
My reincarnation: A parents wish

Hello readers....umm i would say this is my first work so it is not going to be that good but i gave a try maybe you can too. its about a young man given a second chance at life after suffering in his first one in a bed. he gets to decide what kind of world he will transmigrate into. for now he is just a boy trying to learn more about his fantasies but who knows what is in store for him in his fate. lets follow him and uncover his mysteries along with him as he journey through the new world.

Anupam_Singh_7408 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

chapter 3

In a forest whose name was not clear till now, near a pond which was shimmering from early mornining sun rays, laid a tent and fire space still having some embers from the last nights mighty. In the tent was a young boy fast asleep. His face serene as if he had all things he needed. lets see what he was dreaming.

In a country side house was a family of three a couple and their child whome you could say was a cute little boy of around 8 years happily playing around while his parents were getting ready to move out. After a while they were all set to go his mother called him "Dale! come here my dear" "yes mother" said the small boy Dale.

He went on in the car and they set of to their journey to the their home in the city after thier small vacation.

As they went on their journey on the highway they came across a turn as they were passing it. They were opened fire opon guns blaring sounds of blast in all this confusion Dale's parent told him to stay in the car as they went out after a while the car was hit again and turn over as Dale went unconscious.

"Ha...ha....ha" panted Dale as woke up from that nightmare. After trying to calm down a bit he laid in his place again.

As the sun reached a hight at which it was able to shed some of its light in the tent, some dim rays of sun fell upon him. He laid there to gather his thoughts for a while, finally after an hour he was out of the tent. he observed the beatiful scene in front of low shimmering sunlight escaping from the dense canopy of trees to reach and nourish the green grass on the ground. This scene calmed him a bit more.

After taking in the scenery for a while he decided to wash himself in the pond along with his clothees, which he now noticed was just a white shirt, blue pants and a pair of leather shoes all of medivial style.

After washing he decided to check in his inventory if there was any spare clothes and suprisingly there were a red shirt and black pants which also were of medivial style. After wearing the clothes he took his wet clothes to dry them on remaining embers. He then took his spear and went to hunt.

Along with 3 to 4 sets of clothing he found a medi kit with basic medicine and aids to use in case injured. He also saw some low grade potions in of health type for more serious injuries and conditions along with many kind of antidotes and many more things to traverse a jungle and boy they were in large amount likely for many years of use.

He checked the things he requested and there they were 30 top grade health exilers.

He was actually just roaming around in the name of hunting, hoping he will eventually come across something. As he roamed for a while he finally came across a feathered rabbit, trying to use the same method he used yesterday, he tried to catch but despite his careful aproach he faild.

This went on for 2 to 3 more times after which he finally was able to catch one for breakfast, after he returned he check on his clothes. Which were completely dry by the time he reached due to which he promptly stored them in his inventory.

After collecting dry wood for fire to cook his food he set up a fire and passed the meat on it after cleaning it like the previous night thinking of which he shuddered and decided to not give food to srange animals. That situation would be like biggest horror one could face having close to a thousand hungry eyes lock you."Huff" he breathed a sigh of reliefe that he was able to avoid certain death.

While the food was cooking he took his spear near the pond cleaned it. Then after a bit of thinking he started practicing simple spear exercises he read about in the novels. A slash, a stab, a thrust and a pierce. After doing it against air for a while, he started doing the exercises against a tree.

Although he was just able to chip a part of that said tree, after trying for a while he was stopped by the fragnance of his breakfast, he took a bath again and wore the same clothes and went to eat his food.

After eating his fill he thought about what he should do for the upcoming years, as he went on his line of thought he noticed it was getting late. He went on another session of training for a few hour. After which he went to hunt, this time he was a bit more successful as he was able to catch something in 2 to 3 times.

Just like that his days went he hunted and improved. 3 months later he was able to hunt like an expert. As he was hunting for his dinner one day and the weather was a bit cloudy, he came across a new creatures. He was somewhat able to tell what he was against.

Typical green skin, yellow eyes, long elf like ears, and height of a toddler. A classic goblin. There were two of them one with short rusted knife and one with a club.

He readied his spear. the one with the club yelled "AHH!" and charged at him and as the high speed of the goblin was a surprise for he was hit by the club and flew into a tree, but he was uninjured as at tthe last moment he was able to block the club with his spear negetating the damage. As he got up the one with the knife was already on him.

He slashed towards it but was just able to scratch it with his meager strength, after a bit of struggling and accumulating a large number of small harmless injuries. he decided to use their momentum against them.

Slowly but surely he progressed, after few hours of struggle he was able to bring them down. As he was taking a breather he remembered the mention of mana crystal found in monsters bodies in some of the novels he read.

He asked the A.I. about it. [Yes there is that posiblity too.] After hearing it he tried to pry open the chest and head of the 2 goblins. He was in luck as he was able to get one crystal, which he promptly stored in his inventory.

After resting for a while and tending to his wound with the first aid kit he was provided with. He went on to hunt his dinner which took no time. He headed towards the pond he was living along with, all these months.

He was able to set up fire to cook his food and keep him warm. After eating his fill he went on to wash himself and went to sleep. At least he tried to, todays fight was playing in his mind non-stop. After a while he called his status.


NAME: Dale Huston

AGE: 15

RACE: Human

STR: 5

AGL: 6

DEF: 4




Seeing the meager upgrade in his strength he was very much disapointed. After thinking for a while he decided to ask the A.I. for help. [You can start with the normal exercieses which were there in your previous world and increase the intensity of those exercises along with the spear practice you do.] After hearing his trusted A.I. he was able to sleep.

so my first fight scene pls tell were i can improve

Anupam_Singh_7408creators' thoughts