
My Overpowered Chaotic Hero System

now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your viewing pleasure. " I wonder how it feels to be strong", Miles a weak 18 years old boy from the village of liegae in the kingdom of brinshelm have always had the dream of being an adventurer and exploring the world but all that is a pipe dream because he is so weak even to the standards of those younger then him he is even given the name wick bones because he was so wick . But all that changes when in a forest he is suddenly confronted by a boar who almost killed him,But before he dies all movement seems to slow down even the leafs of the tree moving to the rhythm of the wind comes to a complete halt,He suddenly hears a voice who gives him the mysterious and overpowered abilities of a hero. All of a sudden miles suddenly possess unimaginable powers,He then takes a step to venture out of his village into the unknown.

Afro_Grooves · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter 28 into the flames part 2

The two Magma giant came charging at the group , the two monstrosity standing at 12 feet had two black twisted horns on their heads with the face of a bull and a mouth filled with three rolls of razor shape teeths and a blood red eye , the beasts had four clawed limbs , they stood on two and used two as a weapon, their body seemed to be made of stone and magma moved freely inside .

The two beast where like juggernauts charging with immense momentum .


The beast threw an attack at the B rank by the lava pool who did his best to stop the beast claw , he managed to stop the sharp claws from cutting him in half but was thrown a few meters back by the sheer force of the attack.

Seeing this the B rank adventurers knew they had to be careful as one wrong move could kill them.

" B ranks stay behind and cover us with long range attack" , Avrion said charging into the beast with the A rank adventurers.

Slice .

Avrion who was in the front of the group jumped up and Sliced the beast with his sword at the beast shoulder .



The beast let out a bloody scream and magma instead of blood fell to the floor burning the rocks, as it moved back its shoulder had been cut deep and he wouldn't be able to use it for a while .

"Its skin is really tough I should have sliced through it completely" Avrion thought before moving towards the beast.

The other Magma beast seeing this tried to help its partner , it stood in front of its friend and opened its mouth wide sending a jet spray of magma at the charging group.

The wave of magma traveled towards the group about to swallow them in its wake when.

"Rising tide."

An A rank adventurer placed his hands on the floor summoning a massive wall of Earth which stopped the magma.

"Slice and Dice ".

An A rank adventurer sent a barrage of compressed wind slice towards the injured Magma beast .

It hit the beast in the chest even managing to cut the beast despite its defence.

The beast being injured decided to head back to the lava , leaving the group the magma beast placed a hand on the magma pool and the lava started to flow into his body before completely healing him up.

Zatiel seeing this Encased his sword in a lightning aura and bolt off lightning fast towards the beast near the lava sending a vertical slash at the beast.


" Aaaaaagggrrhhh."

The beast cried out in pain as the sword cut him clean in half , the beast drop dead , while Avrion and the other A ranks killed the last beast before taking the crystal in it.

The crystal was a clear red shining gem the size of a fist.

" Did you see that he managed to kill it one blow ", a B rank adventurer said pointing at Zatiel.

" Well that is the strength of the top ten adventurers" , Another said.

"Are there any injured" ? , Avrion asked

"Yes sir ", Nate was knocked out by the beast , Reahan a B rank said.

" Get a healer to heal him up", Avrion said before approaching Zatiel who had now removed the crystal from the magma beast.

" Those beast where quiet tough to beat , there defence are quiet sturdy it is a good thing you are here with us" , Avrion said.

" We where able to kill two even while still adjusting to the environment without losing a single person," Zatiel said

"Those guys where probably the patrol team , they will be here to check what happened to them , we should have a couple of hours before they come , we need to leave here", Vastor said.

" Alright every one we move now stay quiet" , Avrion said.


Meanwhile an army ten thousand strong was matching through the land laying siege and burning villages as they went , even beast made way for the army .

In the middle of the army on the shoulders of 4 goblin generals stood an entity who was 10 feet tall on a throne made of bones sitting on a throne of bones was the goblin king he had a crown made from an animal skull with two horns and a robe made of a beast black fur to signify his royalty with a sword far larger than a humans full length.

A single general came forward and kneeled in the presence of the king.

"Your Gobloid we have captured the city" , The general said bowing.

" Excellent , that shall be our new fortress and from there we shall crush the humans bit by bit" , The goblin king said before smiling


A day passed by with the adventurers slaying beast and moving deeper into the dungeon , they had already gotten used to the pressure and heat in the dungeon and where now able to fight at one hundred percent , when they came across a group of lizard like creature they had the face of a reptile a long lizard tale with the build of a human able to stand straight like a reptalian human.

They stood at 8 feet with the statue of a bodybuilder they wore armour and each held a weapon, they where about 11 of this beast , they where standing guard protecting the gate to the second floor.

Swooshh, Swooshh .

Two arrows where shot meeting two reptiles in their eye and partially blinding them.


They spoke in their language informing themselves of the enemies.

The adventurers quickly dealt with them killing them all before proceeding into the next floor .



Mam I have dreadful news .

"What is it Mabel "? , Eleanor asked.

"The goblins have captured Elgade city and are using it as a fortress" , Mabel said.

"Well that isn't a problem just create a quest and send some adventurers to deal with the settlement".

"But Mam it isn't a settlement it is a whole army" , Mabel said.

"What , are you sure about this "? .


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