
My Pretense will Carry Me Through

Where am I? Why am I in a training suit? Why does the person in front of me look so intense? Why is there a floating screen in front of me? What the hell happened to me?

inverted · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 19

Joon and Team 2's Leader entered the equipment room, greeted by an array of firearms, combat knives, body armor, and various tools meticulously organized. "Aren't there strict gun laws in this country?" Joon marveled at the display, wondering if they were preparing for a full-scale battle. Team 2's Leader, unfazed, picked up a pistol. "This will be your equipment. Use it when necessary," he stated with a serious tone. He then offered a combat knife to Joon, who accepted it after a brief inspection. The knife felt well-balanced with a comfortable grip, suiting Joon perfectly. "When you're not working, keep the gun in the pouch, same goes for the combat knife," Team 2's Leader instructed, and Joon nodded in agreement.

"Time for the Director's next schedule. Let's go," Team 2's Leader said, leading them out of the equipment room. Joon discreetly concealed the gun and combat knife under his suit jacket as they walked through the corridor. Arriving at Jiyeh's office door, Team 2's Leader gestured to Joon to make the announcement. Joon knocked three times and professionally declared, "Ma'am, it's time for the next schedule." Jiyeh requested a few moments, and when she emerged, she instructed, "Let's go."

The trio made their way through the corridor and out to waiting cars. Jiyeh headed to her designated vehicle, leaving Joon standing alone. Uncertain about his next move, Joon pondered, "Is my shift over? Do I pack up and go home, or do I wait for further instructions?" His teammates dispersed to their respective cars, leaving him in solitude.

Waiting for guidance, Joon contemplated his options. Suddenly, a car window rolled down. "Sit beside me," Jiyeh directed, lowering her side window. Joon acknowledged her instruction, realizing his shift wasn't over. He walked to the car, opened the door, sat beside Jiyeh, and closed the door. As the car set off, an awkward silence enveloped them. Jiyeh, arms crossed, gazed out the side window. Breaking the silence, she turned to Joon and asked, "Why did you want to be a bodyguard?"

Joon took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding. "My friend recommended this line of work. He was planning to become a bodyguard himself." Unsatisfied, Jiyeh probed further, "Why did you accept his recommendation?" Looking at her, Joon explained, "It was the only way I could secure a proper job. With just a high school diploma and no college degree, I worked two part-time jobs every day before this opportunity came along. After failing to join the special forces in the military, this was the next best option. If my friend hadn't told me about this job, I might be working on a construction site now." Despite maintaining a calm tone, Joon's words resonated with the bitterness of past failures and the struggles he endured – the failed attempt to enter the special forces, the tireless grind of multiple part-time jobs, and the sacrifices he made to save money.

"Sorry, I went too far," Jiyeh apologized, realizing she had touched on a sensitive topic for Joon.

"No need to apologize, Ma'am," Joon reassured her, indifferent to the past. The atmosphere in the car grew somber, a mood sensed by both the driver and Team 2's Leader. Both silently wished to hasten their arrival, yearning to escape the suffocating tension. Eventually, they reached their destination, and Team 2's Leader signaled Joon through the rearview mirror to disembark. Joon nodded and exited with him, leaving Jiyeh and the driver inside. As the car doors closed, Team 2's Leader instructed Joon, "Open the door for Jiyeh." Joon complied, approaching Jiyeh's side and opening the car door. Jiyeh stepped out, followed by Team 2's Leader and Joon. Together, they escorted Jiyeh to her office in the building, acknowledging greetings from employees along the way. Jiyeh reciprocated with nods and smiles. The walk to her office was brief, and upon arrival, she entered.

"Mr. Joon, I'll take guard here for now. Go eat dinner in the cafeteria below," Team 2's Leader directed Joon. Grateful for the chance to satisfy his hunger, Joon expressed his thanks and proceeded to the cafeteria. Inside, employees worked, and his teammates were eating. Joon grabbed a plate and began stacking it high, drawing astonished looks from those around him. Dumbfounded, they wondered, "Is he going to eat all of that?" Soon, Joon finished loading up his plate, then walked over to his teammates, asking if he could join them. They agreed, and Joon sat down unceremoniously, devouring his food. The quick disappearance of the food astonished onlookers.

Why did he eat so much? In the short vacation before today, Joon had survived on only instant foods. Seeing freshly cooked meals in the cafeteria spiked his appetite. After a few minutes, Joon finished his plates to the disbelief of those around him. Looking around at their stunned expressions, Joon thought, "Have you not seen a mukbang before?" Gradually, the place returned to normal as Joon chatted with his teammates. They inquired about his work, talked for a few minutes, and bid farewells as they all headed to their posts. For some reason, Joon didn't put on a Pretense. He wondered why, considering his goal was to gain Pretense Points, yet it didn't seem important to him at that moment. Shaking off the thought, he resolved to find a way to farm Pretense + next time. Joon then returned outside Jiyeh's office, where Team 2's Leader stood stoically on guard.

Upon seeing Joon, Team 2's Leader instructed, "Stand next to the door and maintain your position." Joon nodded, standing with his hands at his back, ready for the next phase of his duties. The hallway outside Jiyeh's office was quiet, with only the distant hum of office activities in the background. The soft glow of overhead lights illuminated the corridor, casting a calm atmosphere as Joon took his post beside the door.

Team 2's Leader, acknowledging Joon's readiness, cast a brief glance at his newcomer. "You'll be responsible for security here," he stated, his tone firm yet composed. "Ensure no unauthorized personnel enter, and stay vigilant."

Joon affirmed his understanding with a crisp nod. As he positioned himself beside the door. The responsibility of guarding Jiyeh's office marked a significant shift from his previous roles, and the weight of the duty settled on his shoulders.

The minutes passed, and Joon stood with unwavering resolve. The distant sound of footsteps echoed down the corridor, prompting a heightened sense of alertness. Colleagues passed by, sparing a glance at Joon as they proceeded with their tasks. His demeanor remained composed, a silent sentinel in the bustling workplace.

Occasionally, the office door opened, allowing employees to enter or exit, each time prompting a subtle shift in Joon's stance. The routine interruptions became a familiar cadence, and he adapted seamlessly, offering a professional nod to those who acknowledged his presence.

"It's monotonous, and I have this itch to move, but I'm stuck here. Team 2's Leader shoots occasional glances at me, scrutinizing my posture and vigilance." Joon maintained a composed Pretense, capitalizing on each approving look from Team 2's Leader. "Impressive. Newcomers usually struggle to hold their ground, yet he stands firm without a word to his passing colleagues. Seems like he's got a knack for the profession," thought Team 2's Leader, genuinely impressed by Joon's performance. "The Director must have made a wise choice bringing Joon into the team." Meanwhile, Joon silently accumulated more Pretense +. "Pretending to be professional when you're not. Pretense +," he mused, realizing the subtle art of playing the part. As time dragged on, Joon maintained his Pretense, earning his fair share of approval from Team 2's Leader.

When Joon finally rotated out, someone took his place in guarding. Team 2's Leader and Joon took a brief break, lingering not far from Jiyeh's office. Seated, Team 2's Leader initiated a conversation about security—discussing the optimal number of bodyguards, whether they should be armed, and related matters. Puzzled by the sudden inquiry, Joon endeavored to provide sensible answers, adding a touch of Pretense to enhance his responses. Although some of his answers bordered on nonsensical, Joon was content, knowing that each word contributed to his growing Pretense +.

Team 2's Leader attentively absorbed Joon's varied responses—some commendable, others questionable, a few bordering on the absurd. "Seems like he has talent, but there's room for improvement," he assessed silently. Their conversation remained strictly professional, sidestepping any mention of personal lives. After a few minutes of work-related discourse, Joon glanced at his watch and informed Team 2's Leader about the imminent start of the next schedule. Nodding in acknowledgment, both men rose from their seats and made their way to Jiyeh's office.

Approaching the door, two stationed bodyguards exchanged glances with Team 2's Leader and Joon before vacating their posts. Team 2's Leader signaled to Joon, who knocked on the door and announced, "Ma'am, your next schedule will start in a few minutes." Strangely, there was no response. After a brief pause, exchanging puzzled glances, the two men, sensing something amiss, unholstered their guns and forcefully entered the room. The door swung open with a loud creak, revealing Jiyeh unconscious on the table, hands cradling her head.

Rushing to her side, they checked her vital signs—she was breathing, but hoarsely; her pulse was rapid, and her body temperature elevated. Urgently, Team 2's Leader instructed, "Carry the Director out! I'll call for an ambulance." He hastened out, dialing for emergency services. The agitated state of Team 2's Leader drew the attention of employees and Team 2 members, prompting them to clear the area and initiate a lockdown for the impending ambulance.

Simultaneously, the individual assigned to surveil Joon contacted the Chief Secretary of SW Group (formerly known as the Manager), swiftly informing the CEO of the distressing situation unfolding. Meanwhile, inside Jiyeh's room, Joon, left alone, surveyed the scene. Without hesitation, he lifted Jiyeh, softly uttering, "Excuse me, Ma'am." Cradling her in a princess carry, he navigated swiftly through the office, encountering teammates forming a barricade as onlookers gathered, their eyes fixed on the unfolding commotion.

Exiting the building, Joon marveled at the conveniently timed arrival of the ambulance. "How convenient," he mused internally. The ambulance, complete with a stretcher and medical personnel, awaited. Gently, Joon placed Jiyeh on the stretcher. "Come with me," Team 2's Leader directed Joon as they both entered the ambulance and the doors sealed. The vehicle sped away promptly, racing toward the hospital with urgency.