
My own World

Hello this is my first novel so it will be very bad. Also consider that english is my third language, so sorry for my bad english. -My own World- He died, but he came back as a god. With tge power to do anything he now creates his own world in another universe.

Andeis_YT · Fantasy
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5 Chs

POV:The first mage of humankind

It was the year 317 after the creation of the kingdoms. The war between Sheh-Mahir and Ganhir was at its peak.

"We are going to lose this war."

"If our prince just didn't break the marriage agreement with the princess of Ganhir everything would be ok, but now our country os gonna lose."

"Yeah after our city they will march to the capital and than it's over."

The soldiers of Sheh-Mahir were demoralised. They had no will to fight.

The Ganhir had more people better weapons and the moral highground.

Nothing could stop them now.

In the next day, the soldiers of Ganhir marched to the last city before the capital. The 100.000 people were 3 times as much soldiers than on Sheh-Mahirs side. Only a miracle could tourn the battle now.

"CHARGE!" the Ganhir General shouted.

The soldiers roared and stormed the city.

"Oh lord please give me the might to crush my enemies." the Sheh-Mahir soldier Sim-Wakal prayed.

"Out now the enemie is on the walls!" the commander shouted. Sim ran out with his spear and instantly impaled an enemy.

Sounds of fighting could be heared. Sim fought wildly. When he rushed forward again, he was suddenly impaled with an spear and thrown backwards. Klinging to his bit of life he prayed again.

"Lord please let our kingdom survive."

Suddenly he felt a surge of power. He heard profound knowledge and knew what his new power was. It was magic.

It has been discovered by the other races since eons but tge humans couldn't achive it. Now that his talent was awakened he felt his mana. He was the first mage of humankind. The profound knowledge came from the blessing of the nameless god, tgat he prayed to before. He used his mana to heal his body. He gathered mana in his hand, moved the air and threw a fireball.

The tide of battle had been turned and finally Sheh-Mahir dominated by obliterating the whole enemy army.

After that fight Sheh-Mahir and Ganhir made peace. But more importantly all over the continent, the latent magic abilities of humankind were awakened.

Now conflicts were mostly mana based.

Magic academys started growing like grass. Wizards were now the strongest entitys in society.

Magic greatly improved the way humans lived. After just 200 years the humans started forging copper and other various stones. Now in the golden age of mana, there was enough time for everyone to test and develop various techniques and sciences.

But there were also people who didn't like the changes. One group of those people where the holy clearence group.

They assasinated high ranking wizards to stop tge magical advancement.