
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Movies
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43 Chs

Chapter 35: Final boss & Amazons & Helping out a friend

After having an amazing day with my girls, I'm ready to return to finish the fight. Taking out Tamayo, I make my way back to the party, hehe. Stepping through, the group has finished their conversation in which Flag told them everything from the files. As everyone walks away from Flag to get a drink, I come up to him and say, "Relax my friend, we'll save her. Have some faith, hehe." I then walk inti the bar and have a drink myself. Diablo tells his tale of him killing his family from his rage so I come and put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him and say, "You'll get them back. I made you a promise didn't I?" He give a small smile and nods as Flag comes inside for a drink as well. One sappy conversation later, we're heading to Enchantress's location.

Everyone is geared up and ready yo move in while Killer Croc goes with the demo team to move the bomb under Incubus. Arriving at the mess of matter near Enchantress, everyone is put in an illusion to see what they truly want in life. It doesn't work on my though, hehe. Obviously Diablo comes out of it quick and tells everyone else it isn't real to wake them up. Enchantress calls for Incubus to take us out and the fight begins. Nothing seems to work besides Katana slicing off his hand, which he grows back. Diablo looks to me and I give him a nod and a grin and he nods back telling everyone, "Let me show you what I really am!" Letting his flames roar from his hands to push back Incubus towards to corner where the bomb will be. After everyone besides me is knocked back, Diablo comes out and erupts into his Witch Doctor form which is amazing to see in person. A skeletonized shaman of pure fire with a mixture of blue and red flames, magnificent. With everyone cheering him on, he places his hand into Incubus's chest and melts him until his powers give way and he reverts back and is held to he ground.

As Flag yells to Diablo to get clear, Diablo yells, "Blow it!". Deadshot agrees and tells Flag to detonate it as well. As Flag gives the order and the charge is set to blow as one second, everyone gets back from where the last will be but at the moment it will explode, I do what I need to do. *Snap* Time freezes for everyone except Diablo and I and I say, "Quite commendable to sacrifice yourself for everyone. But, how can you see your family if you're dead as well when I bring them back?" After he gets up from the ground he says, "So what happens now?" Giving him a grin I say, "Now you die. Or at least the world will believe so. I'll send you to my inner world and you will await me there so I can bring back your family for you. When you get there just tell the people there that I sent you as I have a promise to fulfill. See you soon my friend." He gives me a nod and I make a rift for him. As he enters it, I give another *Snap* and time resumes with the bomb going off and it kills only Incubus this time.

Enchantress pushes the final phase of her attempt to engulf the world in darkness and in turn reverts back to her previous form. After teleporting back and forth to hit everyone, Now normally, Enchantress would take out her swords and mess with everyone and then offer them mercy if they kneel. This time, I walk out and say, "Everyone take a breather, it's my turn to fight." Showing a savage grin which makes Enchantress shiver, I reach in front of my chest and make a gripping motion as a sword handle appears. Pulling Yamato out of my chest like a boss, I say, "Come, face your end mortal." She is visibly enraged at that remark but what do I care, heh. And so our fight ensues. Seeing her teleport, I know she'll appear behind me so I teleport behind her and whisper, "Too slow." This goes on for a minute or so as everyone else is slack jawed watching the 'fight'. Finally having enough of the cat and mouse I say, "Let's test your sword skills shall we?" Dashing at an inhuman speed, I appear in front of her and slash horizontally at her neck. Barely dodging it I chuckle a bit knowing it wouldn't connect. 'Sometimes I can't help but toy with people, hehe.' She starts madly swinging both swords at me from left, right, above, diagonal, and finally a chop with both towards me neck now. I simply put up one finger in between them and a loud thud sounds at the swords connect. Finally having enough I say, "Time to end this. Truly not bad considering this worlds standards of power but not enough." Making a slash at her chest where her heart is, I rip it out and throw it where Captain Boomerang will find it. At the same time, the team are throwing the explosive into the mass of matter to shut it down. Harley throws her gun to Deadshot and shoots the explosives that Killer Croc threw and an implosion happens to which the left over debris fall out of the sky.

Skipping the drama where Enchantress tells Flag he doesn't have the balls to rip apart her heart as it may kill June, he does it and she turn out fine, albeit covered in mud. Amanda Waller comes out telling them they get ten years off of their prison sentence and giving them a thank you. You can't not love Captain Boomerang, he's the best comic relief here, hehe. Walking over to Deadshot I place a hand on his shoulder and say, "I'd like to help you out with your family situation if you don't mind. Your love for your daughter is commendable and I'd like to make sure she's safe so you don't have to worry all the time. As well as giving you two a few special gifts." He turns and shakes my hand saying, "Thanks man. If you really can do that, I'll owe you a lot. What's the catch though?" Giving a chuckle I say, "There isn't any, relax." Giving each other a nod, I walk to Amanda now and say, "When you see Bruce Wayne, tell him 'I'm in.' he'll know the reasoning." Looking up, I spread my wings and take flight to Themyscira to see Queen Hippolyta and Princess Diana.

I'd like to meet them in daylight so I meditate midair until morning. Knowing Justice League won't be for another year still , I'd like to make the Amazons my friends. After that, maybe some R&R with the girls until major events happen. Being super cliché, I want to do a superhero landing, hehe. Appearing way above the island, I see Hippolyta and Diana coming outside of their house, so here comes the fun part. Just to keep them guessing as to who I am, I hide my wings and halo. Dropping straight down, I land on one knee with one fist in the ground as well, making a wide crater in the ground, everyone is too shocked to move. Standing up, I walk directly up to Hippolyta and take her hand and kiss the back and say, "Greetings, my name is Lucifer Morningstar. You must be Queen Hippolyta, it's a pleasure to meet you." She's really hard to read, not that she likes men much anyways so can't really blame her. Finally she says, "Greetings to you as well. What do you want from us? Not many know we even exist so excuse me for being blunt." Chuckling I say, "Nothing escapes my eyes. Everywhere I look the mortals are either in a war or a civil dispute with each other." Turing to Diana I kiss the back of her hand as well and say, "May I know your name, Princess?" 'Ahh there it is, a small blush. But I don't think she's completely over the pilot guy from the war.' Taking a moment to calm herself, she replies, "I am Princess Diana, nice to meet you Lucifer." Hippolyta then asks, "Are you the same Lucifer from the bible?" Chuckling I respond, "No, I share the same name but I am myself. Religion is usually a false sense of security for mortals to hang on to hope. Instead of bettering their own life's through each other, they turn to a mythical being that will heal them, bring peace to war, and bring everyone together. Not true. I myself did a cleansing of a world where all major criminals were gone with a snap of my fingers. Good times, hehe. That world now prospers as not only is there significantly less crime, but also the population isn't consuming the natural resources as it previously was."

Letting that sink in, I continue, "Now let's say I made that world start praying to me after seeing what I did. What would I gain from it?" Both of them think for a bit and Diana says, "You would gain power through belief, no?" Beaming her a smile I say, "Correct. Beautiful and smart." She averts her gaze but has a small smile so I continue, "Only if there is a God to receive their prayers will that God gain power a mortal's faith. As that world didn't have a God, I became theirs when I made a miracle happen. Even now I'm passively healing terminally ill people all around that world and they in turn thank me through prayers." Both of them go wide eyed and Hippolyta asks, "So you're a true God than? Like the Olympian Gods?" Not being able to hold it I start laughing, "HAHAHAHA! No no no, they are mere minor Gods. I am the Apex of power only second to my father. If I wanted to I could snap away every universe our there, literally." Hippolyta faints but before she hits the ground I catch her and look to Diana and say, "Shall we go inside until she wakes up?" Giving me a nod, we walk inside and I set her on the bed. Returning to Diana I say, "Do you have any questions for me?"

After having a long talk with the Amazons, Queen Hippolyta agreed that I can come and go as I please as I have shown not ill intent at all. Mind you, Diana had her lasso of truth on me as well which I didn't bother removing and I let its power work on me as a sign of good will. After giving my goodbyes for now, I make my way to Deadshot's place to give them their gifts. Knocking on the door, Flag opens and says, " Come in, we're about to take him back but I'll give you a few more minutes." Giving him a nod and a pat on the shoulder, I walk in and sit down across from the father-daughter duo. "You must be Zoe, yes?" Giving me a small nod, Smiling at her I say, "I promised your dad that I'd bring you guys a few gifts." *snap* Appearing on the table is the white fur coat and hat that were in the window of that shop on the mission. "That's only the first gift, hehe." Holding out my hand, I close my eyes and imagine a pair of necklaces with a pure white gem in them. It's shape is a Diamond(♦) and then enchanting one to make a shield that can take world ending damage without breaking as well as a repulsion form anyone with ill intent. And then adding a telepathic link to them I hand the shielded one to Zoe and the other to Deadshot. "These share a telepathic link so you can always be within talking distance. Zoe, yours has an enchantment that will keep you safe so your dad doesn't have to worry so much." 'Holy shit. Deadshot has a tear coming from one eye.' Chuckling I say, "I take care of my friends, you don't have to thank me either. We fought one series of battles but I can say that you have the will and drive to make it out to see your daughter. Now, knowing she's safe, you can fight to get home without as much worry." He gets up and walks yo me as I stand too. He then says, "I don't normally do this but for you, one time." Spreading his arms, he pulls me in for a hug. He then says, "Thank you for everything. If you ever need a hand, let me know and my skills are yours." Smiling at him, I pat his shoulder and say, "Just stay you, that's all I ask." Turning to walk away, I feel someone hugging me from behind. Turning around I see Zoe and she says, "Thank you for helping us." Ruffling her hair I say, "All in a day's work. If either of you need anything, just think of me and I'll be there." Vanishing with teleportation, I reappear outside Hippolyta's place and relax for a bit with Diana. 'Somehow I think I'll have another wife soon. Oh well, I won't deny them if it's mutual. What a life indeed.' Diana see's my smile and has another slight blush, 'This is going to be fun, hehe. A whole year to go and then Steppenwolf and his Parademons show up.'