
My Private Coach

I lay flat on the soccer field, staring at the endless clouds in the sky. I felt large, rugged hands tickle my sides and I began to laugh. My vision shifted from the clouds to the infinite pools of grey in Kai's eyes. He peppered kisses on my lips and I reached my hands up to wrap around his head. "It's getting late, I have to get going before Zach notices" I said, covering his mouth with my hand. He kissed my palm "just a bit more" ~~~~~ Sapphire LeCarte threw away her desire to play soccer before entering high school, but what happens when her brother's best friend re-ignites this fire in her? The direction of her life changes upon meeting this mysterious man who always seems to be cold and emotionless. Unable to stop herself Sapphire becomes closer and closer to this man, tempted to unravel his secrets. ~~~~~ This is an ongoing book. I will be posting chapters regularly so feel free to check it out!

roses50 · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 - Cheater

"I am SO tired" Angie said leaning against the table. After Zach left, Carlos and I had chilled for a bit more before joining Angie and Josh at the living room to dance.

I could not dance to save my life so the rest of the night was spent with Carlos making fun of me while Angie and Josh danced romantically.

Mostly everyone had gone home and Zach's friends were in the basement with him playing poker.

"Hey why don't we play cards?" I suggested, the only thing I really knew to do at parties was play cards, and I was pretty good at it if I say so myself. They all nodded and I went upstairs to go grab it from my brother's room.

The light was turned off and I didn't bother to turn it on, Zach was a neat freak so it was fairly easy to navigate. I grabbed the cards from his drawer and suddenly felt a hand grab mine.

"Hey what are you doing?!" I gulped as I recognized that voice.

"Wait, let go!" I said, unsure of what he was going to do. He dragged me to the door and turned on the light before staring at me blankly.

"Oh, it's just you." he said looking away, his hand still clasped around mine.

"Hmm, did you think I was a robber or something?" I asked smirking "guess we're even now huh?" my smirk grew wider.

"Well my reasoning made more sense than yours, robberies are common during parties" he said rolling his eyes.

"You're no fun" I said frowning.

"Fun? And I'm sure choking on chips was?" Kai questioned, removing his hand from mine and putting it on the wall right beside my head. He leaned in and I began to blush.

"You saw that? So you were standing there the whole time?" I said unable to comprehend anything as his face was so close to mine.

"Not the whole time, I arrived when you were stealing chips from an innocent man" his husky voice sounded much more sensual up close. His grey eyes were looking deep into my soul, and his dark long-sleeved dress shirt was left slightly unbuttoned, revealing bits of his muscular chest.

"Guess that explains all of this" he said pinching the fat on my cheeks, hints of a smile on his mouth. I blushed again and lightly slapped his hand off my cheek.

"Jerk" I said walking out of Zach's room and downstairs.

"Why'd you take so long?" Carlos asked.

"Couldn't find the cards" I said, hints of blush still remaining on my face.

I noticed Kai come back downstairs soon after, but to my disappointment he didn't look over. I played a few games of cards before we all fell asleep in the living room.


I felt fingers on my face, causing me to sneeze before returning to my deep slumber.

However that didn't last long as I heard a loud thud from the basement, and multiple loud footsteps begin to walk up the stairs. I groaned as I tried to cover my ears with my hands.

"Who are these people?" I heard an unfamiliar male voice say "oh wait isn't that lil Carl and Joshie? They were partying all night with girls instead of hanging out with us huh? We should shave off their eyebrows!"

"What?!" Carlos said suddenly sitting upright. I giggled at how he was just pretending to be asleep. I opened my eyes and stretched, looking over to see Carlos covering his eyebrows to protect them.

I had removed my makeup last night and slipped into one of Zach's old t-shirts.

"Aww why'd you have to wake up" the man said while pouting, he looked towards me and smiled "I'm Elias! But you can call me Eli" he said brightly.

"I'm Sapphire" I said smiling back, I stood up and fixed my hair with my hands.

Eli suddenly gasped "Carlos I think your girlfriend is cheating on you! I knew it was too good to be true" he said solemnly.

"What are you saying? Idiot" another guy said, smacking him on the back of his head.

"Ouch!" Eli said rubbing his head "but look at her shirt! That's Zach shirt, I would know since I made that mark on it!" he said pointing to the blue stick figure drawing on the sleeve. I recalled my brother coming home one day, pissed that his 80$ shirt had been ruined, so he was the one that did it.

"And Zach doesn't give it to anyone!" he said. Zach came up behind Eli and gave him another smack on his head.

"Idiot that's my sister" he said rolling his eyes "and he is NOT her boyfriend" he looked at me and Carlos pointedly, implying that there shouldn't be anything between us or he would murder us himself.

While Zach wasn't too overprotective, he was especially strict on the fact that I shouldn't date any of his friends. He didn't want his kid sister involved in his personal affairs and thought none of them were good for me.

"What?! You never told us you had a sister!" Eli exclaimed and grabbed my hands "please tell your brother to stop picking on me during practices" he said with puppy eyes.

I laughed and I saw Kai from the corner of my eyes leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, rolling his eyes.

Zach ignored Eli and turned to the rest of them, "I'm going to order some breakfast, who wants?"

Carlos perked up at the sound of breakfast. Angie and Josh had also woken up from all the commotion and we all said our orders.


I changed into my gym clothes, and Angie and I headed to the gym. The other students had already begun running laps around the gym so we joined them.

While I wasn't too bad at sports, I had no stamina whatsoever. I always seemed to run fast in the beginning and burned out much quicker.

Angie was a good runner and she tried to slow down to match my pace, but I told her to go on ahead, not wanting to slow her down.

I came to a stop, unable to move any further. My legs were on fire and my breath was coming out in pants.

"You're stopping already? You only ran for two laps" Kai asked slowing down beside me.

"I haven't ran in a while. How many laps have you run anyways?" I said glaring at him.

"Six" he said, running on the spot now. My mouth dropped down in shock, he wasn't sweating at all and his dark hair was sitting perfectly on top of his head. Well god clearly has favourites.

"HEY, STOP TALKING AND START RUNNING" Kai's gym teacher yelled, and I all but sprinted.

I heard Kai chuckle from beside me "so you're not too bad if you try, huh?"

"Well yeah I was on the soccer team" I said, leaving out the fact that they had to keep switching me out during the second half of each game because I ran out of stamina.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise "why aren't you joining this year?" he asked, beginning to pick up the speed a bit forcing me to also maintain my speed.

"I don't think I'm that good" I said feeling a little embarrassed "I was planning on joining but after seeing one of the soccer games held here last year I feel like I'll just hold everyone back".

"I used to be really jealous of your brother" Kai suddenly said, looking straight ahead as if peering into the past "unlike him I'm not a natural at soccer. He's the one that taught me how to play" he look at me now "there are still a few weeks before the official tryouts for the girls team. If you don't mind I can teach you how to play".

Right at that moment my gym teacher blew her whistle and before I could answer he left.

I was surprised by his words. I wasn't sure if I should take up his offer or not, I had already given up on soccer a long time ago, and I didn't want him to feel obliged to help me out just because my brother helped him.
