
Chapter 310

"what should we do? There is no way we can take them all" Naki asked out loud,

"Oh! Now you reason rationally. If only you had paused to think clearly before you started all these fight, we would not be in this position now" I retorted angrily,

"Are you trying to say I am the cause of this?, Why are you not blaming him, he started it all" she said pointing at Leo,

"Can you stop acting out like a child right now. Appointing blame to the other person, I thought you were bigger than these childish act" I knew I should keep quiet but the anger kept fueling me and made to spew the words out.

" Of course you would choose him over me, I would not be surprised if you planned it all with him just to get me out of the way. Am I threat to your relationship?"

"Why do we need to get you out of the way so we can have a relationship? Do you know him from somewhere? Please just stop all these talk, do you not not that it does make sense?" I was getting riled up, I was about ready to risk it all and pick up the fight from where they stopped,

"Can the both of you stop it right now! . This is not the best time to be bickering. Why not save it for when we are able to get through this and use your strength to do something better, like think of a way to get us out of here".

He has never used such a tone on me before, so it made me know that we angry with the both of us. Naki just huffed and turned her face away in anger, I apologized to him at once. I turned back to face our opponent, they still seemed so far away from us and yet so close. I do not understand them, is it that they want the fight to continue? I asked myself. It was then I remembered that they were shouting'kill' at first, maybe they wanted it to end with one of them killing each other. I looked over at Leo to find that he had a calculative look on his face, he must be thinking of a way to get us out of this, that is nice, I felt a bit of calmness in me, knowing we might be able to get out of this if we put our head together.

"Do you think they would mind, if I sit a little so I can catch my breath. My legs are beginning to ache" 

I could only look over at Naki in disbelief, she was not behaving like the Naki I knew? Or does she think what is going on is a prank?. I could see Leo rubbing his temple in frustration, I did not blame him one but, I can not help but  imagine the impression that he has of her already in his mind