
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 60 - My Reina

Ruth walked towards the garden quickly but was stopped when she saw two guards dragging a figure harshly.

The figure looked disheveled and badly beaten Black and blue, if one saw him one would think that he was a drunkard who had been in a bad brawl.

"Lucius!" She stared eyes widened with shock." What happened? let go of him. "Shouted at the two guards angrily.

"we can't do that your Highness." They said icily, without showing her a least bit of respect. "He was caught disturbing the peace of the palace and the prince asked him to leave."

"Dis-isturing the place. How ?why ? What about?" she spat vehemently , ignoring their cold attitude towards her. The guards only blinked with no intention of answering her question.

" Lucius what about...?" She strained cunningly.

Lucius shooked his head softly.

Ruth sighed deeply involved in her heart ."Take him away."

The guards quickly dragged him away. "Mother ,what you did just exposed your relationship between you and Lucius."Adam said softly.

" It doesn't matter Reina is not the one we're looking for. "she smiled wickedly." That means we can go ahead with our plan." Turning and facing Eliza who had an excited and happy expression. "Eliza come with me it's time for you transformation."

Eliza smiled gracefully." Yes Aunt. "

She was very happy by this time tommorow she would among the vampires and then she would show Lorraine.


" This way." The young vampire said leading James into a private drawing room.

He entered and saw a young bule eyed young man and a red haired who was still wearing a mask.

"Your highness." He bowed recognizing the clothes for that was what he had worn to the anniversary party.

"Rise." Alex said cooly. " That will be all Steven ,thank you." He said to the blonde.

Steven bowed before walking and closing the door.

" Welcome Earl Drummond." He said.

James casted his glance at him and then turned to the woman beside him, he looked closely and found her very different from the way she was when she entered the ball.

"Th-this is?" He stammered shocked and surprised.

Alex smile dud not reach his ears. "Glad to see you've realised the truth." He said quietly

, glancing coldly at the woman beside him. "You can change back now." He said icily.

The woman features immediately fadedfrom a gorgeous redhead to and a woman with brown hair and in her mid-twenties.

James staggered back in fear and almost ran out if not for the piercing gaze he felt coming from Alexander.

"sh-she is no-ot my Reina?" he felt as if his soul had left his body." Where is my daughter?" He asked his voice barely a whisper.

"Do not worry she's okay but I cannot allow her to see her." Alex looked clam and composed , as if he was discussing about the weather." You can leave." He said to the woman. Who bowed before leaving the room.

"Why?" James demanded angrly , the room became clam, it was so quite that James could feel the cold sweat breaking in his back.

" Isn't it obvious?" Alex said breaking the intense silence." You have been lying to her whole life and I know that if she finds out the truth about herself she'll be devastated That's why I can't let you see her. " Alex replied.

" you don't have the right to keep my daughter away from me." James responded angrily.

" Oh really? "Alex raised his brow and smiled quietly but James knew that His appearance was not as it seemed.

" Why are you doing this." James said sadly.

" Am doing this for her own good. You and I both know the consequences if she fully knows about her origin." Alex replied.

" You are not human." It was a statement not a question.

" Neither are you." Alex didn't deny him neither did he answer him.

"if you want me to tell you anything then bring my daughter." James felt his angary rising.

Alex smile calmly." If you want to play the question and tossing game we are very free to play it, by maybe a few hours the party would be be over and you would have to leave and you will not be able to see Reina, so if you want to continue with this we can but it's your loss. And you won't be able to take her back with you because I know that's what you came here for. " He said the smile fading away from his lips."Don't think that everyone is as stupid as you think."

James sighed in his heart."What do I have to for you to give my daughter back to me." He pleaded.

Alex looked gently at him making James kneels feel weak with fear." I want to know the truth about Reina's origin. And mind you , I know when a person lie. "

" If I tell you , would you allow me to see my daughter?" James asked looking hopefully.

" You have my word." Alex replied.


Deep wetin the castle in a secret chamber that is not known to others but only to a few.

A gorgeous woman's stood behind the secret window you should see the outside but others could not see the window, it was was designed by magic in your way that is created on illusion the outside only people that was in the inside to see clearly while the ones outside would think that it was a normal wall.

" I wonder how it's going with my father?" A gorgeous redhead said calmly." I wonder why his highness didn't bring me along

" Lady Reina I'm sure his highness for not wanting you to be there." Steven replied.

"Hmm. " She hummed gently placing her hand under her chin to support her hand. In the past few days she learned a lot from Alex , and was now getting used to the tricks and cons of life. She inhaled calmly and looked outside the window which overlooked most of the place view. 'What a strategic position. ' she thought in her heart.

"Did Eliza make trouble today at the anniversary party? "She asked.

" Yes my lady. "Steven replied.

Reina smiled sweetly." As I suspected, she would always look for an opportunity to try and deal with me. "

" Do not despair my lady , I am sure his highness will take care of her. "Steven replied.

" Steven if his highness has any plans deal with Eliza because of me , please tell him to stop. " She said quietly.

" But my la-"

" It's not that I don't want his Highness help , I love the help, but this time I want to do this alone and by myself." She closed her eyes calmly looking like a pure and innocent angel." I don't want to be a burden to him, I want to help him not the other way around. "Reina had learned a lot from him and knew that if she put it into practice ,she would be able to achieve her goal.

She slowly opened her eyes ,if one looked closely one could see the firece fire within them, as if she could burn the entire world with a flick of her hand. Steven who had been paying attention to her expression, smiled calmly.