
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 4

Reina awoke at the late hours of the night. The same old nightmares. She prayed she hadn't screamed, but she was well on her way to it as she gripped the pillow sheet with one hand and the other covered her mouth to contain the sob rising in her throat.

She pushed back the covers and swung the door open. She hurried down the now silent halls to the garden. Gusts of air whipped her hair around her face and she pushed the tendrils back.

The dreams kept coming back reminding her of the that happened nine years ago. Erik had been brave and gallent until the cold hands of death snatched him on that fateful night. She'd tried. Oh how she tried to help but she'd been too little and too helpless at the time.

A tear spilled from her eyes and she burshed it away angrily. She wasn't that poor defenceless little girl anymore. She won't let it rule her. You'd think that at eighteen she'd know better.

She took a deep breath. Forget about Erik.

She took another deep breath and it felt as if she'd inhaled pins. She had royal duties to learn INA years time and she'd better get to it. And she'd decided just how when she turned and saw a dark figure looming before her.


She couldn't think her first impluse was to run for the hills but her feet seemed to be stuck to the ground. The image moved closer and she finally realized who it was.

Alex had toss aboutvin his bed for over an hour and had decided to walk. He'd wandered his way to the royal garden and stopped dead when he'd seen a figure ahead.

He'd stepped closer and saw it was Reina. Thoughts of her had tormented him after he'd kissed her, in truth that was one of the reasons he couldn't sleep.

He watched her turn around and watched as her eyes grew wide with horror and then recognition.

"How long have you been standing there?" She asked with a mixture of curiosity and fear.

He shrugged. "Not long. Is something wrong?" He asked in a voice filled with concern.

"I'm alright , I just couldn't sleep."

"You should try warm milk. It helps with insomnia."

"I don't have sleep defect,I'm just ..."

Instinctively he grazed a tumb over her cheek.

"Just what?" He probed she lifted her face to him and he cloud see she elwas having an internal battle with herself.

She took a step back." It's nothing , I think I should go inside."

"It's not nothing Reina. But I won't force you to tell me if you aren't ready." He said calmly.

"Thank you." She said with a sigh.

She should flee, she told herself. Being involved with this man would shatter all her defences she'd placed around her heart.

"Reina, could I ask you something?"

She held her breath and waited for it to hit her. Here it comes.

"Sure ,why not." She said trying to smile but failed woefully.

"Would you like to go horseback riding with me tomorrow? You know the views from the hills are usually fabulous at sunset." Alex said.

" I'd Rather not. I..." But the rest of the words died in her throat as he linked his fingers with hers.

"Comeon Reina, it'll be fine."

Oh hell! What did she have to loose it's not like its going to be personal or anything. Then she remerbered the way he kissed her and a little wicked part of her wished it was personal. She should say no to him. Tellhim to get lost. But deep in her heart knew she couldn't. She just shrugged and said.

"Okay, I'll go but only this once."

"Great. You should get going Reina, the night is not safe for pretty young girls. Goodnight and sleep tight." He said and strode back into the shadows of the night.


Horse back riding hadn't been that bad. They'd watched the sun go down over the hills in s shade of pink then lavender and then purple. Alex had told her stories of when he was young, how his father took him and his younger sister Lyla on hunting Speer's,fishing trips and outdoor camping.

She'd enjoyed her time with him but couldn't allow herself to be drawn to him. She wouldn't .

By the end of the day they both guided their horses to the stable and swung down. Grooms came to take care of the horses feeding and brushing them down .

As if in cue Lady Eliza ran into the stable breathless and panting. She stopped looked around and her gaze landed on the man besides her. She hitched up her skirts and ran up to him.

"Prince Alex ,I've been looking for you you are needed at once at the gallery." She said tugging at his shirt sleeves.


"No buts.I'm sure Lady Reina can escort herself back to her quaters. And besides Royal prep classes begins tomorrow. Am I not right Lady Reina?" She said with a devious glint in her eyes.

"Yes ,of course Lady Eliza." She fell into her deepest curtesy yet and strode hurriedly away without a backwards glance.