
Chapter 311

" hurry up Leo, what do we do? They are already close?" I asked him in a panic, there was no way I wanted them to get close to me, I can only imagine the thought they have in their head right now and let me tell you, it is not pretty.

" How can I know what we should do, when you guys would not give me just one quiet moment, so I would be able to think of a plan?" He whispered harshly to me,

" I am very sure that even if you are given hours of quietness, you still would not be able to rack up anything helpful from your brain?"

"Naki!" I shouted angrily while glaring at her,

"Do not shout at me, I am only stating the obvious Truth. You know I am right" she held her hand out in a I do not care pose.

"You are not meant to say everything that is in your head or that you see" I told her finally, from all these mini fight between us, there is no way we would be able to come to a definite agreement that would help us get out of this predicament, maybe it was best for us to submit to their will before it gets too late, so they would know we are surrendering.

What I still do not understand till this moment, is why we are surrendering when we did not instigate any battle with them. At last they were finally within reach, the distance between us was not up to a meter. If I stretched my hands out, I would be able to touch them. I had to gulp down the spit that was gathering in my mouth, due to the panic and tension in me, it felt like stone and refused to go down my throat. When I was finally able to get it down, it felt like lead in my stomach. I felt like I was going to throw up any minute from now. I could not help but pity whosever was going to be in my front when the content of my stomach decides to make a reappearance.

 It seems they were also confused, because when they got in front of us, no one said a word or took any action, they were just staring at us but later started looking at each other as if asking" what is next?". Maybe we would be able to turn their confusion and use it against them. The only way they would be able to take any decision is if one of them assumes the role of a leader, but from the way those in front of me were looking, none of them were ready or willing to assume the role of a leader. Just as I was thinking of how to make good use of this opportunity, they started parting from the back, I had to stretch my neck trying to see who they were paving the way for.