
My own World

Hello this is my first novel so it will be very bad. Also consider that english is my third language, so sorry for my bad english. -My own World- He died, but he came back as a god. With tge power to do anything he now creates his own world in another universe.

Andeis_YT · Fantasy
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Auxilary Chapter: Magic Ranking(Human)

Now that the humans have developed magic, they have naturally categorized and ranked it.

Mana was measured in manapoints. With 50 Mana points, one could throw a fireball. Normal people had 1-5mp.

Mana Ranking:

1-20 no mage

21-50 Novice Mage 1 Level

51-100 Novice Mage 2 Level

101-150 Novice Mage 3 Level

151-200 Novice Mage 4 Level

201-300 Apprentice Mage 1 Level

301-400 Apprentice Mage 2 Level

401-500 Apprentice Mage 3 Level

501-600 Apprentice Mage 4 Level

601-700 Apprentice Mage 5 Level

701-800 Apprentice Mage 6 Level

801-1000 Mage 1 Level

1001-1200 Mage 2 Level

1201-1400 Mage 3 Level

1401-1600 Mage 4 Level

1601-1800 Mage 5 Level

1801-2000 Mage 6 Level

2001-2500 Grand Mage 1 Level

2501-3000 Grand Mage 2 Level

3001-3500 Grand Mage 3 Level

3501-4500 High Mage 1 Level

4501-5500 High Mage 2 Level

5501-6500 High Mage 3 Level

6501-10000. Arch Mage 1 Level

10001-13500 Arch Mage 2 Level

13501-17000 Arch Mage 3 Level

Once you were 12, you needed to study 8 years at the magic academys. If you didn't reach apprentice stage by then you could study antother 4 years.

When you reach apprenticeship, you could be taken as an apprentice by an mage with level 4 or higher.

You are an apprentice untill you reach the mage stage.

The humans measured mana with beast mana scrolls.

Magic is very connected with physics and science. Mana is just drawing a diffrent type of energy out of the air and turning it into kinetic energy and stuff like that.

Of course one also needed high mental concentration, imagination and knowledge to perform spells.

Talent ranking(Mana pool without training):

no talent 1-5mp

Level 1 6-10mp

Level 2. 11-20mp

Level 3. 21-30mp

Level 5. 31-50mp

Level 6(Legendary talent) 51-100mp

That was the auxilary chapter. I hope it helped you to better understand the rankings and powerlevels of the mages.