
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 10

Alex looked through the carriage window, the rain had been pouring down nonstop since they had left the school grounds. He'd hoped that Reina was OK.

He looked at Daniel with his piercing blue eyes, if anything were to happen to her he'll so torture him and make him regret ever knowing him. They all thought that he was a mere human, who could easily be hurt and killed. But only few people knew the truth and he made sure they kept their mouth shut. They feared him and some even their far best not to get on his bad side ,because he was not always forgiving and could easily get angry and kill without remorse.

Feeling his gaze upon him Daniel turned to face him nervously, his red eyes lowered when they met the blue of his eyes.

"Your Majesty I don't think that we'll be able to find lady Reina." He said noticing Alex was looking at him in silence continued. "The weather is not very favourably ,why don't we go back and come look for her again when the weather is much better?" He said.

Alex stopped starring and to look outside." Why do you say so?"

"Milord ,it will not be good for you health and I don't want anything bad to happen to you because as the future king you are my first priority." He said trying to sound nonchalant.

"Hm." Alex said." It seems like you are right Daniel. Me being in this weather can affect my health. And it would also affect the throne if anything were to happen to me." He said smiling deviously.

"Yes ,your Highness." He said missing the devious glint in Alex eyes

"You care a lot about me and I'll take you advice." He said and told the coachman to stop the coach. And looked at cross at Daniel. " Get out."

Daniel looked at the prince." What are you doing milord." He asked apprehensively.

He sighed lazily." Since I am of great importance to the throne why don't you go out and look for Reina on your own while I head back to the school."

"But your Majesty. I can't go out there, it is dark and I don't think she'll be alive by now" He said timidly

He screamed in pain as he felt the prince dig his hand into his stomach." You talk too much." Alex said as he continued to dig his hand dipper.

"Please forgive me your Highness I was a fool,and I am ready to rectify my mistake." He said and looked at Alex his eyes were filled with angry and thirst for blood. His face paled when he saw this. "Please your Majesty I didn't mean to disrespect you and your wishes"

"It is good to know that you finally understand." Alex said before letting go of his stomach. "Now back to the matter at hand." He brought out a handkerchief from his coat pocket and used it to wipe the blood on his hand." You should get going now before I change my mind about letting you live.".

The vampire held his stomach in pain and looked at the prince. "Yes your Highness." He gave Alex a deep bow before opening the door and dashing out into the rain.

Anywhere was better to him. He'd rather be soaked in rain than be in the coach with the prince,knowing fully well that Alec was not a human being and he was stronger than anything he'd ever seen and even a mere vampire like him was like breeze to him,and he had to be cautious the prince could kill him without mercy and nobody would every find his body.

He had to find lady Reina soon and he hoped she was alive. He touched the wound that the prince inflicted that had began to heal,if God existed he hoped he'll hear his cry for help in finding Lady Reina.

The prince would not spear him or even his family if anything bad were to happen to the girl. He walked on the muddy floor,the rain pouring down heavily wetting his whole body in a matter if seconds. His eyes tried their best to see clearly but it failed him woefully as the rain kept entering them. He moaned exasperatedly ,how was he going to find her? He was as blind as a bat because of the rain.


Alex looked at the time in his pocket watch. Three o'clock in the morning. He looked at the rain that continued to pour down without mercy. He opened the door and got down ,his hole body got soaked in the rain in a matter of seconds. He walked up to the the coachman who bowed his head on seeing the prince.

"Your Majesty." He said climbing down from his seat to face Alex." You shouldn't be out her in the rain. Please go back and I'll take you back to the academy. "He said.

"That won't be necessary." He said." I'll find lady Reina myself take the horses back to the school, and if anyone asks you anything concerning this matter you know what to say."

"Yes your Majesty." The man said before climbing the saddle and headed back to the academy.

Alex turned left and started walking into the forest, Reina could not be anymore ignoramus ,not caring about her safety ,she had decided to take a walk in the forest ,in the middle of the night to do only God's know what?. When he find her she'll explain to him what promoted her to come here.

He continued walking, the rain had finally decided to show mercy and had stopped showering. He could her the sounds of crickets and could see the sky clearing slowly, he entered an open clearing and came to stand at the edge of a cliff he looked around to see the landscape.

"Reina." He shouted." Reina. " he shouted again, he stepped backed to feel a sound under his leg he raised his leg to see an object that was covered in mud, bending down to one knee he picked it up to examine it

Closely he saw it was a butterfly shaped hairpin, he'd remembered seeing it on Reina. Which meant Reina had been here before. So if she hadn't been there before then it means she had been standing close to the cliff edge,could it be that Reina had jumped down?