh….swish…slash" these type of sounds echoed in the area till lunch. When lunch time came he placed his spear back in inventory.

Washing himself, he cooked his lunch and the portion to eat during his body practice. Which were all ready to eat in half an hour, as he already ate his fill for now he went on with his body training.


Evening finally came and it was time for him to start his bow training. After eating one last snack he started his bow training.

But his aim was not even the thing to talk about his arrows were not able to reach the tree they just fell halfway through, although he was just fifty meters apart.

This went on till dinner and he was unable make any arrow reach half past mark. Frustrated he just ate his dinner without washing himself and went to sleep.

Next morning he tried to forget yesterday and start a new day with fresh mind. Coming out of his tent he first washed himself, ate something and started his daily training.

At the evening it was the same as yesterday and next day too. Finally at the fourth day as he was about to start his bow training.

The A.I. said [ You are still stuck at earth and every time you pull the string you fear of breaking the wood but you are forgetting about mana any wood from forest can form bow with the power to shoot any arrow at the distance of minimum 200m. Use all the might you have in pulling the string and you will see the results.]

"Why were you mute till now."[I am with you to assist you not spoon feed you.] "Fair enough."

Sure enough this time he was able to make his arrows reach the tree. But his aim was still not good till dinner he fired around 450 arrows of which only around 40 hit the target.

But he was surprised with the low amount of arrows fired when he had 7 hours. After pondering a while he came to conclusion it was because of low number of arrows and the need to collect them after shooting.

Which he had no idea how to fix because if he increased the number of arrows the time to collect them after shooting them will increase along with it as he was in an open forest.

One week later his boar was completely finished which was unexpected for him. Resting for a day and eating from his emergency stash, he went to the middle part next morning.

He was a bit early so that he will be able to return early to continue his training. He was becoming what you would call a training maniac.

As he entered the area of stronger beast in half an hour he was able to have an encounter with a wolf which was 7 foot even on all fours but it wasn't a pleasant one because he was attacked first and unable to doge in time his shoulder was injured and was bleed lightly.

Just as he took out his spear he was pounced on again by it. This time he was able to doge and make a shallow wound on it, three times he was lucky but forth time he was slashed by it 8 inched claw and was bleeding heavily.

Taking a midgrade potion he stopped the bleeding and slashed at the charging wolf while dodging. This cycle went on for hours and he would be injured every 2-3 slashes. Finally at noon he was able to make the wolf bleed out.

Knowing this commotion will attract many more beasts, he stored the corpse in his inventory and ran to his save heaven in this forest, the pond.

busy today so just one long cahpter

and pls ignore mistakes i was sleepy

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