
My reincarnation: A parents wish

Hello readers....umm i would say this is my first work so it is not going to be that good but i gave a try maybe you can too. its about a young man given a second chance at life after suffering in his first one in a bed. he gets to decide what kind of world he will transmigrate into. for now he is just a boy trying to learn more about his fantasies but who knows what is in store for him in his fate. lets follow him and uncover his mysteries along with him as he journey through the new world.

Anupam_Singh_7408 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

chapter 2

In an unknown forest, among the lush dark green grass was an unconscious boy of around 13. He had black hair, anguler face and boyish face and a small slim built with not much hieght just around 5'2 or 5'3.

It was the time of night the forest was filled with various voices of the different and dangerous beings.

Surprisingly the area around him was devoid of any being that could or would want to harm him indicating he was at the very outer area of the forest.

As the night continued various nocturnal, strange but harmless animals came to check on him. Like this morning rays shined on the boy's face due which he was forced cover his head with his hands.

It appeared he was just asleep. This makes one think why this boy was asleep at the outer area of such dangerous forest.

As he tried to sleep he noticed the animal noises around him and it was like the voice were being playing on a big speaker.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw the large amount of strange but harmless animals which he deduced from their weak appearances have gathered to check him.

He closed his eyes, trying to be calm which he surprisingly was able to and tried to remember what was happening around him, after a while his memories became clear again and he got an idea of why he was here.

As he slowly got up the strange animals around him quickly scattered. As he started to check where his items which were provided to him, when a feminine but mechanical voice spoke in his head [Good morning, Dale.].

He could swear then and there that he was about to die again of heart attack as the voice was just too sudden and he was focused on a different task. After a bit he asked as he could not sense any hostile emotion from the voice maybe because it was mechanical "who or what are you? And do tell where are you?".

He waited for a bit as he started to think he was just hallucinating the voice said again, [I am an A.I. sent to assist you through some simple ordeals of your new life. As for where I am, it's a bit complicated but you could say I am connected to your soul].

"Can anyone else hear you?" asked Dale [No, my voice is transmitted to your head directly]. "Ok, what about the things I was to be provided with?" [Just say, think or imagine the word status].

"Ok" as he said out loud status, a transparent blue screen came to his view and as an avid and regular reader of fantasy novels he somewhat knew what it was.


NAME: Dale Huston

AGE: 15

RACE: Human

STR: 3

AGL: 4

DEF: 3




[As you can see that you have an inventory which you can access through status or by imagining]

As he heard her he quickly accessed the inventory and checked his requested items and there they were his parents in those beautifully adorned caskets for a bit he became emotional but remembering what they wanted for him, he got up took his weapon out which was in the its spear form.

"How do I transform it into a battle axe?" [For now you don't and it requires you to learn to control your mana and that will take some time, and anyways I suggest you use it as a spear for now till your body grows to a certain threshold]. He kept quiet and agreed with her silently.

"So, you are some kind of cheat system given to me" He asked again. [No, I am just to guide you till the end of your life here. You will get a system every one activates at the age of 20 like everyone else. As for your ability to be able to view your status it is unique to you because of me].

After fiddling with spear for some time he asked again "what should I do next?" [There is a city nearby if you want to go there or as I suggest you should build your base strength in the jungle]. After thinking for while he decided he should stay in the forest for a few years according to the suggestion of the A.I.

He finally decided to get up from the forest's surface and to relish the feeling to be able to move as he used to, it was difficult to walk for him at first but after some time he was all good to go. Now if you take a good look on him he could pass for a weak 15 year old which was his current age.

He took the spear and headed in the forest to hunt for something to eat as he already knew how to survive in a forest at least less dangerous one from all the novel he had read and survival shows he watched as he was paralyzed with help of small actions he was able to do although all this while his whole body excluding head was paralyzed, he was able to talk but his was too low to hear and the words he spoke were broken.

As he roamed through the forest he spotted a rabbit like animal, he knew he had to kill them to survive he tried to approach it but as he was approaching it he stepped on a branch and the animal fled, he also moved albite a bit frustrated.

After a while came across another strange animal which was busy feeding on the grass beneath it he slowly approached it just as he was about to attack this one fled to. As this went on he tried to learn what he was doing wrong and tried to correct it.

As he failed 4th time then 10th time and after finally failing for 56th time he succeeded on his 57th try. It was mix between rabbit and some kind of bird as it had feather instead of fur but no wings. By this time it was already evening.

He thought what he should do now as the A.I. said [You can look for a spot for setting up the tent and fire with the equipment which was already provided to you]. He was a tad bit startled as he had forgotten about her, but he agreed to her as he tried to look for the pond he came across while he was failing to catch some food.

After searching for a while he finally arrived at the pond but not until it was starting to get dark. He started to setup the tent which he unsurprisingly also failed in doing and just supported it with the rods given with it. As though they knew he wouldn't be able to do a thing.

He started the fire with help of equipment and tried to clean his game in the pond like he saw on those survival shows. Needless to say the final result was a little bit messy.

Although he had the equipment to start a fire he needed to collect the wood to burn, which he went on collecting from nearby area after about an hour he had enough to at least last the whole night.

He just left it on the fire to cook while turning it every once in a while, he did not asked for spices which he was regretting now.

As he waited for it becomes eatable he thought how his relative has reacted to his death or if they even had a funeral for him.

The more he thought the more he got angry at how greedy can any human be to do such thing to a child as he was put in that condition just at the age of 8.

The food was finally cooked and gave off an alluring smell which brought him out of his thoughts as his stomach grumbled, he removed his catch from the fire and started eating,].

By the smell or by chance he attracted a type of horned rabbit to himself as he was eating the rabbit intently stared at him or the piece of meat in his hand after a while of being stared at, he teared a piece and threw it near it.

After eating for a while he felt stuffed and just as he was about to place it in his inventory he notice the herd of horned rabbits staring at the meat and if it vanished he will definitely be attacked, so he cautiously and carefully threw it on the other side of pond to save his life after confirming not one of those abominations were close. He released a sigh.

"There goes my breakfast…haah". After this drama he just went to sleep in his makeshift tent. He left the fire burning to keep warm and make sure wild animals stay away.