
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 5

The same old routines and lessons on how to be the perfect princess. The correct way to act at a tea party. And even to hold a tea cup! How to act poised and gracious, walking with confidence and as much pride that could bury a saint alive. And she'd been at it for two bloody months!

Reina sighed as she made her way round the corner to the academy ballroom when a tall figure walked to her. She glanced up to find a young gentleman.

He wasn't as tall as Alex but he would still be classified as tall, his hair was more brown than black ,with eyes that were brown like chocolate.

"Good evening milady." He said with a bow"I am Adam Rutherford , may I be honored to make your acquaintance." He enquired .

"Reina Drummond." She said. But in truth she was least interested about this stranger." Have we met before?"

"Um no but when I first saw you that night at the ball, I made it my goal to get to knowyou. Indeed you are one of many rare gems."

Sweet talker! What was the term he'd used? One of the many rare gems? Reina could bet that his encounter with women were alot broader.

"Look-". She began

"Excuse me milady, but is this suppose to be a private meeting?" Adeep voice came from behind her .

Reina could recognize that voice anywhere, even if she were knocked unconscious and stuffed in a bean sack.

She turned around slowly.

"Lady Drummond and I were just getting acquainted. Is anything the matter prince Alex?". Adams asked.

The fury Reina encouraged in those blue eyes came in as a surprise.

"No, but I came to pick miss Reina up for dinner as we discussed earlier." Alex said the corners of his mouth upturned In a smile.

Dinner! What dinner? She hadn't discussed about dinner with him. Hell! She handnt even seen him for two since the time that princess Eliza whisked him away with her form the stables.

Not giving her a time to argue he stepped forward and held her arm , guiding her down the corridor and leaving sir Adams right where he stood before he could form a protest.

Reina tried to wriggle her arm free but he held on tightly making her winch with pain. As tears stung her eyes.

"Let go Alex, I said let go. What do you think you're doing?" She asked in horror when they'd reached her room door.

"We need to talk in private. Do you have the keys?" He asked deftly.

The nerve of this man." Wait do you think ,that just because we shared a kiss that you can boss me around like am some puppet or something. You left me at the stales with Lady Eliza not caring about how I feel you didn't even come the next day. I haven't seen you for two bloody months ,and now you just showed up and literally dragged me away when I was in the middle of a conversation and now you're telling me you want to talk no Alex no more I can't , I can't." Her voice broke down as she sobbed. "I can't be the other wo..".

She hardly finished her sentence when Alex mouth slammed into Alex's.

It wasn't slow and teasing, but it was hunger ,raw and untamed. It was passion and estacy. It was everything she'd hoped for and more.

His impatient hands skimmed up her skirts unto her bear thighs. In the same instant she wrapped her arms around his neck and hicked herself up as he wrapped her legs around his trim waist.

Closer. He needed her to get closer as her plugged his tongue inside hers, and began teasing and rolling her tongue with his tasting her, the sweet and heavenly taste.

God if this was heaven he'll die happy.

All of a sudden she stiffenef as if she'd finally gained control of her senses and what she was doing. She pulled away from him with a grasp .

"Alex please put me down." She said

He let go of her legs and she came down to the ground.she cleared her throat and looked up at him .

Before he could say anything she sprinted out of the corridor leaving him standing.