
My Overpowered Chaotic Hero System

now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your viewing pleasure. " I wonder how it feels to be strong", Miles a weak 18 years old boy from the village of liegae in the kingdom of brinshelm have always had the dream of being an adventurer and exploring the world but all that is a pipe dream because he is so weak even to the standards of those younger then him he is even given the name wick bones because he was so wick . But all that changes when in a forest he is suddenly confronted by a boar who almost killed him,But before he dies all movement seems to slow down even the leafs of the tree moving to the rhythm of the wind comes to a complete halt,He suddenly hears a voice who gives him the mysterious and overpowered abilities of a hero. All of a sudden miles suddenly possess unimaginable powers,He then takes a step to venture out of his village into the unknown.

Afro_Grooves · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter 30 Fiery danger

In the second floor of the dungeon , Avrion was in a rock and a hard place , after entering into the second floor they where immediately attacked by eight Magma beast, The magma beast had skins as hard has steel and to get past their defence you will need to use MANA reinforcements , but the group was running low on MANA , they had been using their MANA to negate the effect of the heat and pressure in the dungeon and not everybody had monstrous level of MANA like Zatiel who was occupied dealing with three beast on his own.

"Keep your attack up , They might tough defence but they can't continue taking our attack eventually their defence will crumble ", Avrion said while sending a horizontal slash to the beast in front of him.


Most of the attack was stopped by the beast tough skin, but the attack managed to crack open his stone like skin .

" I got you now ", Avrion said before using all his strength to thrust his sword into the beast cracked defence.


The sword went into the beast side without any hindrance making the beast cry out in pain .


Avrion stepped back from the beast so as not to be burnt by the magma flowing from the beast open wound.

The beast went down on one knee unable too maintain its balance after losing a lot of blo.... Magma , Avrion seeing this channelled his MANA into his sword and sliced the beast head clean of.

After killing the beast Avrion decided to check the others to see how they where doing.

Vastor and Gilmore An A rank adventurer where working together to take down a Magma beast , with Vastor fast speed and Gilmore's strength they had the beast in a tight spot and in a matter of seconds the beast will be dead.

Mariposa and Carabao , had managed to injure their beast and it was now standing on its last leg ....Literally , they had managed to cut off one of its leg making the beast unable to maintain his balance.

While Zatiel had managed to kill two of the three Magma beast , the last beast seeing this decided to flee from Zatiel but got shocked by Zatiel who sent a wave of lightning at the beast , and even despite the beast body made of stone the lightning was so powerful that smoke could be seen coming out from the beast body before it fell to the floor.

The remaining two beast where being handled by the joint effort of the other A rank.

While the B rank with long range attack or spells where sending the A ranks support while the healers where busy healing the injured.

After a full minute passed by they where finally done and where busy extracting the beast crystals.

Nate a B ranked twenty years old male adventurer couldn't help but think that he had been useless since entering the dungeon, he had always been held in high regard being a Veteran B rank that he is, and during quest he always out performs his team mate and was known as the best in the group, but compared to the A rank he was inferior , and of course he knew this but he didn't know the gap in strength will be that wide.

He had been the first person to get injured , sent crashing into the walls by a Magma beast while he was by the lava pool breaking his bones, and although he had been healed and he was no longer hurt he couldn't help but feel that his pride has been crushed, He couldn't even lay a mark on the beast hard skin which further crushed his pride he could only stay behind the A rank and send support from time to time.

"What are you thinking about buddy" , Reahan a thirty years old male adventurer said.

Reahan was a B ranked adventurer ,and even though he didn't know Nate before the quest ,he had gotten really close with Nate during the few days inside the dungeon.

"Don't you feel inferior compared to those A ranks" ? , Nate asked .

Reahan was taking aback by the rhetorical question because it was pure fact that a B rank can't compare to an A rank , so he didn't know why Nate was thinking about it.

" Yeah , I mean ... well they are the A rank and we are just B rank, you don't expect us to stand a chance or even come close to their strength right", Reahan asked.

"Yeah I know, but don't you want to be stronger" ? , Nate asked.

"Who doesn't , but it is easier said than done", Reahan said.

" I mean have u heard of a B rank suddenly rising to A rank position , it takes decades to climb to A rank and not every body can even be an A rank there are some who just can't get into A rank after training all their live , their body had reached its limit and couldn't grow any more stronger to harbour the power of an a rank Adventurer" , Reahan said.

"Bro don't think about it two much, all you should be thinking about is to survive this crazy dungeon and go back home to your peaceful live" , Reahan said tapping Nate friendly on the back.

" Hmmm, you are right I should be focused on surviving not getting stronger , I just pray we don't get wiped out in this dungeon ", Nate said letting out a sigh.


Meanwhile in the dungeon on the last floor , a group of beast where discussing among them selves on how to handle the intruders in the second floor.

" How do you plan on stopping the invader Ghan ji ", Lor rak A beast who stood at 13 feet tall said, it had two black horns on his face and a face resembling a lion with red fiery mane and and a vertical demonic eye( like a cat or dragon eye) , and stood on two goat like leg he wore animal fur covering his nether region and carried a war axe twice the size of an average man.

" They are not a problem the only problem is the one with the lightning magic, I am going to keep pressuring them so as to weaken their ranks , soner or later they will start losing their men and when that happens their resolve is going to weaken and when they are weakened I will strike with my full force and annihilate them for the glory of my king", Ghan ji a beast who seems to look like a minotaur with three horns coming out from his beast like head with black dragon like wings coming out from his back said.


Power stone and review goal

30 power stone = one extra chapter.

50 power stone = two extra chapters.

100 power stones = three extra chapters.

we got about 20 power stone this time that was a new record , I know we can do more and am sure the vote rate will keep rising if we work together, I will be posting the extra chapter tomorrow and don't forget to review the novel five star.

Love you all.