
My Pretense will Carry Me Through

Where am I? Why am I in a training suit? Why does the person in front of me look so intense? Why is there a floating screen in front of me? What the hell happened to me?

inverted · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 20

The ambulance cut through the traffic, medical personnel inside working diligently to stabilize Jiyeh's condition. Team 2's Leader and Joon observed the team's efforts without interfering, staying vigilant for any potential foul play. Upon arriving at the hospital, they promptly opened the doors, allowing the medical team to rush Jiyeh to the emergency room. A doctor ran alongside the stretcher, questioning the nurse about Jiyeh's current state. Joon and Team 2's Leader followed closely, standing guard as they entered the room.

Inside, medical personnel transferred Jiyeh to a bed, assessing the situation behind a drawn curtain. Joon and Team 2's Leader stood sentinel, discouraging any unauthorized entry. Team 2 members arrived at the hospital and were instructed by their leader to patrol the area and provide additional security for Jiyeh. Moments later, a commotion outside heralded the arrival of the CEO of SW Corporations and Jiyeh's father, the Vice-President. SW bodyguards guarding Jiyeh respectfully bowed to them.

"How's Jiyeh's condition?" inquired the CEO, deferring to Team 2's Leader for an answer. Before he could respond, a doctor spoke up, "Her condition is now stable. We managed to lower her fever a few degrees, and we're planning to transfer her." The CEO, relieved at his granddaughter's stabilized condition, nodded in acknowledgment.

When asked about the cause, the doctor explained, "Mostly due to fatigue and inadequate nutrition." The CEO expressed gratitude toward Joon and Team 2's Leader, thanking them for their hard work. They responded, "We're just doing our job." Joon, however, couldn't help but internally complain, wondering why he was still on duty two hours past his shift. Just as the thought crossed his mind, a notification popped up, possibly indicating a new task or update.

After Jiyeh's transfer to her hospital room, her father informed the CEO that he would be leaving due to pressing work commitments. The CEO watched his son depart with his bodyguards, leaving Joon to guard the area while Team 2's Leader accompanied Jiyeh.

Approaching Joon, the CEO expressed his gratitude, "I believe this is our first meeting, Mr. Gwan. Thank you for saving my granddaughter." Joon replied humbly, "I'm just doing my job, Sir." Perplexed, Joon wondered how the CEO knew his name, but the CEO quickly clarified, having learned about Joon's prowess through his defeat of Team 2's ace.

"It's an honor to be recognized by you, Sir," Joon responded, settling the misunderstanding. The CEO, curious about Joon's rapid improvement, asked for insights. Joon, internally sighing at the recurring question, responded stoically, "It's due to the Instructors' hard effort in training me and my strong determination to improve." Notifications popped up, indicating a gain of Pretense+, which Joon noted with satisfaction. The CEO accepted Joon's answer, and the Chief Secretary observed, finding no signs of deception.

The CEO and the Chief Secretary made their way to Jiyeh's hospital room, leaving Joon on guard duty. After a brief interval, Team 2's Leader returned and assigned someone to take over Joon's post.

"Your shift ended hours ago. You're free to go home now," he informed Joon. Grateful for his release, Joon maintained a stoic expression, nodded in acknowledgment, and proceeded to exit the hospital. However, his elation was short-lived as he pondered his transportation predicament.

"Now, how do I get home? There are no buses left, and taxis seem scarce," Joon contemplated. The prospect of walking seemed daunting, given the considerable distance to his home. Lost in thought about possible solutions, Team 2's Leader unexpectedly emerged.

"Joon, I forgot you might have trouble getting home this late. You have a driver's license right? Then take this. Drive home, rest well, and see you tomorrow," he suggested, handing Joon a set of car keys. Overwhelmed with gratitude for the unexpected solution to his predicament, Joon bowed in appreciation, expressing his thanks.

Team 2's Leader dismissed the gesture, attributing it to Joon's hard work that day, and returned to the hospital. Joon proceeded to the parking area, locating the designated car after a brief search. The vehicle appeared luxurious at first glance, further accentuating Team 2's Leader's generosity.

Driving home, Joon felt the convenience and time efficiency of having a personal vehicle. The experience prompted him to contemplate the practicality of owning a car for his personal use. Upon reaching home, he swiftly changed into comfortable clothes and retired to bed, grateful for the unexpected resolution to his transportation predicament.

"How are you feeling?" The CEO inquired, breaking the silence that enveloped Jiyeh's hospital room. The two were alone, Jiyeh staring out the window.

"Don't you have a lot of work today, Grandfather? I'm grateful you came, but this is just wasting your time," she said, meeting his gaze after the statement. The silence persisted until a knock on the door shattered it.

"Sir, your next schedule will start in a few minutes," a man's voice echoed from outside. The CEO rose from his chair.

"Jiyeh, take a break from working. Rest well during your time here," he sincerely urged. Jiyeh nodded, responding, "I will, Grandfather." With that, the CEO left the room, leaving Jiyeh alone with the lingering sounds of hospital machinery.

In her solitude, Jiyeh returned to gazing out the window, her thoughts hidden from anyone entering the room. Outside Jiyeh's hospital room, the CEO, accompanied by his Chief Secretary and bodyguards, made their way through the hospital. The Chief Secretary cast a concerned glance at the CEO.

Eventually, they exited the hospital, and a bodyguard held the car door open for the CEO. He entered, with the Chief Secretary beside him. As the car set in motion, the Chief Secretary couldn't help but express his concern, "Sir, are you feeling alright?"

"I'm doing fine. Why do you ask?" the CEO responded. The Chief Secretary noted, "It's because you look solemn after leaving the Director's room."

Listening to the observation, the CEO contemplated whether the solemnity stemmed from the relentless competition within his family. Each member vying for control of SW, overworking themselves, conspiring, and striving to diminish competitors. Though not directly impacted, the CEO sensed a pervasive hostility whenever family members convened. The car traversed through the night under the moonlight.

Meanwhile, in another location, a person walked through a corridor, their footsteps echoing in the quiet place. Reaching a door, they knocked and entered. In the office sat a suited individual with sharp eyes and a clean-shaven face.

"Give me today's report," the woman with tied-up hair presented her findings. The man absently minded listened. After a few minutes, the woman finished her report.

"Is that all? You can leave if there's nothing," the man said, waving his hand dismissively. She hesitated, then continued, "There's also something to report, Sir."

The man turned his attention to her. "I heard that Ms. Jiyeh was hospitalized today for some reason," she reported. Folding his hands under his chin, the man inquired, "Is she dead?"

"No, Sir. We received news that she is recovering," she answered. "That's a pity," he remarked and continued with a chilling statement, "If Jiyeh were to die, taking over SW would be easier with one less obstacle blocking. I think I should be patient, as Yuna is in my grasp. It's only a matter of time before I take over SW." The man revealing his sinister intentions was none other than Shin Yeongho, Jiyeh's brother and the head of a SW subsidiary.