
My own World

Hello this is my first novel so it will be very bad. Also consider that english is my third language, so sorry for my bad english. -My own World- He died, but he came back as a god. With tge power to do anything he now creates his own world in another universe.

Andeis_YT · Fantasy
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5 Chs


I look down at world and think it's time to give the humans some magic.

Oh there is someone praying to me, so let's give him mana and magic knowledge first. Aaaand done. Now the humans have mana. What should i do next. Life of a god is kind of boring i think. Oh iknow what to do! I well reincarnate myself as a human and experience the life of human firsthand. And if it somhow escalates, i can still activate my godly powers, right?

Ok now channel the energy, take tge soul and now put it into ab fetus. Perfect. I am now a human.

"The child it's coming."

"It's a boy!" a nun shouted.

The mother hold her crying newborn child in her arms."He looks just like you, but with brown hair and eyes."

"What should his name be?"the father asked."Gilan that should be his name Gilan of Ganhir.

'So i am now the crownprince.' the newborn Gilan thought.'My life will be much better than the pesants. As long as i am not kidnapped my life will be perfect. And now i can train my mana!'

11 years later

"I don't want you to become a mage!"

an angry man said to his son.

"But i want to and i even have legendary

talent!" I answered."No. You need to be strong and steel your body." "Yeah, but magic strength is also my personal strength." "..." The argument already went on for 20 minutes. My father wouldn't allow me to become a mage. 'But where was the whole point in reincarnating then. I just wanted to experience the human magic system and knowledge firsthand!'

"I'll allow it you also learn swordfighting", the father suddenly threw in.

"That's fine by me", I answered.

I almost couldn't hide my excitement.

I never thougt that i could change his mind.'Finally i got my application to the royal Academy', i thougt. Oh boy, i didn't knew what was coming at me. If i new that the royal academy would be filled with bootliking arrogant idiots, i wouldn't have gone there. It wasn't a pleasant experience, so i dropped out after half a year and then got the magic education at home. It was really disappointing.

At least i could witness and particilate at the 2. Grand war of humankind.

At the time the war happened, i was 19 years old and a level 4 mage and therefore could participate from thr backlines.