
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 8.

Reina kept running until she reached the school garden. She couldn't believe what had just happened. She touched her lips to feel it soft and warm form the kiss , she walked up to the benched that was placed in the middle of the garden and sat on it. He kissed her she kept saying in her head.

She couldn't believe he'd kissed her. She was shell shocked with what he did, she turned red when she remembered the way she warped her hands around him, and the way he lifted her skirts and warped her legs around him. Gosh what was wrong with her she was supposed to be mad at him but here she was thinking about that mouthwatering kiss.

"Get a hold of yourself Reina." She said to herself. And stood up and started walked through the graden , she was soon walking through the vast land of the school admiring the beautiful scenery that was ground the school.

She'd haven't been into the forest or the lake that was not too far from the school, she didn't want to go back to the school now because she feared that she would meet Alex and she didn't want to see Alex. And she really loved swimming , but she couldn't Miss the ball ,what was she going to do? She thought.

She had to think , didn't want to see Alex, she didn't want to go to the ball and she really wanted to swim in the lake and she never got the chance to do it because she was always busy.

She sighed and gave a small nod. Like her father always said." If you have an opportunity no matter how small grab it." And that she did.


Adam was still thinking about his mother's words, could it really be that Alex was in love with Reina?

No, it couldn't

Renia was beautiful that was for sure but she couldn't be compared when it came to Eliza. Eliza was beautiful and witty ,not to forget an excellent lover in the bed and out. But Reina was a little bit too navie and a simpleton to add, so what could possibly make Alex of all people falling love with her?

Maybe his mother was over thinking the matter? But he that once she had met Reina she'll take back her judgement about the matter concerning Reina and Alex.

His ears picked up a sound coming from the opposite direction and he turned his head to see what it was.

"Reina." He mummered under his breath. Where was she going he asked himself when she turned to the opposite direction passing some trees before he lost sight of her. He looked at the direction she had passed and his fangs stuck out, her innocent blood would make a fine meal, he hated and envied Alex and wanted to have everything that he owned, his clothes, his fame, his power,his throne and his woman. Every single woman that Alex had slept with ,he'd made sure he had sex with them before he sucked them dry. Those women were nothing to Alex ,as he usually discarded them after he was done. So he found it easy to use them and throw them away ,sometimes he killed some because he was always brutal with them they were nothing but whores who didn't deserve pity. But this was not the case with Reina his mother needed her so he would have to wait.

He sighed before he continued walking back to the school, wherever she was going didn't concern him and

for now she was of little importance to him.

His only goal right now was to keep an eye on Alex not another of his mistress.


Reina continued walking through the forest looking left and right to see if she could find the lake.

Oh dear ,she hadn't thought it through. She'd seen the lake when she and Alex went horseback riding, and thought she knew were it was. But know it seems that not only does she not know where the lake was she was also lost.

She didn't know her way back to the school as she had made many turns and the trees in the forest looked the same.

"Dear lord." She Prayed in her heart. "Please show me the way back ,and I promise I'll be good and make peace with everyone I've wronged or have wronged me form now onwards."

" What have you gotten yourself into Reina." She asked herself. She was scared, lost, and hungry, and she hadn't even found that stupid lake.

"Could it get any worst." She asked no one in particular. Then few drops of water touched her head, she looked up to see the sky that was bright a moment ago turn grey. She brushed her hand through her hair in furstartion , if she didn't find the school or a shelter she was going to be drenched in the rain that was coming.

She walked on looking around and lost focus of her surrounding as she was only seeing trees,until she reached an open clearing she walked on almost reaching the edge of the cliff. She could see the vast lands and trees, the trees were everywhere which means that Royal academy was back, which also means that she should be moving back not forward.

She smiled to herself and was about to turn back when she heard a deep growls from her back she turned backwards slowly and her eyes slowly widen when she saw what made the noise. It was a pack of five wolves. Wiat they weren't normal wolves she thought in horror but werewolves.

Oh no.