
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Movies
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43 Chs

Chapter 37: Working things out with Diana & Lady Death (R-18)

It's been a little while since I've been here in DC and hanging out with Diana has been relaxing. We're progressing nice and slow, but I can see that she's at the stage where she can accept me. Now only one question remains for her to answer. Grabbing her by the hands to looks me in the eyes, I see confusion, but I ask, "I'd like to know your answer to a question that I've had for a while now. If I had multiple women already, would that deter you from being with me? Or would you accept it and see them to talk it out?" She lets go of my hands and looks down while thinking. Looking back at me with a neutral face she says, "Gods are known to have harems, and you're simply on a completely different level. At this point, I can say that I care for you as much as my mother, if not more. So, I counter you with another question, do you have multiple other women right now or not? Knowing you've been with me this whole time; I imagine they're worried about you no matter how powerful you are." Giving her a smile, I say, "Would you like to meet them? I was never going to take the final steps until you met them, and we got their approval. I saw that there was something holding you back and you finally let go, so I only asked you this now just to be sure." Diana comes up and gives me a hug and says, "I'd like to meet them before I decide anything final, if that's alright?" Curling my arms around her waist I reply, "You'll love them, promise." Sucking us into a rift to my inner world must be a weird experience for her.

The only ones here are Rose, Nat, Kate, and Hela. 'Where's Death? Hmm...' Walking up to the girls with Diana, hand in hand, Rose goes into instant interrogation mode with Nat and Kate. They drag Diana off somewhere to talk since Hela is still pretty new to this stuff. "Why do they never as me directly and always drag the person away?" Hela starts laughing on the side, "Hehehe, you should know how important girl talk is. We had another talk not too long ago about something important, but you'll find out when they get done." Running up to me and wrapping her arms around my neck, she initiates a kiss. 'Delicious and bold now, nice.' Separating from the kiss, I say, " Everything you girls talk about is important to me." Humming in agreement she says, "That's why we love you. You pay attention even when you aren't with us." My turn to kiss her, got to establish dominance. Finishing that kiss, I ask, "Where's Death?" Giving me a knowing grin, she says, "In her domain, go see her." Giving a nod, I give one last peck on Hela's lips and make a rift to Death's domain.

Stepping through, all I have to say is one word, "Beautiful." Death turns to me with a smile and jumps into my arms and I ask, "How've you been love?" She giggles and says, "I missed you, even if it's only been a short while for us. Now, come with me." She takes my hand, and we go to what appears to be her room. 'Cozy little place, and I'm guessing this has to do with what they talked about together while I was away.' One king sized bed, candles all around the room, and one beautiful woman laying down seductively looking at me right now. She then says, "I know it hasn't been too long since we've been together, but I can say without a doubt, I want to be with you for eternity. If you'll have me." Smiling at her I say, "Nothing would please me more. I know I scared you when we met, but I was upset at the news of my dad's death. What started as a deal, has turned into more. I love you, Death." She squeals in delight and pulls me onto the bed.

* (Start of R-18) * *(Also reminder: I don't use 'honeypot' or 'sacred garden' I use PUSSY and no 'raging dragon' or 'sword' It's a COCK or PENIS. Some novels on here could use some editing and the scenes would be so much better, I find myself correcting the words in my head when I read them lol. Anyways, enjoy the lemon :)*

With a *snap* out clothes are gone. She then says, "I don't have any marriage ceremony or anything, but once we are one for the first time, we will be linked by something far greater than any vows that mortals take. Our souls will be linked and a form of pact or oath to each other." Giving her a kiss, I say, "I know. But from now on, we are your family. No more being alone, no more boredom, and definitely no more pent-up lust or feelings. Let them all out for me, and only me." Lowering myself to her ear I whisper, "From today on, you're mine and I'm yours. Remember that I'm possessive of my girls." She shudders and nods, so I lower downwards and appreciate the sight of her pussy before me. "Thank you for the meal, Hehe." Holy hell is she delicious. Teasing her clit a little gets some nice moans from her and just as she's about to climax, I stop. She looks to me frustrated and asks, "Why did you stop?!" Grinning I say, "My turn." Pulling her down, I stand up and she's eye level with my cock. "Don't worry, as long as you don't use your teeth, you'll pick up fast." Nodding in a mesmerized state, she licks it first. I can't help but chuckle a bit from that, she's so shy right now and I love it.

Death takes as much as she can and I can't help but say out loud, "Holy shit!" She chuckles a bit and then starts swirling her tongue the best she can. "Where did you learn that? Never mind, keep going." Placing a hand on her head, I actually almost cum but she stops. Looking at my now frustrated face, she says, "Doesn't feel good, does it?" Grinning at her, I pull her up to me and she latches her arms and legs around me like a koala. Turning around so my back is on the bed, I lay us down and say, "We'll go at your pace, the first time is special." Giving her a kiss, she nods and aims. Slowly sinking down until I feel a barrier, she says, "I love you." She slams down in one quick motion. "HOLY SHIT! Give me a second.", she says. Pulling her into a kiss while massaging her boobs helps distract from the pain. After a few moments, she starts moving her hips, so I take ahold of her hands, and she uses me as a support to start moving. "Mmmm...Fuck that's so good. Why did we wait so long?" Our eyes never break contact and I say, "It really hasn't been long at all." I let her go at it for a little bit and eventually I flip her so I'm on top in missionary and I say, "Let me control now, you've had a nice warmup so far. Relax and enjoy." Starting slowly at first and steadily building up my pace, after a few minutes and three of her orgasms, I look like a piston right now, never losing my motion. Her eyes are rolled back, and her tongue is laying out, "So sexy." She gets some clarity back after a moment and says, "I'm coming ahh-again!" Slowing my pace slightly, I hug her tight and sheathe myself completely and say, "Me too!" Emptying everything inside, she squeals loud, and that's music to my ears. We lay back and bask in the bliss of our first session.

* (R-18 End) *

At that moment, I feel a connection to my own soul form her. Black swirling tattoos cover my body but only up my neck, wrists, and ankles. I can make them disappear and reappear at will so that's nice. At the same time, she has the same but an almost glowing golden series of tattoos that have a shimmer to them. "Like our own Yin and Yang. Beautiful." Holding her close as she lays her head on my chest, I say, "Thank you for being with me and helping the girls with some issues while I wasn't here, especially Hela. Since we're connected now, whenever you need me, activate the markings and you can teleport instantly to me. Same for me to you." She hums and says, "I know. It still too me a little bit to find you sometimes so this will help." Sighing in peace, after a moment I looks down at her and grin while saying, "Round two?" She counters with, "Make it three to five minimum and you've got a deal." Rolling on top of here I whisper, "I have you for eternity now, why not make it as long as you want? Anything for my girls." And that starts a week-long session between us, she won't walk right for a while after this.

(Let's try a 3rd person for a bit and let me know how you buys feel about it.)

Back with Rose, Nat, Kate, and Diana. The four of them are sitting in some comfortable chairs with an earie silence. Rose speaks up first, "So, do you love him?" Diana looks a bit uncomfortable but steels herself and says, "Yes, I do. It took some time to see it myself, but he's been nothing short of the best man I've ever met. And I've fought through wars with many different types. He treats me not only as a woman but as a warrior too. Sparring to make me stronger and faster, while going on dates in cities across the world. The last few weeks have been the best times of my life." Rose looks to Nat and Kate, and they have the same positive look in their eyes, but one question remains. Rose asks, "Will you be with him for eternity like us or is that too big of a commitment? We don't want someone who will half-ass a relationship and end up making him blow up a planet over regret and depression. The incident before we met Kate was one such occasion where something happened to his cousin, and he ended up killing millions of people with a snap. Granted, they were all murderers, rapists, and many more but still. He won't go out of his way to help just anyone, but if someone crosses us or our families, they disappear. Not just their bodies, their souls aren't spared either. Knowing all of this, what's your answer?" Letting that sink in for a bit, Diana goes into her own head to sort everything out.

After a little bit, Diana says, "I'm willing to spend eternity with him. There's literally no one better than him. It's not just that though, it's the way he cares that brought me in. No matter how much I wanted to tell him everything about me, and no matter how much he wants me to tell him, he's patient. Never forcing me to do anything and always willing to wait and listen. If my thoughts are a mess, he takes me somewhere to clear my head." Taking a moment to catch her breath, she continues, "I'm willing to be with him for eternity, I swear I won't leave nor make him sad in any way. I'll stand by his side with you all, sisters." Rose, Nat, and Kate all smile and they get up and hug Diana. Nat then says, "That's the correct answer, he's already accepted you so welcome to the family."

(End 3rd person POV)

'I love time dilation.' Stepping though my rift after my long session with Death, I catch the tail end of the conversation my girls are having with Diana. Before they can break their hug, I come in and share in it as well and say, "Welcome to the family, Diana." She gives a hum of approval and Rose speaks up, "By the way, we came to an important decision while you were with Diana." Raising and eyebrow I ask, "What decision?" They smirk and Kate says, "I get to be the first one to give birth to your child. Since I've been with you the longest of these relationships. They all agreed, even Hela." Chuckling at their antics I say, "To me, first or last doesn't matter, family is family no matter how far away we are, what time we are in, or what place we're in. everyone is a rift away. I'll try my best to be an amazing dad to our children. Seems surreal now though, I never dreamed of it in my last life. But now, I'm giving it my all no matter what." My eyes glow and my wings and halo come out, but this time there's something new. My abyssal black tattoos come out, which I didn't realize had some small stars in them, like a galaxy. "Neat. Since you are going to ask, Death and I are one now. No marriage ceremony needed. Simply two primordial beings connecting their souls instead of a ring and vow. These markings are proof, she has a golden set to pair with mine." Looking myself over, I look badass. The contrast from my wings and halo to these markings are nice. The stary bits in them make it pop as well. Turning to Diana I say, "Ready to go back?" She shakes her head and says, "I know you have some things to do, and you told my mother where I'd be, so take your time. I'd like to chat with my new sisters for a while and you can come get me when something happens there." Giving her a hug, I say, "I'll be back soon, time flows differently here than anywhere else. maybe a week at most until I call you back but for me it could be some months. Ciao!"

Making a rift back to DC, I make my way to where the little meeting between Amanda Waller and Bruce Wayne takes place for the candidates of Justice League. Waiting in meditation as I think to myself. 'I need to spend some time with Hela and Kate soon. I want to go to Harry Potter soon so maybe that will be a nice place to go with Kate, she loved those movies. Hela on the other hand, I'm not too sure. I've been avoiding anime worlds for one main reason. If I go to any of those, I'll be tempted to catch'em all, hehe. The only reason I went to save the SAO people was from boredom when Diana needed some space to think. Well, that and I felt bad for them, some people need a second chance. I'll do another round of saving eventually, like a certain guy in FMA: Brotherhood that dies in a phonebooth. Danmachi will be Ryuu Lion and most definitely Hephaestus, Fairy Tail will be Erza Scarlet, The Rising of the Shield Hero will be Raphtalia and Fitoria, Akame ga Kill for only Akame. My Hero Academia, Naruto, and even Bleach have multiple as well. No sane man can not go for all of them if given the chance, try to argue and await the criticism you get. Actually, MHA and Naruto have the only bunny girls I'd ever want, a goddess and a sexy spandex wearing bunny, hmm.....food for thought.'

(A/N: Kaguya and Rumi are possible, depends on if I want to eventually do a ff for one of those worlds or not. Time dilation makes multiple girls manageable, like now with only Diana, until she met the rest of the girls. Now she stays for a bit, and I get free roam without making them appear in every chapter. I'll make up my mind soon lol, 2.5k words, see you all soon)