
My Pretense will Carry Me Through

Where am I? Why am I in a training suit? Why does the person in front of me look so intense? Why is there a floating screen in front of me? What the hell happened to me?

inverted · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 21

The first rays of the morning sun gently caressed Joon's face, coaxing him awake. He stretched his arms, neck, and back, relishing the refreshing afterglow of a restful sleep. Glancing at his smartphone, he noted there was ample time before his work shift commenced.

"I'll grab some breakfast and figure out how to spend the rest of my morning," he mused. Heading to the kitchen, Joon prepared a quick breakfast, opting for instant fare. As he savored his meal, a hint of disappointment lingered—he missed the side dishes Dayun often included. Tasking himself with the chore of washing dishes, he pondered how to make the most of his free time.

Having completed his domestic chores, Joon decided to head to the SW training center. He dressed in the SW training uniform, neatly packing it into his bag. Exiting the apartment building, he noticed Mr. Yu, the elderly gentleman from the building, handling the trash.

Taking the initiative, Joon approached Mr. Yu and offered a helping hand. Swiftly disposing of the trash, Joon's efficiency caught Mr. Yu by surprise.

"It's good to be young," Mr. Yu reflected, reminiscing about his youth. Grateful for the assistance, he thanked Joon, who nonchalantly downplayed the gesture, aiming to lessen Mr. Yu's workload.

The two engaged in a brief chat, with Mr. Yu inquiring about Joon's work. Joon shared his experiences, revealing the initial challenges but expressing his adaptation to the job. As their conversation concluded, Joon bid farewell, heading towards his car.

Unlocking the car door, he tossed his bag into the backseat, then gracefully entered the vehicle. Driving towards SW, Joon faced some traffic, a minor annoyance that tempered his mood. However, after a few minutes, he navigated through the congestion and arrived at SW.

Parked and ready, Joon greeted fellow employees and colleagues on his way to the training center. Within minutes, he reached the destination, finding people engrossed in training activities.

As he entered, surprise rippled through the crowd. Joon acknowledged them with friendly greetings, maintaining a Pretense of camaraderie. The Instructor proudly introduced Joon as his best student, fueling whispers of awe.

Feeling a sudden opportunity to accumulate Pretense +, Joon found himself coerced into offering words of encouragement to the recruits. Playfully quipping about the unexpected role of a motivational speaker, he seized the moment.

Delivering a grandiose speech, he shared his training experiences, emphasizing perseverance and the results it yields. "As long as you put your mind to it, nothing is impossible," he declared.

The impact was immediate. Recruits, teammates, and even bystanders were invigorated by Joon's words. The once-tired recruits brimmed with newfound energy, individuals engaged in workouts reset their sets with enthusiasm, and the sound of fists hitting sandbags intensified.

Surprised by the resonance of his words, Joon chuckled inwardly, realizing the influx of Pretense + notifications. Checking the system, he expected his Pretense Points to have reached 4 but was met with slight disappointment—it lingered at 3.

"Still 3? I thought I'd be at 4 by now," he mused momentarily, but then reassured himself, anticipating that the next point would come soon. Eager to continue, Joon headed to the locker room, swiftly changing into his training suit.

He stepped outside, surrounded by the bustling energy of people engrossed in their activities. Initiating his workout regimen, he commenced with a brisk 10-minute cardio session on the tracks, breaking a light sweat. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he transitioned seamlessly to weightlifting, tackling the heavy load with a challenging yet manageable intensity, targeting various muscle groups. Completing his rigorous sets, he allowed himself a brief respite, consulting his watch to gauge the remaining time.

"Still some time left; I'll throw in a few extra sets before heading to the hospital," he remarked. Retreating to the locker room, he indulged in a refreshing shower and donned his bodyguard uniform. Exiting the SW building, he navigated the parking lot to retrieve his car, steering it toward the hospital where Jiyeh was being treated. Arriving at the hospital, he parked and strode purposefully towards the entrance. Within the hospital, his fellow teammates diligently patrolled and guarded the area. Joon acknowledged them with a nod, reciprocated in kind.

Advancing to Team 2's Leader, he reported for duty before heading to Jiyeh's room. As he approached, he noticed two bodyguards stationed, and to his surprise, one of them was Beomsuk. Their eyes met, devoid of animosity or resentment from their recent confrontation; only mutual respect lingered.

A silent nod conveyed their acknowledgment and they greeted each other in silent camaraderie.

Joon knocked on the door, announcing his presence. "It's me, Sir," he declared. Team 2's Leader, accompanied by Jiyeh sitting on the bed with a tablet in hand, granted him entry. As the door closed behind him, Joon inquired about Jiyeh's well-being. "How do you feel, Ma'am?" he queried. Jiyeh, engrossed in her tablet, spared a moment to respond, "I'm doing well. Thank you for asking."

Team 2's Leader, preparing to leave, remarked to Joon, "You'll take over guard duty here." Joon acknowledged, and as Team 2's Leader exited, the room fell into a hush, leaving Joon as the sole guardian. Silence enveloped the room, broken only by Joon's vigilant watch, scanning the surroundings and occasionally glancing at Jiyeh.

While Jiyeh delved into her tablet, alternating between entertainment and work-related documents, time drifted by—minutes turning into hours. Observing Joon's unwavering dedication, Jiyeh admired his professionalism and stamina as he maintained his post without a hint of restlessness.

Boredom settled in for Joon, standing sentinel without much action. "Part of the job, but I expected a bit more action," he mused. Despite the monotony, he gained some Pretense + from Jiyeh, a gesture he dismissed as he felt it was worth nothing.

Curious about Joon's experience, Jiyeh engaged in conversation. "How was your first day on the job?" she inquired, aware of the noteworthy event of his initiation. Meeting her gaze, Joon responded with a stoic face, "Eventful." Jiyeh, understanding the underlying reasons, couldn't help but twitch a smile in response to his brief yet expressive answer.