
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 9

Reina looked at the werewolves as her body shook with fear. She had never seen werewolves before in the flesh only in drawings ,and they looked less terrifying in the drawings.

Their bodies were like that of a wolf and man they could stand like a man but the only problem was they had a wolf head, with claws and the body of a very muscular person ,they had large furry tails and their feet's and hand were wolf like, and their body had grey fur.

She'd heard from her form teacher , that werewolves were people who transformed into wolves at the time of full moon. But this was different as the moon was not even visible and it was about to rain at any moment, the sky hand already turned black ,with no hope of the moon appearing.

So why were there werewolves here? The school said that the forest was safe and secure with no wildlife for at least a distance of a 100meter radius. So how in God's name did these animals werewolves for the matter get into here?

One of the wolf growled loudly making her look straight into it's eyes that was yellow in colour. She looked around to fund a route of escape but there was non, they had cornered, her only route of escape was the cliff and hell no was she jumping off the cliff.

She looked around and saw a lager stick laying in the floor close to her ,bending down slowly she picked the wood before standing up. Wood in both of her hands she held it in front of her pointing it at the werewolves.

"Good Wolfie's, you really don't want to eat me. Am so lean and skinny that I'll hardly make a good treat , so why don't you guys just let me go and I promise to find you a nice meal." She said nervously.

But this seemed to angry the wolves which made them growl , her body began to tremble when the one in the middle stood up and started heading towards her. The more it came forward the more she walks backwards until in remained no more space from her and the edge.

It finally reached where she was making her look up at its wolf face. Its yellow eyes looking up at her jade green eyes. She was about to take the last backward step that would finally end her.

"Don't." She heard and turned to face the wolf. Wait was she just dreaming or did this wolf just speak to her.


Alex had checked everywhere for lady Reina and he had asked everyone about her. No one had seen her at the ball which means she didn't attend it. He had lost her scent and he couldn't track her ,she was not in her room that was sure and he had searched the whole school. She was not in the school then where could she had gone.

"Milord." He heard and turned to face Daniel

"Any news Daniel?" He asked. He said and he and Alex began walking towards the gallery. And in a few moments were in the room.

"Yes milord." He said." Your aunt Rose was here a few hours ago."

"What did she come here to do?" Alex asked.

"See came to see Adam,and get information from the spi she planted here to watch you."

Alex smiled to himself. "Ah I see,any other news." He asked him.

Knowing the prince was talking about news from Reina he said." Yes milord, I overheard Lady Eliza and sir Adam talking about what he saw in the forest. "

Alex raised a brow." And what did he see?"

"Lady Reina." He said and smiled.

Alex glared at him." What do you mean in the forest?"

Steven swallowed,he knew what Alex was going to do to him." It turns out that Adam saw lady Reina wondering through the forest. "He said .

Before he could say any thing Alex had already made his hands to his neck. Grabbing hold of it and lifting him up in the air to make his feet dangle in the air.

"Sometimes I question you're loyalty Daniel? You know that I've been looking for Reina for the past hour and you're only telling me that you have information about her now." He squeezed his neck tightly.

He choked holding onto the King's hand." Milord ,I swear I didn't know about this information. It was only recently when I overheard it from lord Adams." He said struggling to breath.

He would have loved to kill him here and now but he had other matters to attend to he let go of his neck making him drop to a thud.

He grasped for air as he stood." Thank you your Highness." He said.

"Don't be thanking he yet Daniel." He said making the man to hold his breath." Because if anything happens to my Reina if it is even a hair that is touched ,you'll rather be dead ,because what i will do you will make you wish you were." He warned sternly.

Daniel knew that if he didn't act fast his fate will be worst than death." Milord, I'll go and prepare the carriage with immediate effect." He said and with the signal from Alex dashed out to have the carriage ready.

He had to get reina back to the school before anyone notices. But unfortunately he didn't trust either Eliza or Adam to keep their mouth shut. He hoped she was alright.

" Don't worry my sweet little girl am coming." He mummers as Daniel entered the room.

**Authors note**

Hi guys.

Glad to see so many people reading my book ,but I'll like to know how you feel about it so please comment .

love you all.